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Speaking of the talking boony,

I can't wait till tomorrow for the next game. I went to a bottle shop and got myself a couple of Hefeweizens and actually talked the guy behind the counter to give me one for $10. What a bargain... All those e-bayers are silly. Just have a few beers and knag a bottle shop guy and you can get one. I just told him that I always come in and buy the good beer and not the crap that the major companies sell and spend at least the same amount on beer as some fool willing to drink VB.

I also said that I bet he has sold several cases of VB as singles and that covers him for a two case sale to give me one. The $10 was a sweetener I think.

Bring on the VB series and the little legand asking for beer.....

Anyone still got a Boony ?
The kids have been playing with my one, but this morning he re-activated.
Keeps saying When are we going to the pub etc etc.

Doc said:
Anyone still got a Boony ?
The kids have been playing with my one, but this morning he re-activated.
Keeps saying When are we going to the pub etc etc.


Yeah, same here.
After a large night on the turps, got woken up thinking the cricket was about to start, sure as hell worked with the old brain.

yeah, my boony started talking again this morning also at about 8:30 ish. Couldnt understand what hes been saying tho. He slurss like hes been on the piss sometimes.

Mine to. I was just sitting there watching the sport news and off he went. Crazy little bugger won't shut up. I might have to go to the pub soon I think. :)

Likewise the trouble and strife and myself were lying awake,both nursing a slight hangover and at 5 ish "The crickets about to start" and 9 ish " Thats a good peel, thats a good peel" and 10 ish "What about drinks break" Shit I had enough the night before and I was not up for another. (Drink)I don't know what his problem is, maybe its little man sydrome..

Boonie started talking again this morning here too. About 6.30 he said, "Where's me beer, the cricket's about to start."

Plus some other random comments during the day. He was rebatteried last week and we thought that had something to do with it, but looks like others are waking up too.

"Where's me thongs, when are we going to the pub."
"Quack quack quack"
"I could bowl better than that"
"It looked out from here"
"Nachos, I like nachos"

have all been comments heard today.
Yeah my boony has decided to find his voice again, conveniently just as i was about to fall back to sleep after the dog had jumped on the bed. I thought maybe I had dreamed it until I was awoken again by boony quacking like a duck..... as i type boonie just told me todays code word is bat........ about 15 times..... what on earth are VB up 2
And he is still going. The latest:

Boring, boring, I can bowl better than that.

Mine went off again today as well. The technology is programed and date spesific, otherwise he would not know what day the cricket was on or not. Maybe we have got to the end of the cycle and he has reset himself.

Maybe he will want a beer every couple of days for the next 2 months or so
boonys gone mad today. Can't shut him up. He's been repeated the same things 5-6 times in a row every 5-30 minutes.
Is anyone else's gone nuts?

Boony has been acting normaly here today. A few days ago he started up at about 5.30am and now lives in the laundry where he cannot be heard at night time.
First they unleased VB on us and now.... the psychotic boonie :D
Boony is back for 2006/2007 and this time with a mate

From here

Will have to see if I can score a free one again.


VICTORIA Bitter has brought the Talking Boony back and given the doll made in the image of former Test cricketer David Boon a sparring partner in his old English rival Ian Botham.

Foster's Australia anticipates strong demand for the Boony and Beefy dolls and has ramped up production for the new promotion to close to 400,000 pairs.

Last year 200,000 Boony dolls were offered at a reduced price to punters who bought cases of VB.

The dolls, which can only be sold together, will talk independently but also in concert, Foster's says. The banter is likely to be about cricket and beer.
OMG, I completely missed all the fun!

How cool is that?

So apparently they sync to the TV - do you reckon they have a miniature receiver in them?

Maybe they are testing the channels ready for this year, and all the 'sleeper cells' have reported for duty...

I want one.
I too missed out last Summer. Will have to get in early.

A couple of dolls related to beer and cricket sitting on the coffee table all Summer. SWMBO's two least favourite subjects.
OMG, I completely missed all the fun!

How cool is that?

So apparently they sync to the TV - do you reckon they have a miniature receiver in them?

Maybe they are testing the channels ready for this year, and all the 'sleeper cells' have reported for duty...

I want one.

I'm not sure how they are set off. I know a few people who have had their Boony over the last year and have still been going off randomly. One guy is waken up every now and again by a Boony asking for nachos.
I picked one up for free from the local bottle-o last year the day before they started saying things because I bought a bottle of vodka...was just giving them away with every purchase.

Perhaps you can all get one for free if you are nice to the guy behind the counter...take him a homebrew :blink: