Bloody Long Day

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Just finished up what was one of the busiest Saturdays that I have had. It's the first time that I have done 3 in a day and I don't think that i will be doing it again any time soon. I had everything going somthly till I got a stuck sparge on the last brew and that just through everything and things went flying in the shed. Now just have to hope that I have done everything and that I don't get any nasties. The 3 Brews where Aus Pale Ale,
Oatmeal stout and an Altbier. Thinkl that i'll keep to 1 or 2 in a day from now on. The worst part of it is that im now waiting for the missis to get ready to go out with some of her boring work friend. I just hope that they have a few good beers and the restruant.
Thats not want I wanted to hear! As you may have read in my recent thread I am planning a monster 3 AG brew day.

Yeh i dont think i could handle 3 AG in 1 day. I've done 3 patrial in 1 day, doesnt take nearly as long, but even that was too much for me.
I prefer to be able to brew at a relaxed pace, listen to some tunes and potter around the house, check out AHB while the mash is on, read the paper during the boil, enjoy the day. If i try and squeeze too much in i dont enjoy it as much.
But i guess if you have a special occasion coming up and you need lots of brew in time it doesnt leave much choice.

Rustyc give it a few weeks and it will all have been worthwhile, thats a nice variety of beers you have fermenting away there....

Cheers :beerbang:
- Hopsta

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Never done three in one day but I reckon it would be a piece of cake if you had the right setup. I've done plenty of double brewdays easily enough, usually with an audience and a bellyful of amber fluid.
youre dead right, dont make it a chore.

i brew cos i enjoy it as much as i do drinking the end product.

id have to say, ive prolly never been under the influence while making a beer. my partials take about 4-5hrs to make, and i only make em on the wknds the mrs is at work, as i have to use the, i mean HER kitchen.

im usually finished by 12 or 1, then its footy and previous brews.


well, there u go. 1st post. ive been reading here for ages, and thought id put in a cupla 2cents worth, but obviously not. gr8 to lose my v plates!

Welcome, lobo. :beer:

I agree with you and Murray. Best to keep it fun as it is supposed to be a hobby. Sometime it does get to be more like work than it should be, to keep up with plans (and demand of course), but normally it's a process I do because I enjoy it. :party:
I made warrens "Back on your bike" english bitter today, it took me 4 hours to get it into a cube. I started late so didnt finish until 6pm with the cleanup left to do tomorrow.
It definately pays to set the alarm and get up early to do a batch with a missus to please, kids to feed and bath etc etc. This was my first afternoon mash and it will be my last.
supplies are always the killer, i have a spurt, fill all my bottles, then think im set. then 3 weeks later go into panic mode, i havnt got enough to let them age! ive been brewing for bout 2.5yrs, this year ive done 8 partials. will never go back. wish i had the room for all grain.

just spoke to my younger lazy bro, i 4got i owe him 2 kegs for a favour he did for me. he made a bar and bought a fridge, 2 kegs and the whloe setup, bought a coopers setup and brewed 1 beer, to fill 1 keg, then emptied that and just kept buying xxxx! mad. and lazy. i would love to convert him. im working on it.

lobo, they are a bit more pricey, but the fresh wort kits are really simple and really good. Easier that a kit, but it's all grain beer. If your brother is too lazy to brew, they might just suit him. ;)

i meant to say, i owe him 2 brews.
i brew partials.

im thinking along the lines of 3kg MO
1kg dex
POR to 20IBU
cascade @30, 15, and flameout
10g dry hop.

nottingham dried

my fav ATM nice and clean and neutral.

what do u think?


sorry for the hijacking
Ah, I see. Sounds like a nice beer. If you've brewed it before and it suits then no real need to change it (except just to see what it would taste like if .... :rolleyes: ). If you want some ideas to play with, I'd say you could use DME instead of the dextrose. Nothing wrong with sugar, but with nothing but base malt, and a good amount of hops, I think it would help to provide a bit of maltiness for better balance. Good choice on the MO. :wub:
no i havnt tried it stu,

thats the thing, im trying to KISS. for the bro. the uninitiated. thats the ONLY rewason for the dex.

he just wants 'beer'. i want it simple, non offensive, with just a tad of flavour.

I'm not really the one to ask, lobo. I very rarely make beers like that and I've never really perfected the no-beer-taste beer. :lol:

Might be good to start a new thread to get some advice on that. I know there are a lot of brewers out there that have made beers like that for mates/family and I'm sure you'll get some good pointers and recipes. :super:

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