Boring Canadian Blonde

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I am making Canadian blonde and wondering what yeast will improve it or just stick to the supplied kit yeast.
made a good can blond using us05 added 1kg be2 +150g carapils[steeped 20 min],cascade hop plug 15min boil,have made a few with a lot more grains that have com out very nice,but even if you dont have any grains just the be2 with a hop adition & uso5 its not bad
One of the improvements you can easily do is change the yeast.
Little wonder why yeast is one of the most protected item in the brewing industry :icon_chickcheers:

Canadian blonde is an excellent kit to experiment with. Why? Cause it is a pretty stock standard, light golden, little hop profile type beer that tastes nice when brewed right. So in other words it a great clean canvas ready for your pro hart type creation :)

Try a different yeast, US05 seems to be ultra popular, it gives a very clean crisp ferment (i am told). I am using lager yeasts so you could use 34/70, saflager or I am using WLP830 German Lager (liquid) Yeast. Great yeast for winter, but you want to brew in the 10-12degC range.

DEFINITELY put some hops in there. do some research on the beers you like and find out what hops are in there, use those hops and see how you go. To keep it simple maybe try this. Boil water, pour it in a cup with 15g-20g of hop pellets. Let it sit there for 10-20mins. Pour the lot (strain if you desire...or use one of those 'hop tea bags' from LHBS) into the fermenter before the yeast goes in. Just as you are about to put the yeast in, put another 15-20g of hops into the fermenter, either one of those tea bags, drop the hops straight in or put them in a clean & sanitized stocking or hop sock.

try using POR for aussie style lagers, cascade for something different and citrusy, saaz or hallertau for that euro taste...

great kit mate...canadian blonde rocks!


I am making Canadian blonde and wondering what yeast will improve it or just stick to the supplied kit yeast.
I brewed this as a last minute Sunday thing a few months ago and once I tasted it started thinking of what I can do to it for improvements. Most of the ideas are above. Steeping a bit of Carapils and adding Cascade as ZABOND stated was my main idea and using US-05 will definitely make a nice drop. Cant wait for all my Lagers to finish to give it another go myself.
As Zabbond said... Canadian Blonde kit, BE1, 150-250g of Carapils (I prefer to use light crystal), Fermentis US-05 yeast brewed at around 18 degrees...

Now, the hop addition as Rendo said can be anything you like according to what you want to achieve. I personally used to love this kit (SWMBO still does) with 5 mins and 0 mins additions of Amarillo (20g each addition). I still make it for the wife as she doesn't like the beers I now make. The canadian kit with basic hop additions can/will make very close to megaswill if you so choose.

Made to the above recipe, it has been one of the most successful and well recieved beers (with mates etc) I have made to date... It must be said that I have only been doing this for little over a year though.

Tyler :icon_cheers:
US05 for clean faux lager profile this time of year
throw in 25g saaz hop tea for 3 days before bottling.
Faux Czec pilsner
Probably because it is so light and bland, Canadian is one of the few kits that doesn't show that 'kit twang' so evident in some of the others. Do yourself a favour and also try the Morgans Canadian.

If you want to try your hand at doing a partial mash with, say 1500g of pilsener malt + carapils then boil the runnings for an hour and add some hops towards the end, then Canadian is a perfect vehicle for learning about mini-mashing. Plenty of info on the forum. :icon_cheers:
I have made a Canadian with

1 tin Canadian
200g caramunic steeped for 15-20mins
1kg amber malt
.5 kg dex
25 centenial boil 15 mins
US05 yeast
20 lt water

it is currently in the fermenter right now hoping it will turn out nice if it is any thing like the pale ales I have been doing lately it should be ok