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Gentlemen, Ladies and Butters

So, about to chuck in my second brew, and with a base recipe that Swinging Beef Suggested.

This is what I got

1.7kg Cerveza tin
3 cups of Light malt Extract
3 cups of Dex
1.5 cups of Dried Corn Syrup
500g of Dried wheat malt
Hand full of saaz
Safale US-56

mix it all up to about 23 liters
once its under 1010
Rack it to secondary
chuck in the saaz
4 days later, chuck in finnings
2 days later CC
1 day later, bulk prime and bottle

Any suggestions or tweaks?
Basically threw it together from articles and books I've been reading and SB's recipie

Plan to do this tomorrow while sampling my JSAA Brewcraft Kit and making a Ginger Beer Plant for the boy! :icon_cheers:

Cheers Beers!

Gentlemen, Ladies and Butters

Jebus, what am I? a hermaphrodite? No, don't answer that......

It's a tad hard for me to picture it....I don't think in cups.... It would probably be an idea move away from dry volumes and only deal in weights. (get half a cup of ldme.....then pack it down tight. You'll see why volumes are a pita ;) . ).

one thing that stands out to me, though, is the wheat malt....a bit too much, imo. I'd be cutting that back to about 200g ish, personally. I think it would be too dominant to have that much in a beer thats not a wheat beer...if you know what I mean.

If you want it under 1010, lose (or reduce) the just adds body. The weat malt has protein which will help in the head retention, and the additional body is just that, body, nothing if you want it to attenuate fully, and be a light bodied beer, don't use it. (if on the other hand you want it to finish at around 1010-1012, then use it....)

Maybe try....
500g ldme
200g wheat malt
500g dex
OG 1047 fg ~1010 (at 75% attenuation)

Although with that much malt in there, I think you might need to boil a bit of your saaz, to get a touch more bitterness. About another 5IBU to balance the 300g of ldme in 3L and boil (around) 15g for 15min. (assuming it's czech saaz, at around 4%AA...if it's different, that will make a big post up your AA if you're going to boil. ;) )

hope that helps you, and not confuses you.
Jebus, what am I? a hermaphrodite? No, don't answer that......

"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die."

It's a tad hard for me to picture it....I don't think in cups.... It would probably be an idea move away from dry volumes and only deal in weights. (get half a cup of ldme.....then pack it down tight. You'll see why volumes are a pita ;) . ).

The Light malt Extract, Dex and Dried Corn Syrup are to replace the standard 1kg of dex, so I guess it'll be:
375g of light malt extraxt
375g of Dex
250g of Corn Syrup

one thing that stands out to me, though, is the wheat malt....a bit too much, imo. I'd be cutting that back to about 200g ish, personally. I think it would be too dominant to have that much in a beer thats not a wheat beer...if you know what I mean.

yeah, i was umming and arring about it myself and was considering dropping the wheat malt all together but though I would throw it out here first

If you want it under 1010, lose (or reduce) the just adds body. The weat malt has protein which will help in the head retention, and the additional body is just that, body, nothing if you want it to attenuate fully, and be a light bodied beer, don't use it. (if on the other hand you want it to finish at around 1010-1012, then use it....)

Maybe try....
500g ldme
200g wheat malt
500g dex
OG 1047 fg ~1010 (at 75% attenuation)

Although with that much malt in there, I think you might need to boil a bit of your saaz, to get a touch more bitterness. About another 5IBU to balance the 300g of ldme in 3L and boil (around) 15g for 15min. (assuming it's czech saaz, at around 4%AA...if it's different, that will make a big post up your AA if you're going to boil. ;) )

hope that helps you, and not confuses you.

yeah, ok, cool.
Will lose the Corn Syrup
yep, saaz at 3 -4% AA

So do you mean boil for the primary or for when its racked to the secondary?
because I'm thinking of boiling for the primary and maybe a teabag when I chuck in the finnings....too much maybe?

Cheers mate

One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die."

:icon_offtopic: If only that would fit above the barrels!!

Yes, The boil is pre primary.... Boil hops in a wort that is around 1040 SG. So about 100g LDME per 1L of water...

I forget where I got this but it may be good for you in the future:

View attachment 25420
ok, gotcha on the malt weights. I thought you were after a higher OG cos I assumed 500....If you want an OG closer to 1042ish, then either go with what I said but up again to 23L, or go with 375 each for the ldm and dex, leaving it at 21L. Either or would work. As I said, the wheat malt has some positive stuff in it, so leave it's just 500g is too much imo.

As cocko said, do the boil for the primary. If you want to dry hop as well, you can....depends on how much punch you want on the hop. Best way is to taste and smell a sample when close to fg, and make up your mind then. to dry hop or not to dry hop is a bit of a personal preference thing, imo.
:icon_offtopic: If only that would fit above the barrels!!

Arguably the best line from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas....

Yes, The boil is pre primary.... Boil hops in a wort that is around 1040 SG. So about 100g LDME per 1L of water...

I forget where I got this but it may be good for you in the future:


Yeah, my bad, I should have twigged here:
"300g of ldme in 3L and boil (around) 15g for 15min."

I blame the Cerveza Chasers clouding my brain...the Jagermeister shots are just a digestive :icon_drunk:
ok, gotcha on the malt weights. I thought you were after a higher OG cos I assumed 500....If you want an OG closer to 1042ish, then either go with what I said but up again to 23L.

Done and Done great man!

As cocko said, do the boil for the primary. If you want to dry hop as well, you can....depends on how much punch you want on the hop. Best way is to taste and smell a sample when close to fg, and make up your mind then. to dry hop or not to dry hop is a bit of a personal preference thing, imo.

yeah, that's a fair call.
The Mrs isn't a fan of a proper beer and likes her Cerveza (at least she's off Corona and onto steps).
So I'm looking for a middle always.

Cheers mate

OK, so it's in and sitting at about 16c and looks like the yeasties are busy already

Ended up with this

Brewcraft Cerveza tin
a premix 50/50 blend of LDME and DEX 1kg
Dried wheat malt 200g
saaz 15g
Safale US-05
Dry Enzyme (i know, i know, i tossed a coin and the enzyme won)

boiled 350g of LDME\Dex mix with 15g teabag of saaz for 15min.
Mixed up the goo and DWM with the remainder of the LDME\dex mix in the fermentor with about 2 litres of warm boiled water.
Dumped in my hop tea, teabag and all and also a 2 litre ice block.

also found out my racking hose fits perfectly of the end of the pura-tap.
fitted that and with my finger almost covering the other end, squirted the rest of the water in up to 23 litres (this looked like it airated the shat out of itl). Its an awesome deep, rich gold colour
Chucked it into my esky with ice blocks in it (cos it was at 34*)
Rehydrated my yeast with the Dry Enzyme and a little goo from the can and let it sit for an hour
Ended up pitching at 26* 'cos I had to head out with SWMBO.
Now sitting at 16* and the first glooping sound is about to pop out from around the S bend of the airlock

Cant wait for this one, Might call it the Mexican Mongrel! :ph34r:
Just took my first Gravity reading after 4 days.
SG of 1041
now at 1031
Nice thick layer of Krausen and all looks pretty healthy!
So im on track....and the taste?, awesome!, I reckon its going to be just what I was aiming for!.
at the moment it's a sweet fruity tang to start off with but with a decent amount of body to carry it through and a nice dry finish.
Even SWMBO had a taste and liked's gonna be a nice beer!

Well done BF, good to hear!

One of the things you learn from years of dealing with Brew people, is that you can turn your back on a person, but never turn your back on a Brew. Especially when it's waving a razor-sharp hunting knife in your eye.

Seriously, You will enjoy!
OK so just got done bottling this brew of mine.

2 stubbies short of 3 cartons.
would have been one but I went through a bit of excessive tasting ;)
Had a warm flat Stella Artois (my beer of choice before I started HBing) to compare it to (trick picked up from you blokes, bless ya's!) and really, the stella was thin in comparison.

The taste was a bit sweet to start, and a bit fruity but that should mellow in the bottle, had a nice malty body to it and a decent dry finish.
Awesome aroma, nice and florally for the Mrs and malty with enough body for me.

FG was 1012 (OG 1041), and that was with the Dry Enzyme (I'm guessing it was the wheat malt spray that beefed it up a bit).
So alcohol should be around 4.2%, which is still within my range for a decent beer.

I Cant wait until I taste this again in a couple of weeks!
I'll let ya's know.


Cheers Beers,

So it's been a Week and a half in the bottle.
got home from work and chilled down 2 bottles in the freezer for a sampler.

It's still a bit young but I would have to say that that it shits all over any mainstream beer I have ever tasted!!!
It is bloody awesome!! seriously!!. :icon_drool2:
Really Crisp!, and the malt gives it enough body and sits beautifully on the pallet!
The Mrs really likes it to, so it was just what I was after...something we both can enjoy!
I cant wait to taste it again next weekend!! :beerbang:
I am going to make this one again next week. but might use Canadian blonde goop.

No shit, Finding this Forum and the advice you blokes give has helped me make a REALLY nice beer.

Cheers fellas, with the exception of a all rock! :beer:

Even though I am probably one of the couple, great to hear! :unsure:

As if it will last till the weekend! Unless you mean tomorrow is like Friday due to Easter! ;)

The Canadian goop is good neutral flavoured goop from my experience, a good base to test hops etc....

Anyway, enjoy!
Even though I am probably one of the couple, great to hear! :unsure:

As if it will last till the weekend! Unless you mean tomorrow is like Friday due to Easter! ;)

The Canadian goop is good neutral flavoured goop from my experience, a good base to test hops etc....

Anyway, enjoy!

nah. you're alright mate.

Bought a carton of Corona for the Mrs today, so that should surpress the urge to drink it if I start hanging out.
The thing is that I can smash a 6 pack in no time of that stuff it's so easy to drink. more of a spritzer than a beer...but if it keeps me from drinking mine for a few more days, i'll be thankfull for it.

Just so happens that I bought a Coopers Canadian Blonde tin and some cascade pellets for bittering on my next one.
Might chuck in a little more wheat malt too.


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