Bottles In Perth

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hey perth ppl!

im new 2 the homebrew scene, just wondering where i could get some 750ml bottles? ive rung a few brew shops, the ones that ive rung only have the 650ml bottles. and they r like $36 for 28!! one other place had them for $12 for 12. but i want the 750ml. can neone help me??
hey perth ppl!

im new 2 the homebrew scene, just wondering where i could get some 750ml bottles? ive rung a few brew shops, the ones that ive rung only have the 650ml bottles. and they r like $36 for 28!! one other place had them for $12 for 12. but i want the 750ml. can neone help me??
hey perth ppl!

im new 2 the homebrew scene, just wondering where i could get some 750ml bottles? ive rung a few brew shops, the ones that ive rung only have the 650ml bottles. and they r like $36 for 28!! one other place had them for $12 for 12. but i want the 750ml. can neone help me??

Try Kmart if you are chasing PET bottles or the Quokka if you are after cheap glass. Look under the Hobbies section.
Sorry if this is taken as obvious.. But one way to get a collection is to slowly drink coopers pale ale or sparkling 750ml bottles.. They are fairly cheap, strong, and aren't screw top!

Other than that.. exactly what the previous guy said, and also check ebay and keep an eye out in HB forums
Third the quokka, quite often cheap bottles turn up in there. Otherwise whenever I bought beer (flamesuit on :ph34r: ) I'd buy a 750mL bottle of Toohey's or something like that. It either waters you or the megaswilling phillistines who show up with plans of draining your kegs !

Edit: And fill in your location you lot. Might be a brewer just round the corner who can help you out when it's all gone to hell in a cheap pink handbag !
I take it you had no luck with those other bottles Mikka :( Must have been a bad node day :ph34r: .
There are 62 Green Cider bottles (advertised as thick walled) going for free on Freecycle Perth at the moment. (Kallamunda) You have to join to see the message but there is some good stuff going if you keep an eye out :) . There were 60 odd a few days ago that I tried to line up for Mika and there will probably be more coming from that same person... they are all out there... I am lucky enough to have kegs so have no need :p .
Yeah...onya Doug ! Ya NODE !


Never heard from them unfortunately, oh well. I'm having trouble keeping the kegs full without worrying about bottling at the moment, so no big loss.