Bop Questions

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Lapsed Brewer Lurking
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I've looked at a few of these BOP places and the one thing that has stopped me booking in has been that they all (so far) have said that once you get it home you need to keep it all in the fridge. Now I've got a pretty large drinks fridge, but 60-odd tallies all in at once? SWMBO would have a fit! In all my own efforts at home (kit only) I've never kept a whole batch refrigerated.

Can anyone shed any light on why this is the case? Are they covering themselves in the case of not fully fermented beer, as I read in another thread?



Not saying they don't say that, but it doesn't make sense to me.

Admittedly i've never looked into having to use a service like this, but i can't think of any reason that you would need to keep the whole batch refrigerated.

I can keep an entire batch of bottles in the fridge, and as such am one of the lucky ones (i have two fridges dedicated to brewing plus my kegerator), but not everyone has that ability.

there should be no reason at all why you can't just keep a sixer in the fridge of your batch and replace with six freshies when you go to bed.....
Not to prove you wrong, but just for reference - here is one example.

Your beer must be stored in a refrigerator to keep it fresh and avoid spoilage.

From here - Website


I have a mate that uses one of these places. As he has described IIRC once they bottle/keg it they then store it in the coolroom at least thats how they do it at the place he goes to. So maybe theyre erring on the side of caution not wanting the beer to be cold, hot and cold again. Would prob be easier that they didnt cool it on premise i guess but depends how they carb it i spose.

b a h
I asked the question when I was at one brewing with a mate.
They ferment for a week, then they cold chill for another 4 days, then carb it in the last 2 days.
Their reason for keeping cool once home was keep the carb level.
All of the beer is carbed up before it is bottled/kegged for the customer.
Like 'bought' beer if its cold you don't want it to warm up after chilling.
Don't know the exact chemical process but having beer cold then letting it go room temp then back to cold is bad for the beer.
The beer is fermented at a coolish 12 degrees and then they place it through a cold filter process. You bottle the beer cold!
I Have done 2 BOP and both brews came out pretty good. The first one wouldn't let me experiment with the recipe as they said they had to follow the set recipes due to regulations - the second time was happy for me to do what ever but it cost me extra for the extra hops.
Its not much cheaper than the bought stuff but you get an understand of the mass produced guys and also the need for exact measurements and temps.
60 tallies? So what, a months worth of beer, if that?

Don't worry about storing it in the fridge, having it cool then warm should not effect it for the duration you will be storing it.

Keeping it cold to keep the carbonation? That is a new one, if their bottles leak CO2 that easily, your stuffed anyway.
Yeah, that was my thinking fraser_john, although I drink a bit slower than that. Throw a few AFD's in and that'd last me closer to two months, but even then I wouldn't have thought that time-span would be detrimental.

The deal is here for anyone that's interested and close to Arundel.

