BeerSmith Question

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Well-Known Member
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Gulmarrad, NSW
Hi guys.
Finally after all this time I completed my first double batch brew last night on the 50lt BM.
I made a 150 Lashes clone & have a question.
I was aiming for 40lt into my no chill cubes @1.051. I actually got 40lt @1.051 so spot on in that regard. This bought me in @80% eff.
The strange thing is according to BeerSmith, I should of achieved a pre boil volume of 50.90lt but I actually got 57lt pre boil?
I went through the process & final numbers were spot on so I don't know how it calculated 50.9lt pre boil.
I stopped collecting wort as soon as I got my two 20lt cubes & ended up with 7.5lt of trub, approx ( useable wort in there too ) before cooling loss & in actual fact, I could of collected another 1lt or 1.5lt = ( 83% eff ) of wort but I was only after the 40lt & left the rest to trub.
Any BeerSmith savvy brewers help me out with the funny 50.9lt pre boil volume calculation?

55lt mash in + 90min mash + 90min boil + 9.8lt batch sparge.


Cheers guys.
Can you upload the recipe file Crusty, it will make it easier to trouble shoot.

That didn't work.
Beersmith back calculates the pre-boil volume based on the 'volume into your fermenter' you set and taking into account you 'boil off rate' and things like 'loss to trub'. You have not set a 'loss to trub' and it is probably running at the missing 7L. I leave behind about that much with my Braumeister 50. That is where my brewhouse efficiency gets hit. Hope that makes some sense.
Crusty said:
How do I do that Andrew & thanks.
You will need to save a copy of the recipe from within beersmith then in AHB reply box select more reply options from the bottom right corner, in the attach files section click choose file, you can then select the file to upload from your computer, once it's uploaded click attach this file.
Black n Tan said:
Beersmith back calculates the pre-boil volume based on the 'volume into your fermenter' you set and taking into account you 'boil off rate' and things like 'loss to trub'. You have not set a 'loss to trub' and it is probably running at the missing 7L. I leave behind about that much with my Braumeister 50. That is where my brewhouse efficiency gets hit. Hope that makes some sense.
Cheers Tan.

Isn't that loss to trub & chiller that I have at 0 for bottling? I lose a couple of litres to trub when kegging ( 1lt for single batch )
I thought that mash/ lauter tun is where you set the loss to trub & chiller as that's what I'm leaving behind in my kettle.
AndrewQLD said:
You will need to save a copy of the recipe from within beersmith then in AHB reply box select more reply options from the bottom right corner, in the attach files section click choose file, you can then select the file to upload from your computer, once it's uploaded click attach this file.
Hope this helps.

View attachment One Fifty Lashes Clone.html
I entered 7lt into loss to trub & chiller & set my lauter tun dead space to 0 which now brings me in line with my actual figures from last night for pre boil volume but it now wants me to sparge with 12.09lt of water instead of the 9.81lt. This will add more to my losses won't it?
Maybe my boil off is a bit less than 6.2lt /hr?

Can you post a screen shot of your equipment settings Tan?
We're brewing on the same machine & that would help me out considerably.
Hi Crusty, The loss to grub and chiller implies to me that it is losses before your fermented, even though you enter it under fermenter/bottling volumes. Not sure my settings are perfect but here they are. Us them as a guide and next batch measure things and adjust accordingly.

EDIT: Hmm that didn't work. Not sure how to post my screen shot? On a mac.
Black n Tan said:
Cheers for the help.
I added the trub & chiller loss & it brings me in line with my actual figures from last night so I think I'll go with that.
Thanks again............ :beerbang:
ps: How are you removing the malt pipe. That suction would suck the chrome off a tow bar & I made a rookie mistake last night by pulling the malt pipe up & out from the centre shaft & had to wrestle with it it & hold it in place whilst the sparge water ran through. I will be looking at an electric hoist or block & tackle before I do the next one. The rope & pulley I had set up for Biab in the urn is no match for the double batch beast. I crushed a tad too fine as although I never encountered a squirting wort fountain, I did get a pocket or two where the wort was creating a little flow which I can only describe as sticking a hose under water & aiming it at the top. Just a continuous rippling effect like an underwater volcano or something like that, you know what I mean.
I too have lifted the malt pipe too high once and trying to get it back on was a PITA. I used to stand on the bench and stand over the braumeister to lift to the first pegs then wait a while for it to drain before going to the next pegs and breakage the suction. I had a back operation about 6 months ago and so no heavy lifting or bending for a few months, so I put in a block and tackle with two double pulleys which means I only need to pull with 1/4 of the force. I like it because I can gradually lift the malt pipe as I sparge. I also attached the pulley to a sliding door mechanism so I can slide it over the sink and then lower when finished. I had my first wort fountain on Sunday (grain was pretty fine), but went away as soon as I gave the grain another stir. Your efficiency sounds reasonable so I wouldn't worry too much.
Black n Tan said:
I too have lifted the malt pipe too high once and trying to get it back on was a PITA. I used to stand on the bench and stand over the braumeister to lift to the first pegs then wait a while for it to drain before going to the next pegs and breakage the suction. I had a back operation about 6 months ago and so no heavy lifting or bending for a few months, so I put in a block and tackle with two double pulleys which means I only need to pull with 1/4 of the force. I like it because I can gradually lift the malt pipe as I sparge. I also attached the pulley to a sliding door mechanism so I can slide it over the sink and then lower when finished. I had my first wort fountain on Sunday (grain was pretty fine), but went away as soon as I gave the grain another stir. Your efficiency sounds reasonable so I wouldn't worry too much.
What is the 8lt you have set for top up water for kettle?
Is that your sparge water?
Mine is set at 0.
Yes that is sparge. Don't think it impacts on anything but that is where I put it.