Bread Yeast As Yeast Nutrient

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I have heard afew people boil up some cheap bread yeast as nutrient.. I have a high gravity beer planned and wanted to add some nutrient but the ones I have found don't seem all that cheap..

What is everyone else using??
I have heard afew people boil up some cheap bread yeast as nutrient.. I have a high gravity beer planned and wanted to add some nutrient but the ones I have found don't seem all that cheap..

What is everyone else using??

You can boil up some old yeast from tins of goo, or make a starter as I do generally.
Bread yeast will do, or old kit yeast if you have any around. What I use for high grav stuff is White Labs yeast nutrients.
You can boil up some old yeast from tins of goo, or make a starter as I do generally.

Yep agree with Raven (yet again!) that's what I do! Thankfully I have a pretty good supply of old kit yeast which deserves to be fed to my much nicer yeasties beasties! <Cue pipe organ: horror movie style> BAAWHA HA HA HA HA HA!!! :wacko:
Thanks for the replies guys.. Don't know what happened to all of my old kit yeasts that might still be laying around somewhere.

Is it just added for the entire boil, or towards the end? Or doesn't it matter as long as it is boiled?
Thanks for the replies guys.. Don't know what happened to all of my old kit yeasts that might still be laying around somewhere.

Is it just added for the entire boil, or towards the end? Or doesn't it matter as long as it is boiled?

Just has to be enough to kill the yeast, so 5 - 10 min boil should be fine.
I have heard afew people boil up some cheap bread yeast as nutrient.. I have a high gravity beer planned and wanted to add some nutrient but the ones I have found don't seem all that cheap..

What is everyone else using??

The yeast I use for bread baking comes in a small cardboard tube package, maroon coloured. Holds a hundred or so grams (I think) and from memory it was around $7 at Coles. Haven't compared prices lately but it seemed the best value compared to buying individual sachets of yeast.
Thanks for the replies guys.. Don't know what happened to all of my old kit yeasts that might still be laying around somewhere.

Is it just added for the entire boil, or towards the end? Or doesn't it matter as long as it is boiled?

That's one of those can-o-worms open for debate questions GreenEggsAndHam (RetsamHsam)? I have in the past just emptied a packet of kit yeast into a sterilised flask add 250ml of boiling water, cork up flask, leave for 1 hour or so to get back to room temp, check for signs of life (fermentation), if dead pitch into fermenter.
Our cousins in the water purifying and plant-essence distilling fellowship use boiled up yeast and even vegemite, but of course the latter wouldn't transfer too well to a light delicate lager. So it obviously hits the spot.

You can buy yeast hulls from most outlets that support that other craft, they are processed dead yeast presumably from commercial breweries who sell it as a by product AFAIK. Thinking of putting some in my braggott as I'm not sure if there will be enough nutrients there, with 3k of honey to be chewed through.
The yeast I use for bread baking comes in a small cardboard tube package, maroon coloured. Holds a hundred or so grams (I think) and from memory it was around $7 at Coles. Haven't compared prices lately but it seemed the best value compared to buying individual sachets of yeast.
i think its Lohan brand, sounds like the bread yeast i buy for my bread.

dont buy satches. thats sily and pricey. hell you' dbbe better off biuing yeast nutrient than single satchets of yeast.

yes my speeling sux.
i think its Lohan brand, sounds like the bread yeast i buy for my bread.

dont buy satches. thats sily and pricey. hell you' dbbe better off biuing yeast nutrient than single satchets of yeast.

yes my speeling sux.

Been sampling the brewing stash again I see CM2? :lol:

Your even keyboard slurring! :lol:
Many people use old yeast as nutrient, but apparently it is better to use the correct nutrient rather than dead yeasts. An analogy was, would humans survive and thrive just eating dead humans?

Good ag wort is supposed to be perfect food for your yeasts. Grape based wines are also supposed to be perfect for your yeasts. Every other beverage needs nutrient.

Australian soils are ancient and deficient in some areas including zinc and this is an important elemnt to add in for yeast health. If you do a search on zinc, some interesting discussions pop up. Excess zinc is toxic, so don't add too much.

For starters, I always use some WYeast nutrient.
...would humans survive and thrive just eating dead humans?

Errr... wasn't there some footballer's that their aeroplane crashed into a mountain and well... munched on a few good old mates to survive? <_<

Good ag wort is supposed to be perfect food for your yeasts. Grape based wines are also supposed to be perfect for your yeasts. Every other beverage needs nutrient.

Australian soils are ancient and deficient in some areas including zinc and this is an important elemnt to add in for yeast health. If you do a search on zinc, some interesting discussions pop up. Excess zinc is toxic, so don't add too much.

For starters, I always use some WYeast nutrient.

Valid point though. Learn something new every day! I will give the WYeast nutrient a go next time see if that kicks things along better.
Just had another thought, I was in a pet shop afew months back and came across a .5kg bag of 'brewers yeast' I think it is fed to greyhounds to make them run faster :wacko: This would probably be similar to the yeast hulls mentioned above..

I also have some old Zinc tablets laying around that the Mrs' got for me (I'm potent enough as it is so I won't be taking anymore). Might chuck half a tablet in the boil as well, or would that be too much?
There is a place in Perth and Fremantle called Kakulis Bros and they have a great tub of about 1/2 M3 labeled brewers yeast and sells for 3-4 bux a kilo from memory. I presume it is that dead stuff, there for the healthy people to have for breakfast, (or feed their dogs).
A whole zinc tablet is way too much.

Think about the scale of things. The tablet is for an 80kg person and you have say 20 gms of yeast. Just scrape a small bit off the side of the tablet.

You may want to start taking the zinc tablets. They are supposed to be a preventative for prostate cancer. Do some googling.
What about boiling up some trub for previous brews as a nutrient?

Anyone tried this?
