Berliner weisse- anyone want some lacto/yeast slurry? (Syd)

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Thanks nick, I've ordered the wyeast 5335, which I believe does not produce alcohol. I'll make a starter anyway I think.

I cubed the wort as normal, I'll just have to get another funky fermentor. So I now have one normal one, 4 funky ones haha. Now I just need to make sure my clean one doesn't infect my funky ones with icky ale yeast haha
Would love some when it'd ready if there'll still be some left, I'm in Enmore so pickup is easy.
Slurry is ready, one extra still available.
pH fell from 5 to 3.5, gravity from 1033 to 1003, in a very fast and healthy fermentation. Suspect both will drop further with a bit more time.
Smells and tastes great already, with a pronounced acidity/sourness. Yum.