Blue Tounge, Becks Style

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does anyone have some direction or advice as to how to make a clone such like blue tounge, becks ect ect for that direction as a ale? is it possible?

Hmmmm...again I am not your best source of info but I do love the interaction of this site, so: if you want a lager type beer as an ale then you will need an ale yeast that can surbive at lowish temperatures yet will still finish the job. I haven't used it for years (although I am using it tomorrow) but apparently US-05 will ferment cleanly around 18c.

Given that you have some mshing experience tec. I would seriously recommend you got to the recipe data base to look at various lager recipes, choose some ingredients and then go from there. I have only done 2 AG lagers that are probably shite compared to the black belts of this forum, but I have been very impressed...and all I did was use a combination of pilsner, munich and carapils plus a suitable yeast.

Maybe try the recipe db for a few more ideas, they will be more sophisticated than mine and you can extrapolate from there. Don't be scared to experiment, thats often how we learn...
Hmmmm...again I am not your best source of info but I do love the interaction of this site, so: if you want a lager type beer as an ale then you will need an ale yeast that can surbive at lowish temperatures yet will still finish the job. I haven't used it for years (although I am using it tomorrow) but apparently US-05 will ferment cleanly around 18c.

Given that you have some mshing experience tec. I would seriously recommend you got to the recipe data base to look at various lager recipes, choose some ingredients and then go from there. I have only done 2 AG lagers that are probably shite compared to the black belts of this forum, but I have been very impressed...and all I did was use a combination of pilsner, munich and carapils plus a suitable yeast.

Maybe try the recipe db for a few more ideas, they will be more sophisticated than mine and you can extrapolate from there. Don't be scared to experiment, thats often how we learn...

thanks lecterfan always good to talk it out with other brewers!
thanks for putting up with the spelling mistakes...friday night is sample night... :icon_cheers:

nice one. im not sure which one to try next weekend.which one of the two styles would you say is a more liked beer by most people. ive also been asked to brew for my best mates wedding and feeling totally lost atm :unsure:
nice one. im not sure which one to try next weekend.which one of the two styles would you say is a more liked beer by most people. ive also been asked to brew for my best mates wedding and feeling totally lost atm :unsure:

I wish I could taste seems to be so contrary to other people that I wonder if we are tasting the same thing! Maybe try to find a bland recipe woth only medium IBU that uses dextrose and Pride of Ringwood to give a failiar taste...maybe a lager yeast. Hopefully you'll get a good edu-ma-cated reply soon!
Iv had good results with us-05 at around 16c.

100% pils malt (or sub 500g of rice is nice)
PoR at 60min to about 20-25 IBU
us-05 at 16c for a few days maybe raise at the end to help finish.

Nice and clean like a lager but finished in a week!

Its not nearly as nice as my real lagers, but my becks drinking dad can't tell the difference.
Try something like this:

100% Pilsner malt
Mash it at 63-65 degrees to about 1.044
Bitter it with a neutral type bittering hop (northern brewer, magnum, pride of ringwood even), looking for about 15-18 IBUs from a 60min addition
Add a noble flavour/aroma hop like saaz, hallertau, tettnang, about 1/2 - 1 gram per litre at 15min, bringing your total IBUs to about 20.
Ideally you'd use a lager yeast (S-189 is an excellent dry lager yeast) but you'd get away with using US-05 ale yeast, provided you keep the temperature low, around 16-18 degrees.
Cold condition the beer for as long as you can, a couple of weeks will do wonders.
This should deliver a pale, approachable euro-style beer along the lines of the beers you mentioned.

The keys points are keeping it subtle & balanced, and keeping it clean - any faults from sanitation or yeast handling will stand out a mile.
For your mate's wedding try Chappo's Aussie Standard Lager

If it's an Aussie crowd they'll love it, and won't believe it's home brewed if you get it right. Nice and simple recipe, replace the yeast with any lager yeast if you like, but S-23 is fine. Check the recipe discussion for more info.

I served this in Becks bottles for a family do, and guess what everyone thought they were drinking? (although, with that hopping schedule it's obviously far from Becks, but what do they know...)

Lager it for as long as you can, but if you are bottling, allow enough time for carbonation, if in doubt add a quarter pack of any dry yeast to your bulk prime vessel.


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