Bottle Bomb

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First time bottle bomb tonight - came home to kitchen smelling of beer and a rather sticky floor. Cracked open the bottle adjacent to the culprit, and it's not over-carbed (and tastes mighty nice, a Munster Oktoberfest), so thinking a defect in the bottle - Carlton Draught long necks, not well known for thickness or reusability but still the first time one has exploded in 2 years of use.

I think from now on it's thick glass crown seals, Cooper's bottles, and I'll start kegging in november. The CD's will be phased out as emptied. As for the exploding batch - it's going down people's throats in 2 weeks, so it's in the fridge 'til then just in case... :chug:
First time bottle bomb tonight - came home to kitchen smelling of beer and a rather sticky floor. Cracked open the bottle adjacent to the culprit, and it's not over-carbed (and tastes mighty nice, a Munster Oktoberfest), so thinking a defect in the bottle - Carlton Draught long necks, not well known for thickness or reusability but still the first time one has exploded in 2 years of use.

I think from now on it's thick glass crown seals, Cooper's bottles, and I'll start kegging in november. The CD's will be phased out as emptied. As for the exploding batch - it's going down people's throats in 2 weeks, so it's in the fridge 'til then just in case... :chug:

Bugger! Didn't think of taking some photos - wanted to get the evidence hidden ASP...

Imagine a bottle, in pieces, in a now soggy box, surrounded by stickiness. The glass is worryingly thin - if I'd known this years ago I'd have drunk more coopers!

Another valuable lesson - I think from now on I'll store the beer in plastic crates, rather than re-use the cardboard boxes. Saves a little on the mess if it ever happens again.
Remember that one, bottle bombs are never funny. Glad no-one was hurt roo
Years back when I was a spotty teenager myself & a mate put down a ginger beer - our first homebrew ever. Problem was we had no idea about cleanliness whatsoever.

3 things that help bottle bombs to cause major chaos:

1.) a warm tropical Queensland climate,
2.) spotty teenagers thinking they can brew unsupervised,
3.) a possum that also found his way into the laundry cupboard full of infected & dirty bottlebombs.

If you can imagine investigating the smashing & crashing noises (barefoot, mind you) to find a good dozen or more Hahn Ice stubbies in a zillion pieces all over the floor & shelves and a possum with a "WTF?!!!" look on its face trapped in amongst a sticky, stinky, ginger dripping laundry mates old man made sure the possum never stopped by for a drink ever again while we cleaned up the mess. Funny now but so wasn't at the time.

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