I am not fimiliar with the water bath method but I assume you would put sanitiser or something in the water to prevent mold yeah?
Can someone advise? And if so, did you Paulie?
water bath method kicks ass Cocko! Really easy too.
My water comes out of my tap at pretty much bang on 18 and a bit degrees. Beautiful for most Ales.
Fermenters in an empty bath, (or a big storage container), fill with water and stop a little short of the wort level or you'll end up with floating fermenters. Very steady temp control with the huge quantity of thermal mass in a bath.
I've never worried about mould growing in the water bath, particularly as i brew very heavily with Nottingham, and most of the time, primary is done in around 3-4days, go to woah.
After primary, dry out the spout with a tissue, or shoot some sanitiser up there too, or pour some boiling water into the spout of the tap when it's shut to get rid of any nasties, etc....
I have four fermenters going in the bathroom at the moment, and not using a cent of power for my big f!@k off fridge. Too easy.