Black Mold In Thread

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Came home to find this mold in the thread of my fermenter. It looks like its all on the thread and not inside, the beer looks ok but will this effect my beer? Should I rack and cc as soon as possible?
Still drinkable?
Your beer will be fine, just let it ferment as normal. Then soak the ferm upside down in bleach or nappy-san with the lid.
Couldn't agree more!

BTW: That mold is outside the frementer seal - mold is never good, but being pre seal in this case is a positive!

Ok thanks guys now I'll be able to sleep tonight :icon_cheers:
.... Should I take the jumpers of the fermenter?
Originally they were for temp control and to keep light out but they've only got 2 days left to ferment till cc so a little light won't hurt will it...
Do you need to keep fermenters warm this time of year? I would have thought the opposite. Fermenters themselves keep out enough of the light.
Do you need to keep fermenters warm this time of year? I would have thought the opposite. Fermenters themselves keep out enough of the light.

No there draped over the top and are mostly submerged in the water bath to keep it cool. There opaque plastic fermenters are you sure they keep light out
No there draped over the top and are mostly submerged in the water bath to keep it cool. There opaque plastic fermenters are you sure they keep light out

They keep enough light out in my experience. However draped in water, the temperature stands a better chance of staying low and constant so now I understand. Nothing wrong with continuing what you are doing in that case.

As for glad wrap, read this:
I am not fimiliar with the water bath method but I assume you would put sanitiser or something in the water to prevent mold yeah?

Can someone advise? And if so, did you Paulie?
no I never did. With a lid and a airlock that had sanitised liquid in it. but then again only done it for 2 brews and thought this is ******* stupid and got a fridge lol. mould only would of made them brews taste better any way lol

still tasted better then cocko's beers though no doubt, they didnt get the sack dip like he does to get that old mouldy cheese/ rooten boot aroma he loves so much
I am not fimiliar with the water bath method but I assume you would put sanitiser or something in the water to prevent mold yeah?

Can someone advise? And if so, did you Paulie?

water bath method kicks ass Cocko! Really easy too.

My water comes out of my tap at pretty much bang on 18 and a bit degrees. Beautiful for most Ales.
Fermenters in an empty bath, (or a big storage container), fill with water and stop a little short of the wort level or you'll end up with floating fermenters. Very steady temp control with the huge quantity of thermal mass in a bath.

I've never worried about mould growing in the water bath, particularly as i brew very heavily with Nottingham, and most of the time, primary is done in around 3-4days, go to woah.

After primary, dry out the spout with a tissue, or shoot some sanitiser up there too, or pour some boiling water into the spout of the tap when it's shut to get rid of any nasties, etc....

I have four fermenters going in the bathroom at the moment, and not using a cent of power for my big f!@k off fridge. Too easy.
I am not fimiliar with the water bath method but I assume you would put sanitiser or something in the water to prevent mold yeah?

Can someone advise? And if so, did you Paulie?

1. Put fermenter or cube in water bath.
2. Ferment.

I've been doing this for years, no mould yet, no sanitiser in the water (wouldn't last long) although I do sanitise the outside of the cube if I get krausen leakage.
I suspect the mould has come from some spilled wort around the lip of the lid.

A small amount mould is normally ok except if it happens to be a penicillin producing strain and you or drinkers of the beer happen to have anaphylactic responses to penicillin.

I suspect the mould has come from some spilled wort around the lip of the lid.

A small amount mould is normally ok except if it happens to be a penicillin producing strain and you or drinkers of the beer happen to have anaphylactic responses to penicillin.


That black mold is carcinogenic. Don't you watch House MD?

It'll give you either rickets, thrush or lupus ... but probably - you should keep your **** clean you dirty monkey.
I am not fimiliar with the water bath method but I assume you would put sanitiser or something in the water to prevent mold yeah?

Can someone advise? And if so, did you Paulie?

No mate all I did was bleach the family tub then rinse like a bastard and spray with sanitiser then fill with water and change out frozen bottles to keep the temp down.. lowest I got was 16*C and highest was about 22*C, the room got upto about 31*C. I'm pretty pedantic so if I thought of it I probably would have added sanitiser to the water but I'm glad I didn't now the more experienced brewers have said not to worry...

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