biab basket

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Hi all

Looking for a basket and line it with voile or metal biab bag.

The plan is to sit it on top of my keggel to let drain and do a bit of a recirculate to clear up the wort.

It would need to fit in a standard cub 50l keg and have enough room for a double batch of grain.

I am not a welder so out would need to be pre done, any one have any recommendations?
DU99 said:
how about a crab cooker pot insert
That's what I've been using for the past year or so, has worked a treat until I left it soaking in sodium perc for too long & oxidised the **** out of the bottom third

Getting a stainless basket fabricated at the moment, but it's costing a pretty penny
Robbo2234 said:
Hi all

Looking for a basket and line it with voile or metal biab bag.

The plan is to sit it on top of my keggel to let drain and do a bit of a recirculate to clear up the wort.

It would need to fit in a standard cub 50l keg and have enough room for a double batch of grain.

I am not a welder so out would need to be pre done, any one have any recommendations?
have o look on ebay under cooking pots. (saw them on the weekend).there are 4 in the set and they stack in side each other.
i have a set the same and all come in handy in the brewery.the largest is 22 litres? i drilled a hell of a lot of holes in mine and use it as the basket,holes are slightly smaller than 1/8th of an inch,putting a voile liner in it is a pain in the arse so i rarely use the voile,i tie voile loosely around the top of the fermentor when transfering the wort.the loose fit allows the wort to drain in and not let the trub spill over.
i cut the existing handles off the pot and fitted extensions that hold a bar that sits on the rim of the keggle at a hieght that gives clearance above the elements,and a s/steel trace that is clipped to the lifting/pulley system for suspension during draining.will try to post pics shortly.
I would kill for a reasonably cheap metal BIAB bucket. I'm sick of burning the bejesus out of myself when I do double brews. I don't have anywhere to put a pulley.
Gday Robbo, not sure what kind of setup you've got but I did something on the cheap to make a recirculating rig for my urn. Grabbed a 20L stockpot from big w, drilled some holes in it and installed some legs. Sits about 2cm above the element and has enough water level to do a nice recirc of the wort. Even doing a irish ale i could see the wort was really nice and clear.

No doubt the self-proclaimed 'experts' will chime in here saying you cant do this and you can't do that, but 2 brews with 5kg of grain and 83% efficiency tells me otherwise. Just do whatever works for you :)

Hope it goes well for you either way mate



Hey Josh,

That looks like a good set up you have their mate.

What are you using at the top of the pot to spray/diffuse the recirc'd wort back on the mash?

+1 for the big W pot with 1/8th holes drilled in the bottom.
Good for up to 6kg of grain.

If you use a threaded rod in the middle you can also make a mesh screen lid out of the Ikea spatter guard. Mine allows me to recirculate from below the mash and then clear the wort by draining from the top down for a while.

Unfortunately, I can't tell you whether or not it will fit your keggle.
brewologist i have a sparge arm i used to use for my 3v setup but it can't spin with those chain link things holding the stockpot up. I went full ghetto on it and put in a sprinkler from bunnings. it's somewhat temporary but did an awesome job for the last two batches and it's nice and hidden when the lid is closed.



I am just using a keg with two elements running horizontal in the side down the bottom i was thinking about a frying basket, i couldn't find one the right size. someone mentioned a keg hungi basket but they seem too shallow.

Can't find a crap cooker insert without the pot.
having trouble sizing the pics correctly,i will try again tomorrow and hopefully get them posted here.
QldKev posted a link a while ago for a place that custom makes stainless mesh baskets. I can't remember their name though

They were pretty reasonably priced too IIRC
Thanks I will pm Kev see if he can add to the thread.
I reckon, if you have one, the local sheet metal shop should be able to make one up for you.

Just depends where you can get the best deal.

Edit: Josh, thanks for explaining about the sprinkler in your previous post mate.
joshF said:
Gday Robbo, not sure what kind of setup you've got but I did something on the cheap to make a recirculating rig for my urn. Grabbed a 20L stockpot from big w, drilled some holes in it and installed some legs. Sits about 2cm above the element and has enough water level to do a nice recirc of the wort. Even doing a irish ale i could see the wort was really nice and clear.

No doubt the self-proclaimed 'experts' will chime in here saying you cant do this and you can't do that, but 2 brews with 5kg of grain and 83% efficiency tells me otherwise. Just do whatever works for you :)

Hope it goes well for you either way mate
That's a great looking rig there Josh.

Robbo2234 said:
Can't find a crap cooker insert without the pot.
Hey Robbo, you probably have already, but if not....have you asked anyone that sells the crab cookers if they would be willing to separate the pot from the basket and sell the basket separately? A large chain store might not accomodate this, but a smaller boating place might (mine did) as they apparently get lots of people that want to buy the pot but don't want the basket. I wanted the basket and not the pot, so my local guy was more than happy to sell it to me.

Not all stores are flexible like that though.
Does a recirculated system need to "spray" the wort back into the pot? Is it just a matter of distributing the circulated wort around the pot?
Can't recall a place that custom builds them?

Fents posted a link to these guys.
Not sure what the budget is, but it was mentioned $590 for a 300L. You are looking at a lot smaller so the price should reflect that.

In my 1V I use a fake false floor to keep the swiss viole bag off the bottom. I made it out of a pizza tray.

I started playing with a handi pal and drilled holes but could not get a decent flow. I think with either a 20L handi pal or a 19L Big W pot, you really need to get the thin cutoff wheel and put slits in the bottom.

These from BCF would be ok with legs if you kept a bag.

Also I would check out the brau. thread. There is a lot of stainless stuff in that, that could be adapted.

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