raven19 Homer is God Joined 24/9/08 Messages 5,297 Reaction score 23 7/11/11 #2,901 Happy Birthday Maple!!!
Batz Batz Brewery...Hand crafted beers from the 'Batcav Joined 8/8/03 Messages 12,737 Reaction score 1,421 8/11/11 #2,902 Hey 'The drunk arab' Happy birthday old mate! Hope you had a good one. Batz
Pennywise Brewin' Beer for Crazy Clowns & Juggalo's Joined 11/5/08 Messages 4,311 Reaction score 14 15/11/11 #2,903 Happy B'day bum :icon_cheers:
bum Not entitled to an opinion Joined 19/2/09 Messages 11,585 Reaction score 911 15/11/11 #2,904 Cheers, Pennywise!
Mayor of Mildura Mad Snake Joined 21/6/09 Messages 726 Reaction score 96 15/11/11 #2,905 Birthday drinks by bum. Sounds good to me. Happy birthday dude. :icon_chickcheers:
jyo No Chillin' Like a Villain. Joined 18/5/09 Messages 3,165 Reaction score 771 Location Imagination Land 15/11/11 #2,907 Have a good one, Bum. :icon_cheers:
T TonyC Well-Known Member Joined 24/12/07 Messages 115 Reaction score 2 15/11/11 #2,908 Birthday wishes bum, you crack me up. Regards Tony
Cocko Oh Dear.. Joined 17/4/08 Messages 5,545 Reaction score 989 Location Kangaroo Ground, VIC 15/11/11 #2,909 This pour is for you Bum! Cheers!
winkle Teach a man to fish and play golf, and you'll neve Joined 9/11/06 Messages 7,333 Reaction score 464 15/11/11 #2,910 Get a cold one up ya, Bum. Happy birthday.
bum Not entitled to an opinion Joined 19/2/09 Messages 11,585 Reaction score 911 15/11/11 #2,911 ^Further proof that commas are very important. Cheers, gents!
winkle Teach a man to fish and play golf, and you'll neve Joined 9/11/06 Messages 7,333 Reaction score 464 23/11/11 #2,912 Happy birthday TDA :icon_chickcheers: , and Monkale whereever you got too.
winkle Teach a man to fish and play golf, and you'll neve Joined 9/11/06 Messages 7,333 Reaction score 464 9/12/11 #2,913 Many happies Hefe :icon_chickcheers: Are u in country or still loitering-with-intent in Italy?
lczaban Well-Known Member Joined 26/7/08 Messages 335 Reaction score 1 10/12/11 #2,915 Geez, it's been a while... Happy birthday to hefeGeoff, TDA and to the Bum-Meister. Good health and no doubt we'll catch up over a beer or ten. Cheers, GG
Geez, it's been a while... Happy birthday to hefeGeoff, TDA and to the Bum-Meister. Good health and no doubt we'll catch up over a beer or ten. Cheers, GG
jyo No Chillin' Like a Villain. Joined 18/5/09 Messages 3,165 Reaction score 771 Location Imagination Land 19/12/11 #2,916 Happy Birthday to Cocko and Pennywise! Have a good one, bloke. And Cocko, too! I will raise a few tonight.
Happy Birthday to Cocko and Pennywise! Have a good one, bloke. And Cocko, too! I will raise a few tonight.
Pennywise Brewin' Beer for Crazy Clowns & Juggalo's Joined 11/5/08 Messages 4,311 Reaction score 14 19/12/11 #2,917 Cheers jyo, I will certainly be having a few after stocktake today. Happy B'day Cocko. Raise one for the day of the hellraiser :beerbang: :lol:
Cheers jyo, I will certainly be having a few after stocktake today. Happy B'day Cocko. Raise one for the day of the hellraiser :beerbang: :lol:
bum Not entitled to an opinion Joined 19/2/09 Messages 11,585 Reaction score 911 19/12/11 #2,918 Happy Birthday, Pennywise! Happy Spinyourselfsenseless Day, Cocko! [EDIT: Cheers, GG!]
_HOME_BREW_WALLACE_ Professional Drunken Yahoo! Joined 30/6/09 Messages 1,365 Reaction score 68 19/12/11 #2,919 Happy Birthday Pennywise and Cocko! Cocko, I prepared a birthday card for you earlier........... Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Pennywise and Cocko! Cocko, I prepared a birthday card for you earlier........... Happy Birthday!
raven19 Homer is God Joined 24/9/08 Messages 5,297 Reaction score 23 19/12/11 #2,920 Echoing those sentiments for a top Brithday to Pennywise and Cocko!