Big Brew Day 2007 - Hills Brewers Guild

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What an amazing effort guys :beerbang:

I would have loved to have seen you at the Quakers - lol. I also see that Phrak hasn't posted. I wonder if he's woken up yet?

We had a great day at Kook's but being lazy buggers made him do ALL the brewing.

What an impressive show!
What an amazing effort guys :beerbang:

I would have loved to have seen you at the Quakers - lol. I also see that Phrak hasn't posted. I wonder if he's woken up yet?

We had a great day at Kook's but being lazy buggers made him do ALL the brewing.

What an impressive show!


When I took the shots I said to Phrak, "Mate, PP will be proud!"

And he is awake :beer:
Don't forget Stabilo and Thommo's big green Simcoe monster boil :p

Ah, the memories (hazy though they may be...)

Thanks to Duff and Kel for the hospitality. An awesome spread and an awesome day.

You are so right, we should do this much more often. Hey Duff, lets both take a "mental health day" tomorrow and we can back up again for a third brew day in a row.

Looking forward to fermenting my Simcoe IPA and my American AmBrown. (Was supposed to be an amber, is more of a cow-pat brown colour.)

Thanks to all those who brought their awesome beers. Got some good ideas in the back of the memory banks to brew over the next few months.

I don't think my misses appreciated me pointing out all the new equipment I "need" to buy when we were over there today. Just got back from the Blue Mountains a few hours ago having picked up my new Ebay urn for a HLT. Had to bribe her with the best way I know how...A romantic dinner at Hungry Jacks. The marriage is saved again for another week.

Hopefully see you all at the next pizza night, if not sooner.

Cheers and Beers,
Huge thanks to Duff and Kel, for putting on the BBD.
I had such a good time I had to leave my car there :p
Great day, great company and some fantastic beer brewed.

Geez, I only just found this post.

It was a fantastic day indeed. Cheers to Brett & Kellie for putting on the festivities, and for the help & guidance of Brett and everyone else, and for putting up with a stressed out first time partiall-er.
Once it's ready, the belgian will be at the pizza night for samples. :beer:
Looking forward to using the palm sugar again! :p
A truely great day of brewing & beer chat. The food was awesome & plenty of it. There seemed to be quite a few 1/2 full bottles of assorted beers still on the table when I left, but I think Thommo & Duff were preparing to empty them.
Good to see that my tun & kettle were put to work again on Sunday, as they seem to occupy space in the garage & not much else at the moment.

I reckon a big brew day, twice a year would be great. Maybe 1st Sat in May & last Sat in Sept?
