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Hey Awesome Aussie Homebrewers,

Time for your
Febrewery – Feb 2018 – BeerCo Brewing News

Hop you had a fantastic festive season with family and friends and made a whopping dent in your beer cellar and enjoyed some quality food and beer and conversation with family and friends. One of the many stand out styles if you could call it that from 2017 was the “New England” or “North East” or East Coast or Vermont IPA! The Craze for Haze certainly has crossed the Pacific Ocean from the United States of Craft Beer to Australia and we have seen many excellent local examples of the hazy beer styles in our “fresh, local, craft” scene.

Some cracker local craft examples of the style we enjoyed drinking in 2017 along with a lot of other craft beer drinkers are below:

We are all set to serve you our customers better than ever before in 2018 and we look forward to bringing you more excellent brewing materials and equipment to help you brew like a pro and show off your marvellous creations to great mates.

That’s enough from me…on with the real brewing news…read, listen, watch and most importantly brew and enjoy responsibly with friends and family your better quality beers in 2018! Hoppy New Beer Brewers!

cheers #brewhappy
Dermott Dowling
Managing Director, BeerCo Pty Ltd
A Unit 1 / 1-3 Disney Avenue, Keilor East, VIC 3033
M +61 400 040 195
E [email protected] W

Malt of the Month: Gladfield Munich Malt
Gladfield Munich is a great addition to the APAs and IPAs that I regularly brew. The 5kg bags are fantastic as they are great value and the perfect size so that I can maintain a good turnover of base malt and specialty malts and brew with fresh premium Gladfield malts” julian.w.chan October 25, 2017

We wholeheartedly agree with Julian and his 5* review on Gladfield Munich Malt. Munich is widely considered a malt that can substitute for traditional pale malt. Professional brewers, however, would advise its use in moderation, as its enzymatic power is low (170 vs 210 for Vienna or 250 for Pilsner). Munich works well for bringing a deep orange color and a malty, grainy flavor to your brew.

Gladfield Munich Malt is produced using higher kilning temperatures. This results in malt that has a higher color rating, increased aromatic quality and rich body enhancers. Munich is typically the flavour that comes to mind when drinkers think of maltiness. Matt Brynildson of Firestone Walkeris a huge fan of a small Munich malt addition in virtually all pale ale recipes.

Whilst, there are not hard and fast rules around addition rates for Munich Malt to your grist each brewer will make judgments based on his or her own tastes, I find that 10-15% Munich malt contributes plenty of character to most ales. Lagers, on the other hand, may require much larger percentages, especially if the intent is to brew characterful Bavarian Dunkels or Bocks. Several authors have proposed using Munich malt as the majority of the grist for Bocks and particularly Doppelbocks.

Complementary Malts:
  • Moisture (%) Max 5 Typical Analysis 3
  • Extract (fine dry) min% 79 Typical Analysis 81.0
  • Saccharification time 10
  • Wort Colour (EBC) 14-17 Typical Analysis 14.5
  • Total Nitrogen (%) 1.6-1.8
  • Kolbach Index 37-43 Typical Analysis 40
  • pH 5.6-5.9 Typical Analysis 5.9
  • Diastatic Power (WK) min. 160 Typical Analysis 170
  • FAN (mg/l) min 120 Typical Analysis 125
  • Friability (min) % 85 Typical Analysis 88
Typical Uses & Styles:
  • Bavarian Lager
  • Bavarian Dunkel
  • Doppelbock
  • Marzenbier
  • Pale Ale
  • IPA
Usage Rate Guidance:
  • Up to 100% of the Grist, use your brewers discretion 10-15% in a Pale Ale or IPA is great but you can go as high as 30% in a Marzenbier and higher again in Dunkels and Bocks where the intent is to create more malt character in your beer
Package, Price and Availability Options:
  • 5 Kg Bag for $16.95 incl. GST
  • 25 Kg Sack for $64.94 incl. GST (Save 23% on 5 Kg Price)
  • Or Hop into one of our growing list of valued Retail Partners and ask for Gladfield Munich Malt by name!
BeerCo Brewing Recipe Kits featuring Gladfield Munich Malt:
Sauces of Brewspiration:
  1. Jim Busch (2015) The Magic of Munich Malt 26 August originally published in Brewing Techniques (Volume 4, Number 5)
  2. John Mallett (2014) Malt – A Practical Guide from Field to Brewhouse, Brewers Publications, Boulder, Colorado, USA
  3. Thomas J. Miller Using Munich & Vienna malts: Tips from the Pros
Buy Your Gladfield Munich Malt Now! From $16.95 incl. GST for 5 Kg
Hops of the Month:
Hopsteiner Experimental Hop #05256 – US Hops

Complex in nature, Eureka!™ is dank and resinous with fruity notes ranging all the way from tropical-citrus to dark stone fruit. Eureka rounds out blends and truly shines as a late hop addition. A variety for the “classic hop head,” Eureka is one you won’t want to miss!

  • Apollo
  • Merkur
Brewing Usage
  • Dual Purpose
  • Blackcurrant
  • Dark fruits
  • Strong herbal notes
  • Pine tree
Typical Beer Styles
  • American Pale Ale
  • English Ales
  • Golden Ale
  • Pale Ale
Typical Brewing Specification
  • Alpha-Acid % 17.0 – 19.9
  • Beta-Acid % 4.6 – 6.0
  • Co-Humulone % rel. 28 – 30
  • Xanthohumol (EBC 7.7) 0.5 – 0.6
  • Total Oils (ml/100g) 2.5 – 4.4
  • Farnesene % of total Oil 0.10 – 0.30
  • Linalool % of total Oil 0.2 – 0.5
General Trade Perception
  • Craft brewers treat Palisade as a good “blending hop,” a character actor that supports other hops in leading roles.
Craft Beer Examples
Pack & Price
  • Eureka!™ T90 US HOP PELLETS 100GM $9.94 Incl. GST
  • Eureka!™ T90 US HOP PELLETS 250GM (SAVE 10% ON 100GM PRICE) $21.95 Incl. GST
  • Eureka!™ T90 US HOP PELLETS 500GM (SAVE 15% ON 100GM PRICE) $41.95 Incl. GST
  • Eureka!™ T90 US HOP PELLETS 1KG (SAVE 20% ON 100GM PRICE) $79.95 Incl. GST
Hops of the Month:
Palisade® – Brand YCR 4 – US Hops

Developed by Select Botanicals Group, Palisade® Brand YCR 4 is known for its high yield and unique aroma profile. Palisade shows a range of tropical fruit aromatics and is sometimes reminiscent of mango, with notes of apricot and freshly cut grass. Many American craft brewers treat Palisade as a good “blending hop,” a character actor that supports other hops in leading roles. It blends particularly well with Amarillo and Cascade and has found its way into many American West Coast pale ales and India pale ales.

Palisade® Brand YCR 4 cv. was bred by by Chuck Zimmerman, at Yakima Chief Ranches who recorded it as an open-pollination product of Tettnanger It was developed as a dual purpose hop with moderate bittering potential and unique aromas.

Brewing Usage
  • An Aroma Hop
  • Earthy
  • Floral
  • Fruity
Aroma & Flavour Characteristics
Specific aroma descriptors include notes of mango, apricot, and freshly cut grass alongside clean floral characteristics.

Possible Substitutions
Complementary Hops:
Typical Beer Styles
  • American Pale Ale
  • English Ales
  • Golden Ale
  • Pale Ale
Typical Brewing Specification
  • Alpha Acid 6.5 – 10%
  • Beta Acid 5.5 – 8%
  • Co-humulone 26 – 28%
  • Total Oil 0.8 – 2 mL/100g
  • B-Pinene 0.6 – 0.8% of total oil
  • Myrcene 45 – 52% of total oil
  • Linalool 0.4 – 0.6% of total oil
  • Caryophyllene 8 – 16% of total oil
  • Farnesene < 1.0% of total oil
  • Humulene 10 – 20% of total oil
  • Geraniol 0.1 – 0.5% of total oil
General Trade Perception
  • Craft brewers treat Palisade as a good “blending hop,” a character actor that supports other hops in leading roles.
Craft Beer Examples
Pack & Price
  • Palisade® T90 US HOP PELLETS 100GM $9.94 Incl. GST
  • Palisade® T90 US HOP PELLETS 250GM (SAVE 10% ON 100GM PRICE) $21.95 Incl. GST
  • Palisade® T90 US HOP PELLETS 500GM (SAVE 15% ON 100GM PRICE) $41.95
    Incl. GST
  • Palisade® T90 US HOP PELLETS 1KG (SAVE 20% ON 100GM PRICE) $79.95 Incl. GST
Buy Now – Palisade® – Brand YCR 4 – US Hops $9.94 – $79.95 Incl. GST 100g – 1Kg Foils
Yeast of the Month: GY005 Golden Gate Lager GigaYeast
GY005 Golden Gate GigaYeast is a versatile Lager yeast used to create the California Common style. GY005 ferments warm and still retains a lager character.
GY005 ferments unusually high for a lager strain and still retains a lager sensibility (up to 20˚C (68˚F)). GY005 GigaYeast leaves a slightly sweeter beer than our other lager yeast— perfect for creating a subtle, malty undertone against a clean lager background.

Golden Gate Lager GigaYeast GY005 creates a moderate amount of sulfide under some conditions that will dissipate with a short rest. Fermentations at traditional lager temperatures may be slow. Recommended fermentation temperature 13˚- 20˚C (55˚- 68˚F).

Attenuation Medium Gravity*
  • 79% – 83%
Attenuation High Gravity*
  • 57% – 60% (7.5% – 8.1% ABV)
Temperature Range†:
  • 13˚C – 21˚C (55˚F – 70˚F)
  • Medium
Representative Styles:
  • California Common
  • Cream Ale
  • Stout
  • Available in Gold Pitches for 25 L Homebrews RRP $14.95 Incl. GST Special Price $9.95 incl GST save 33%
  • Also available in Pro-Pitches for the Professional Brewer drop shipped from GigaYeast Laboratory to your Brewery Lab to Brewery Door in 6-8 days using DHL Global Express tracked all the way

GY005 Golden Gate Lager GigaYeast $14.95 $8.95 Incl. GST
Buy Now – GY005 Golden Gate Lager GigaYeast RRP $14.95 SALE! $8.95 Incl. GST
Equipment of the Month:
Bottle Filler Beer Gun
$74.95 Incl. GST

Do you want to fill a couple of growlers of your favourite brew to take over to a friends house or to a party to impress everyone? Well this is the essential piece of equipment you need in your brewery or bar!

Need to bottle some of your finest homebrew to enter a competition? Again you need the Bottle Filler Beer Gun!

Bottle Filler Beer Gun fills bottles quickly, easily, without the risk of oxygenation and without complicated counter pressure filling equipment. This easy to use Bottle Filler Beer Gun works with almost any bottle size and shape. All components in contact with beer are made from stainless steel or silicone. The Bottle Filler Beer Gun includes beer line, 2 stainless clamps and the gun itself.

Don’t forget to stock up on a couple of

Bottle Filler Beer Gun – Replacement Tip
$1.99 Incl. GST

Bottle Filler Beer Gun – Replacement Tip is the replacement silicon tip for the Bottle Filler Beer Gun.

PS – Fermentasaurus Starter Kits are back in stock! Get in quickly as they are flying out the door!

Oxebar – Fermentasaurus – 35 Litre – Uni Tanks
$129.95 Incl. GST

Oxebar Fermentasaurus is the world’s first conical PET fermenter that is pressurisable up to 2.4 Bar working pressure. This new model of fermenter has only been possible to manufacture using a highly specialized PET grade and a new type of PET injection/blow moulding machine that has been commissioned in Springvale, Victoria, Australia. Australian made right here in Melbourne, this product will truly change the way home brew is made and greatly simplify brewing at home from fermentation to carbonation.

Buy Now – Bottle Filler Beer Gun $74.95 Incl. GST

Video on what is a Bottle Filler Beer Gun and How to Use one
Recipe of the Month:
Hazy Trucker – NEIPA – BeerCo Recipe Kit

$69.95 – $77.50 Incl. GST | Milled or Unmilled | Dry or Liquid Yeast – you take your pick!

Pull over! Stop the Truck! This Hazy Trucker NEIPA or Double IPA is a velvet sledgehammer. Soft bitterness and tropical Juicy Hops including El Dorado, Equanot and Galaxy fermented down low by GY054 Vermont IPA GigaYeast resting on soft pillow of Gladfield Ale Munich and Wheat Malt and Harraways Rolled Oats…hmmm? Sounds like a meal in a glass!

Feeling like it’s time to park up the semi-trailer for the night and grab a goblet of Hazy Trucker? Well, what are you waiting for? Get your brewing on! cheers #brewhappy #drinkhappier #enjoyresponsibly

Product Description
Driving a semi all night you can start to feel a little Hazy! Time to pull over, find a truck stop, or a place to rest your head and fill you belly with some grub and maybe wash it down with something that is going to not only taste great but help you sleep like a baby. Hazy Trucker – NEIPA or Double IPA is here to do just that and won’t let you down. It has so many tropical hops in it you will think its a fruit bomb and it hides its alcohol oh so well behind a full malty body and a well-balanced soft bitterness.

Feeling like it’s time to park up the semi-trailer and get hit by a Hazy Trucker? Well, what are you waiting for? Get your brewing on with this bad boy!

Vital Stats:
Batch & Boil

  • Batch Size: 19 Litres
  • Boil Time: 90 mins
  • OG 1.078
  • FG 1.012
  • IBU 80
  • ABV 8.7%
  • Colour 14.4 EBC
  • Balance – 1.032 IBU/SG Bitterness Ratio
Gladfield Malt:
Amt Name Colour % Grist
4.25 kg Gladfield Ale Malt (6.0 EBC) 65%
1.00 kg Gladfield Munich Malt (15.5 EBC) 15 %
0.65 kg Gladfield Wheat Malt (4.2 EBC) 10 %
0.65 kg Harraways Rolled Oats (2.8 EBC) 10%
6.55 Kg TOTAL 14.4 EBC 100%

Amt Name Alpha Acids When Time IBU
20 g Topaz [17.20 %] First Wort 20 mins 27 IBUs

20 g El Dorado [13.90 %] Steep/Whirlpool 20 mins 10 IBUs

20 g Equanot [14.70 %] Steep/Whirlpool 20 mins 10 IBUs

20 g Galaxy [16.10 %] Steep/Whirlpool 20 mins 11 IBUs

10 g El Dorado [13.90 %] Steep/Whirlpool 40 mins 7 IBUs

10 g Equanot [14.70 %] Steep/Whirlpool 40 mins 8 IBUs

10 g Galaxy [16.10 %] Steep/Whirlpool 40 mins 8 IBUs

35 g El Dorado [13.90 %] First Dry Hop 5 Days 0 IBUs

35 g Equanot [14.70 %] First Dry Hop 5 Days 0 IBUs

35 g Galaxy [16.10 %] First Dry Hop 5 Days 0 IBUs

35 g El Dorado [13.90 %] Second Dry Hop 5 Days 0 IBUs

35 g Equanot [14.70 %] Second Dry Hop 5 Days 0 IBUs

35 g Galaxy [16.10 %] Second Dry Hop 5 Days 0 IBUs

Liquid | GigaYeast

Dry | Mangrove Jack’s
  1. Mill the grains and dough-in targeting a mash of around 3 Litres of water to 1 Kg of grain (a liquor-to-grist ratio of about 3:1 by weight) and a temperature of 67 °C (152 °F).
  2. Hold the mash at 67 °C ( 152 °F ) until enzymatic conversion is complete.
  3. Add first wort hop addition.
  4. Infuse the mash with near boiling water while stirring or with a recirculating mash system raise the temperature to mash out at 76 °C (168 °F). Mash out for 10 minutes.
  5. Fly sparge slowly with 12 Litres of 77 °C (170 °F ) water, collecting wort until the pre-boil kettle volume is around 28.5 L (6.5 gallons).
  6. The total boil time will be 60-90 minutes. Do not add Deltafloc or Irish Moss.
  7. At flameout, wait until wort cools to 82°C (180 °F ) to avoid volatizing hop oils. Set time for 40 mins and add first hop stand addition.
  8. After 20 mins add the second hop stand additions.
  9. After the total hop stand of 40 minutes, chill wort to 19°C (67 °F ), decant starter or open Gold Pitch and pitch Yeast and aerate.
  10. Over the course of the two-week fermentation, ramp the temperature up to 23°C (73 °F ) to ensure full attenuation.
  11. On approximately Day 5 of fermentation when attenuation has reached about 80 percent, add the first dry hop addition.
  12. Wait 5 days, then remove the first dry hop addition and add the second addition of dry hops and dry hop for another 5 days.
  13. Chill the wort rapidly to 18 °C (65 °F ), let the break material settle, rack to the fermenter, pitch the yeast and aerate thoroughly.
  14. When finished, carbonate the beer to approximately 2.5 volumes (5 g/L) of CO2 (or add 125g of table sugar or 180g of Light Dried Malt Extract if bottling) and drink fresh. Prost!
Sauces of brewspiration:
Buy Now – Hazy Trucker – NEIPA – BeerCo Recipe Kit $69.95 – $77.50 Incl. GST
Hey Awesome Aussie Homebrewers,

About time you kicked back...poured a pint of your favourite ale on tap...sat back brew your heart out!

Marchin' On - Mar 18 - BeerCo Brewing News...
"Are we there yet Papa Smurf?"
"No far, brewer smurf, put down your mash paddle and pick up your latest copy of the Marchin' On - March 2018 - BeerCo Brewing News...there's things to be learning about brewin' there little brewer Smurf!"

You have so much to learn little brewer Smurf and if there is one thing for sure in brewing whether your a new to brewing homebrewer or a seasoned pro your always learning...the Month of March is Marchin On! We hop your getting your Brewing on! We certainly did in Febrewery and we are excited to share some of our "learning from a Pro" in our Beer & Wood Brew & A with Matt Houghton @Boatrocker Brewery & Barrel Room - just click the link below and pull up a stool and a lovely wood aged beer - clean or sour - we don't mind and enjoy watching...but wait there's not forget to read on about our "Malts of the Month" the limited edition Gladfield Chocolate & Crystal Rye Malts - oh so good! Hop of the Month - Huell Melon, GigaYeast of the Month - GB110 Fast Sourcing Lacto and of course why not chew on some "French Toast" our Double Brown Ale with Maple Cinnamon and Vanilla Bean aged on you guessed it Wood!...well what are you waiting for Brewers? Drink, Watch, Read & Brew Happy always :)

What's Brewing at BeerCo HQ?

Gladfield Malts of the Month! Your Ryes Want It!
Gladfield Crystal Rye Malt - Strictly Limited Release

Gladfield Crystal Rye Malt is made by wetting the rye and carefully kilning produces a remarkably delicious and complex crystal malt with a slightly spicy caramel finish caramel and a nutty aroma. Superb in a range of beers including Pales and IPA’s, brings a new level of complexity to Golden Rye’s and is fantastic in a rye lager where a little spiciness changes things up rather nicely.

Use up to 25% but as with all Ryes consider adding a few rice hulls as the ratio increases to assist lautering efficiency. Please use the malt as fresh as possible and see our suggested recipe for a for a delicious Golden Rye.
Package & Price Options:
  • 1Kg Bags at $4.95/Kg
  • 25Kg Sack at $89.95 Incl. GST (SAVE 27% ON 1KG BAG PRICE)

Gladfield Chocolate Rye Malt
Richly roasted to bring a smooth espresso creaminess to your dark beers with a touch of rye spiciness. Beautiful in a porter or oatmeal stout where the coffee spice character is particularly well matched with the roast malts. Adds a further level of complexity to Vienna in a Dunkel or even something a little uncommon to a mild or English brown.

Use 1-5% to enhance aroma and flavour characters without imparting bitterness or astringency. Please use the malt as fresh as possible and see our suggested recipe for a for a simple but surprisingly complex NZ Dunkel.

Pack & Price Options:
  • 1Kg Bags at $4.95 / Kg
  • 25Kg bags at $89.95 Incl. GST(SAVE 27% ON 1KG BAG PRICE)
Read More, Recipe Ideas and Buy Now! Strictly Limited Release!

Hop of the Month! Huell Melon GR Hops
With over 50 different hop varieties from around the globe and counting it is hard for us to pick one out of the bunch because come on Brewers - who doesn't love Hops! Hmmm Hops! Well we think this one is worth you looking at a little closer especially as it is freshly dropped into store Crop 2017!

Huell Melon is new German hop variety with a distinctive honeydew melon and strawberry aroma. The variety was bred at the Hop Research Institute Hὓll and released in 2012. Hὓell Melon was bred in response to the craft beer industry’s demand for bold tastes and differentiating flavours.

  • Type 90 Hop Pellets 100GM / 250GM / 500GM / 1Kg Foils
  • Strawberry and honeydew, melon nuances
Huell Melon is one of the new Hüll research varieties. Huell Melon is a daughter of Cascade crossed with a Huell male and has been bred and planted in German hop fields of the Hallertau and Tettnang regions in response to demand from the craft beer industry and its desire for bold tastes and differentiating flavours.

Pack & Price Options:
  • HUELL MELON T90 HOP PELLETS 250GM (SAVE 10% ON 100GM RRP) $19.95
Buy Now! What you waiting for Melon Hop Head?

GigaYeast of the Month: GB110 Fast Souring Lacto
Gregory Hughes Review on GB110 May 15, 2016

Pitched into a no boil berliner weisse at 30c. The pH dropped down to 3.5 after 4 days and tasting amazing. Dropped temp to 20c and pitched Norcal #1, didn’t take off so pitched some us05, also didn’t take off, so pitched GB121! Gravity has started dropping and the pH is down to 3.35. Still tasting amazing. Might need to change my process next time to get it to attenuate without the use of brett.

Trust Hughesy! This bad boy is a trusted friend of many at top tier craftbrewer in the US and here in AU and it will work a charm on your home or craft beer to bring down pH and lift the pucker factor through the roof!

GigaYeast Fast Souring Lacto GB110 is a robust, fast souring lactic acid bacteria. Produces a clean tart flavour. Lactobacillus Sp. Pronounced sourness.

Pack & Price Options:
  • Gold Pitches for 21 L / 5 US Gallon Homebrew Size WAS $14.95 NOW! $9.95 Incl. GST (SAVE 33%)
  • Craftbrewer Pro-Pitches - DHL Express drop-shipped in 5-7 days to your Craft Brewery!
HL Pitch Total A$ including Shipping
1 $321.77
5 $437.58
10 $617.32
15 $787.52
20 $896.98
25 $1,041.28
30 $1,190.24
35 $1,329.49
40 $1,454.26
45 $1,586.76
50 $1,770.59
55 $1,922.58
60 $2,084.43
70 $2,446.50
80 $2,790.25
Buy Now! Pucker Up Sunshine! Stay Sour Brewer
Hungry for more? Want a recipe for French Toast?

Wood, Whisky, What is there not to love? Every brewer loves everything made from malt including Single Malt Whisky of course. So when by luck chance and happenstance we came across the opportunity to join a Bulk Buy! for a couple of 20L Single Malt Whisky casks from a name Craft Whisky Distillery in Tasmania, who shall remain nameless for now...well the offer was simply too good to be true and miss out on an opportunity to crack a Woodie and get our Brewing on! So we did! cheers #brewhappy #barrelsoffun

French Toast - Double Brown Ale with Maple Cinnamon and Vanilla Beans aged in Wood!
Vital Stats:
  • Type: All Grain Batch Size: 21.00 l Boil Size: 23.77 l
  • Boil Time: 60 min
  • Est Original Gravity: 1.081 SG Est Final Gravity: 1.014 SG
  • Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 8.8 %
  • Bitterness: 34.9 IBUs Est Color: 58.1 EBC
  • Mash Name: Single Infusion @67C
  • Date: 14 Feb 2018 Brewer: Dermott Dowling Asst Brewer: Roger Lew
  • Equipment: Robobrew with Pump Efficiency: 72.00 % Est Mash Efficiency: 72.0 %
Amt Name Colour %
5.20 kg Gladfield Ale Malt (6.0 EBC) 68.4 %
0.60 kg Gladfield Dark Crystal Malt (190.0 EBC) 7.9 %
0.60 kg Gladfield Munich Malt (15.5 EBC) 7.9 %
0.60 kg Harraway's Rolled Oats (2.8 EBC) 7.9 %
0.20 kg Gladfield Biscuit Malt (60.0 EBC) 2.6 %
0.20 kg Gladfield Brown Malt (178.0 EBC) 2.6 %
0.20 kg Gladfield Light Chocolate Malt (900.0 EBC) 2.6 %

25 gm Perle [8.50 %] - Boil 60.0 min Hop 8 21.4 IBUs
25 gm Willamette [4.70 %] - Boil 30.0 min Hop 9 9.5 IBUs
25 gm Willamette [4.70 %] - Boil 5.0 min Hop 11 4.0 IBUs

  • 2 Vanilla Bean (Boil 5.0 mins) Split beans and scrap out contents and all in the boil @5 mins from flameout
  • 0.11 oz Cinnamon Stick 1 Scroll (Boil 5.0 mins) add a scroll @5 mins from flameout
  • 750ml Maple Syrup (Boil 0.0 mins) add at flameout - save another 250mL for addition into secondary fermentation
  1. Mash In Add 21.82 l of water at 72.3 C 65.6 C 75 min
  2. Sparge: Fly sparge with 10.56 l water at 75.6 C
  3. Ferment at 18-22C letting the beer free rise and ferment out the primary before adding last 250mL of Maple Syrup into secondary Fermentation
  4. Fine, rack into Barrels and let age for 1-3 months tasting using a wine thief nail or other such methods that reduce oxygen entering the beer
  5. Bottle or Keg to your liking using 111 grams of Dextrose (Corn Sugar) to a C02 level of 2.3
  6. Sip, Savour and enjoy! Prost!
Sauces of Brewspiration:
More pics and news coming but you might enjoy this BrewTube with Matt @Boatrocker talking about Wood and Beer and Brewing!

Special thanks and shout out to Matt Houghton @Boatrocker Brewers & Distillers for helping a fellow brewer learn more about brewing with wood

Howdy Aussie Homebrewers,

Hop you had a rockin' Easter and are brewing happy in Autumn as the leaves start to fall and the reds and amber hues emerge around us we know its time to #brewdarker. Hop you enjoy our latest April 18 - Autumn Amblings - BeerCo Brewing you were...

Autumn Amblings – Apr 18 – BeerCo Brewing News…
Dermott Dowling


We hop you had a Hoppy Easter with plenty of good cheer, beer, food, friends and family involved somewhere in amongst the empty Easter Egg wrappers. We all certainly enjoyed a few days off picking n packing n dispatching and the opportunity to make a dent in the brew cupboard but no sooner has the holiday gone and it’s time to brew again! Yee-Ha! What are you waiting for? This month we feature Harraways Flaked Barley, Willamette US Hops, GY044 Scottish Ale GigaYeast and an All Grain recipe kit for DICKS Dry Irish Coffee Stout.

If that, is not enough to get your kettle on, well you can go jump in the lake! cheers #brewhappy always


Harraways Flaked Barley
Harraways Flaked Barley is produced much like their rolled oats. Raw barley is steamed and then pressed through a pair of rollers. Flaked barley can also be added directly to the mash with base and speciality malts.

Flaked/Rolled Barley is an unmalted adjunct that provides additional body, with a creamy, grainy taste. It does not have the enzymes needed for conversion so should be mashed with malted grains.

As a general usage guideline use for up to 20% of your grain bill, or as your recipe recommends. Often used for English ales, darker beers and stouts. Flaked barley also performs well as an adjunct in German style pilsners, as it can produce lighter colour without lowering the gravity.

  • 1 Kg Bags at $4.95 / Kg Incl. GST
  • 5 Kg Bags at $19.95 Incl. GST (SAVE 20% ON 1KG PRICE)
  • 20 Kg Bags at $64.95 Incl. GST (SAVE 34% ON 1KG PRICE)
Read More, Recipe Ideas and Buy Now!

Harraways Company Video

Hop of the Month! Willamette US Hops
Released in 1976 from the USDA breeding program, Willamette was the most widely grown aroma variety in the US. It is named after Oregon’s Willamette River which runs through the heart of the state’s hop growing region.

Willamette is a triploid seedling of English Fuggle.

  • Type 90 Hop Pellets 100GM / 250GM / 500GM Foils
  • Floral, incense, and elderberry.
Brewing Values:
  • Lot Number P91-ZKUWIL0212
  • UV Alpha 4.7%
  • UV Beta 3.7%
  • HSI 0.276
  • Moisture 9.6%
Pack & Price Options:
Buy Now! What you waiting Willamette it Brewer!

GigaYeast of the Month: GY044 Scotch Ale GigaYeast
Andrew Rostas November 8, 2017

Used this yeast in a big Black Forest Cake Imperial Stout (~12%). Made a yeast starter from one Gold pack and it powered through this thick sticky wort.
End result was a clean fermentation with a slight sweet note, though this is not the best beer style to assess a yeast flavour contribution. It worked well with the beer though and performed very well too.

GY044 GigaYeast Scotch Ale #1 is one sweet yeast. Neutral flavors emphasize the malt. Leaves a slight residual sweetness and body in high gravity beers perfect for malt forward styles like scotch ales, wee heavy, stouts and porters.

Pack & Price Options:
  • Gold Pitches for 21 L / 5 US Gallon Homebrew Size $14.95 Incl. GST
  • GY044 Scotch Ale Pro-Pitch – DHL Express in 5-7 days to your Craft Brewery!
HL Pitch Total
1 $320.15
5 $434.37
10 $611.65
15 $780.22
20 $888.19
25 $1,030.62
30 $1,177.66
35 $1,315.13
40 $1,438.33
45 $1,569.25
50 $1,751.20
55 $1,901.42
60 $2,061.49
70 $2,420.13
80 $2,760.29
Buy Now! GY044 Scotch Ale GigaYeast – Get your wee Heavy on!

Dicks – Dry Irish Coffee Stout – BeerCo Recipe Kit

Hands up if you love coffee! Pick Me! Pick Me! Hands up if you love Stout! Oh Yeah! Pick Me Pick Me! If you love Coffee and you love Stout you probably also love Dicks! Dicks for short or Dry Irish Coffee Stout for long, Dicks is modelled on a mash up of two great things – Coffee and Stout. This Dry Irish Coffee Stout is a winter warmer that is dry and remarkably easy to drink.

Put down your pen! Pick up your Mash Paddle – time to brew happy some Dicks! Let’s get this party started cheers #brewhappy

Vital Stats:
Batch & Boil
  • Batch Size: 21 Litres
  • Boil Time: 60 mins
  • OG 1.057
  • FG 1.007
  • IBU 30
  • ABV 6.7%
  • Colour 124 EBC
  • Balance – 0.538 IBU/SG Bitterness Ratio
Gladfield Malt:
Grain Bill

Ale Malt 63% 3.5
Harraways Flaked Barley 16% 0.9
Roast Barley 11% 0.6
Light Crystal 5% 0.3
Dark Chocolate 2% 0.11
Light Chocolate 2% 0.11
100% 5.52

Willamette 4.7% 27 60 mins 15 IBU
Willamette 4.7% 27 20 mins 10 IBU
Willamette 4.7% 27 5 mins 5 IBU
Liquid | GigaYeast

Water Adjustments:
  • 140g of fresh roughly ground medium roast coffee from your favourite #fresh #local coffee roaster [note: note included in BeerCo Kit].
  1. Fill clean Kettle with 17 litres of water and pre-boil your water to precipitate our chlorides and chloramines. Add Mash Salts – 30g or 6 tsp of Calcium Carbonate
  2. Mill the grains and dough-in targeting a mash of around 3 Litres of water to 1 Kg of grain (a liquor-to-grist ratio of about 3:1 by weight) and a mash temperature of 67 °C (152 °F).
  3. Hold the mash at 67 °C ( 152 °F ) until enzymatic conversion is complete for around 45 minutes to 1 hour.
  4. Infuse the mash with near boiling water while stirring or with a recirculating mash system raise the temperature to mash out at 76 °C (168 °F). Mash out for 10 minutes.
  5. Fly sparge slowly with 14 Litres of 76 °C (168 °F ) water, collecting wort until the pre-boil kettle volume is around 25 L (6.5 gallons).
  6. The total boil time will be 60 minutes. Bring to a rapid rolling boil and make first addition of 27g of Willamette at 60 mins from end of boil.
  7. Make second addition of 27g of Willamette at 20 mins from end of boil.
  8. Deltafloc or Irish Moss is added with any yeast nutrients at 15 mins remaining on the boil.
  9. Add last addition of 27 grams of Willamette into the Boil at 5 mins remaining on the boil.
  10. At flameout, cool wort to 19°C (67 °F ), decant starter or open Gold Pitch and pitch liquid GigaYeast or 2 x sachets of dry yeast into pre oxygenated wort.
  11. Over the course of the two-week fermentation, ramp the temperature slowly up to 22°C (72 °F ) to ensure full attenuation.
  12. On approximately Day 7 of fermentation when primary and secondary appear to be coming to a close find and butter up your favourite local coffee roaster for a special fresh grind roughly and dry coffee hop for 24-48 hours before kegging or bottling at a rate of (~5 oz. per 5 gallons/140 g per 19 L) of your local roasters favourite medium roast ground coffee beans.
  13. Wait 1-2 days, then rack off into keg or bottling bucket for immediate carbonation or priming.
  14. Carbonate this beer to 2.4 volumes of CO2 and serve it on both nitrogen and/or CO2. Sláinte!
Sauces of brewspiration:
Buy Now! DICKS – Dry Irish Coffee Stout All Grain Recipe Kit – $49.50 – $55.00 Incl. GST
May the Brewing Force be with you Aussie Homebrewers!
Another action packed full Brewsletter for your reading enjoyment as you plan to #brewhappy in Mayhem - May 2018!

Mayhem – May 2018 – BeerCo Brewing News…


Wow! Where did April go? Have you got your tickets and events lined up for Good Beer Week in MELbrewin? There is so much happening at the moment here at BeerCoAU we don’t know where to start…

We know your valuable brewing time is precious and we don’t want to bore or spam you so we keep our mailouts to monthly and encourage you to find us on your favourite social media channels @BeerCoAU for regular updates.

Much more to announce in months to come but for now let’s just stay focused on the core ingredients to brew amazing Beer and some Bling! to #brewlikeapro! So what are you waiting for?…read…drink…brew…happy…drink…happier…in that order please…and oh, we almost forgot to tell you Crop 2018 AU Hops are here! Check them out here:


Harraways Flaked Wheat
$4.95/1Kg – $64.95/20Kg Incl. GST

Harraways unmalted Flaked Wheat has been steamed and rolled to gelatinize its starches, making them accessible for conversion to sugars. Must be mashed with base malts for conversion to occur. Flaked Wheat is a common ingredient in wheat beers such as Bavarian Weisse, and is essential to Belgian Lambics and Wits. Adds the essential starch haze and high levels of protein required in these beers. Flaked wheat adds more sharp wheat flavour than malted wheat. Popular in US IPAs both West Coast and East Coast available now in Australia for the first time!
  • 1 Kg Bags at $4.95 / Kg Incl. GST
  • 5 Kg Bags at $19.95 Incl. GST (SAVE 20% ON 1KG PRICE)
  • 20 Kg Bags at $64.95 Incl. GST (SAVE 34% ON 1KG PRICE)
Read More, Recipe Ideas and Buy Now!

Harraways Company Video

Hop of the Month! Mosaic T90 US Hop Pellets
Mosaic® (HBC 369) is an aroma hop variety that offers a unique and complex blend of floral, tropical, fruity, and earthy characteristics that translate very favourably into several beer styles.

  • Type 90 Hop Pellets | 100g | 250g | 500g | 1Kg Foils
Developed by Hop Breeding Company and released in 2012, Mosaic® Brand HBC 369 contains high alpha content and features a unique and complex aroma profile that translates favorably into a variety of beer styles. It is a daughter of Simcoe® Brand YCR 14 and a Nugget derived male. Mosaic® is named in honor of the artistic assortment of aromas and flavors it is capable of presenting.

Brewing Usage
  • Aroma
Specific aroma descriptors include blueberry, tangerine, papaya, rose, blossoms, grass and bubble gum.

Typical Beer Styles
  • IPA
Brewing Values:
ALPHA ACID 10.5-14% 0 20 (medium/high)

BETA ACID 3-4.5% 0 15 (low)

TOTAL OIL 0.8-3 mL/100g 0 4 (medium)

General Trade Perception:
  • An excellent aroma variety
Craft Beer Examples:
Pack & Price Options:
Buy Now! What you waiting for? Mosaic up a myriad of flavours!

GigaYeast of the Month: GY029 NorCal Ale #5 GigaYeast
$14.95 Incl. GST

GigaYeast NorCal Ale #5 GY029 is more flocculent and less attenuative than GigaYeast NorCal Ale #1 GY001. GY029 NorCal Ale #5 ferments more slowly and leaves a clear beer with residual sweetness and a slight fruity nose. Excellent for full bodied, malt forward beers.

Attenuation Medium Gravity*
  • 69% – 73%
Attenuation High Gravity*
  • 69% – 72% (8.5% – 9.2% ABV)
Temperature Range†:
  • 19˚C – 24˚C (67˚F – 75˚F)
  • Medium/High
Representative Beer Styles:
  • Amber
  • Brown
  • Pale
  • Porter
  • Stout
Pack & Price Options:
  • Gold Pitches for 21 L / 5 US Gallon Homebrew Size $14.95 Incl. GST
  • GY029 NorCal Ale #5 GigaYeast ProPitch – DHL Express in 5-7 days to your Craft Brewery!
Buy Now! GY029 NorCal Ale #5 GigaYeast – Get Your Giga On!

Equipment of the month: Brew-Tek™ BrewFresh™ Fermentation Vessel – 50 Litres
$1,895.00 Incl. GST

Brew-Tek™ Labs innovation team have created the BrewFresh™ 50 Litres Fermentation Vessel for your brews to blossom. Fabricated using certified 304 stainless steel for all material and components. Inspection and pressure tested. Unsurpassed tank quality and fantastic value with all valves and fittings included.

Features include:
  • 50 Litres big batch or single keg brewing for the serious homebrewer or pilot batch craftbrewer. Larger sizes available upon request.
  • Built from the highest quality, certified (304) stainless steel to exacting specifications.
  • Fitted with Stainless Steel valves [1 ” side cone and bottom]
  • Pressure Gauge
  • Adjustable Pressure Relief Valve
  • Gas inert
  • Easy to clean, rinse and sanitise via top manway
  • Rolling structure for easy transport whether full or empty
  • Universal yeast propagation vessel [additional stirring fitting available as an extra]
  • Safety elements include a pressure & vacuum relief safety valve. (30psi/>2bar).
Buy Now! Find out More! Get some Bling! #BrewLikeaPro!

Brew of the Month – Fall Over – IPA – BeerCo Recipe Kit

Who doesn’t love #themule. That great mate who whenever s/he is flying “across the dutch” to Moo Zealand or “across the Pacific” to God Bless Merica! is always willing to go above and beyond the call of duty of mateship and #mule back some superfresh liquid enjoyment. Our beloved “Mule” aka Gus or G Dog! recently returned from a fleeting visit to Seattle, WA where as you do he just strolled into a local supermarket where all the beers were stored cold in fridges and asked the knowledgeable bearded beer guy for his tips and recommendations on some good local fresh craft beer!

Muling this one bomber and a few other fine gems inside well packed insulated check-in all the way home and straight into the fridge we got to enjoy a glass together with some fine food over the Easter long week. Here is our crack at brewing your own at home!

Vital Stats:
Batch & Boil
  • Batch Size: 21 Litres
  • Boil Time: 90 mins
  • OG 1.070
  • FG 1.017
  • IBU 51
  • ABV 7%
  • Colour 9 EBC
  • Balance – 0.726 IBU/SG Bitterness Ratio
Grain Bill

German Pilsner Malt 90% 6.0
Harraways Flaked Wheat 10% 0.66
100% 6.66

Mosaic 11.8% 20 60 mins 26 IBU
Mosaic 11.8% 40 5 mins 17 IBU
Cascade 7.2% 30 5 mins 8 IBU
Mosaic 11.8% 20 3 days 0
Cascade 7.2% 35 3 days 0
Mosaic 11.8% 20 3 days 0
Cascade 7.2% 20 3 days 0
Liquid | GigaYeast

Water Adjustments:
  1. Fill clean Kettle with 21 litres of water and pre-boil your water to precipitate our chlorides and chloramines. Add Mash Salts – 10g or 2 tsp of Calcium Sulphate (Gypsum) and 5g or 1 tsp of Calcium Carbonate
  2. Mill the grains and dough-in targeting a mash of around 3 Litres of water to 1 Kg of grain (a liquor-to-grist ratio of about 3:1 by weight) and a mash temperature of 67 °C (152 °F).
  3. Hold the mash at 67 °C ( 152 °F ) until enzymatic conversion is complete for around 45 minutes to 1 hour.
  4. Infuse the mash with near boiling water while stirring or with a recirculating mash system raise the temperature to mash out at 76 °C (168 °F). Mash out for 10 minutes.
  5. Fly sparge slowly with 12 Litres of 76 °C (168 °F ) water, collecting wort until the pre-boil kettle volume is around 25 L (6.5 gallons).
  6. The total boil time will be 90 minutes. Bring to a rapid rolling boil and make first addition of 20g of Mosaic at 60 mins from end of boil.
  7. Deltafloc or Irish Moss is added with any yeast nutrients at 15 mins remaining on the boil.
  8. Make second addition of 40g of Mosaic and 30g of Cascade at 5 mins from end of boil.
  9. At flameout, cool wort to 19°C (67 °F ), decant starter or open Gold Pitch and pitch liquid GigaYeast or 2 x sachets of dry yeast into pre oxygenated wort.
  10. Over the course of the two-week fermentation, ramp the temperature slowly up to 22°C (72 °F ) to ensure full attenuation.
  11. On approximately Day 5-7 of fermentation when primary fermentation appears to be complete and secondary fermentation is appearing hit with your first dry hop of 20g of Mosaic and 35g of Cascade for 72 hours (3 days).
  12. Do a double dry hop of 20g of Mosaic and 35g of Cascade for a further 72 hours (3 days).
  13. After 2nd dry hop of 3 days, Cold crash, rack off into keg or bottling bucket for immediate carbonation or priming.
  14. Carbonate this beer to 2.5 volumes of CO2 and serve it #freshas. cheers!
Sauces of brewspiration:
Buy Now! Bits & Bobs – All Grain Recipe Kit – $59.50 – $64.95 Incl. GST
Just Dropped In - July 2018 - BeerCo Brewing News...
I woke up this mornin' with the sundown shinin' in
I found my mind in a brown paper bag within
I tripped on a cloud and fell-a eight miles high
I tore my mind on a jagged sky
I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in

Just Dropped In
Kenny Rogers

We hop this issue of the BeerCo Brewing News finds you in a good condition. What a month that was More Beer June!

We rocked it out at BrewCon 2018 26-8 June in Syncity - thanks to all the home-to-pro brewers and craft brewers and supply partners who dropped by to say Hi! to us on Trade Booth #11. Beery nice to chat over a beer with all our long time friends in the Craft Brewing Industry and make some new ones. We will not bore you with all the "wish you were here" photos just make sure you come along to the next one in 2019. One thing is for sure BrewCon gets bigger and better each and every year!

This July 18 monthly is another bumper issue - Malt of the Month - Eclipse Wheat Malt - Adjunct of the Month - Lactose - Hop of the Month - Belma - Yeast of the Month - Lallemand WildBrew™ Sour Pitch - Equipment of the Month - Mk2 Temp Controller - BeerCo Recipe of the Month - Milkin' It! Condition - Milk Stout and that will do for now...oh no it won't!

PS Pop a date in your brewing calendar - Wed 24th Oct for the inaugural BeerCo Bottle Share at BeerCo HQ ahead of your favourite brewing conference and mine anhc6 26-8 Oct in MELbrewin' oh yeah! Have you got your tickets yet to anhc6? Hop to it!

Gladfield Eclipse Wheat - NEW!
Gladfield Eclipse Wheat is a bitterless black malt, the best way to add the smoothest dark brown/black colour to your beers without accompanying bitterness and with a very subtle flavour contribution. Use for many styles when you want to adjust for colour, while adding a delicious minor roast coffee note.

  • 1 Kg Bags normally $4.95 / Kg Incl. GST
  • 5 Kg Bags normally $19.95 Incl. GST - SAVE 20% ON 1KG RRP
  • 25 Kg Bags at $74.25 Incl. GST - SAVE 40% ON 1KG RRP
EBC Test Method Specification
  • Moisture (max) % 2.5
  • Extract – Fine Dry min % 74
  • Wort Colour 1300+
  • Typical Colour 1400
  • 1–2% for little to no flavour contribution, minor colour adjustment; 2–6% to add more colour with very smooth roasted coffee and chocolate notes;
  • 7–10% in a larger ratio for more definite colour adjustment, velvety-smooth subtle roast character.
Read more about Gladfield NEW Eclipse Wheat malt
Buy Now! Gladfield Eclipse Wheat - NEW!

Why is lactose special? Lactose is quite simply "milk sugar" and it is wholly unfermentable by brewer's yeast. Because of this, a lactose addition lends additional sweetness and body to a beer. Although lactose can be used with many beer styles, it turns out that the flavors in a stout (roast, chocolate, coffee, toffee) pair incredibly well with a heightened level of sweetness, and there is even a sub-style within the stout family for beers that utilize lactose. These are called "milk stouts". Because of that increased sweetness, this style also goes by the name "sweet stout".

Pack & Price:
  • 500g Bag for $5.95 inc GST
  • 1Kg Bag for $9.95 inc GST (SAVE 15% on 500g RRP)
  • 5Kg Bag for $37.95 inc GST (SAVE 35% on 500g RRP)
  • 25Kg Bag for $179.95 inc GST (SAVE 40% on 500g RRP)
Buy Now! Lactose - 100% Milk Product from Australian Cows!


BELMA™ Type 90 Hop Pellets from Puterbaugh Farms a fourth generation hop farming family that has been growing hops in the fertile Yakima Valley of Washington State since the 1930’s.

BELMA is a relatively NEW hop variety exclusively grown at Puterbaugh Farms. Dr. Shellhammer from Oregon State University tested BELMA™ US Hops Brewing a Pale Ale noting the following flavour descriptions: A very clean hop, with a very orange, slight grapefruit, tropical pineapple, strawberry, and melon aroma.

  • Type 90 Hop Pellets | 100g | 250g | 500g | 1Kg | 5Kg Foils
  • Dual Purpose
  • Late additions - whirlpool, kettle, dry hopping
Beer Styles
  • American-style Ales
  • Cream Ale
  • Pale Ale
  • IPA
  • Harvest: 2017
  • Lot Identification: Belma 127399085HD
  • Date Tested: 12/8/2017
  • Date Reported 12/11/2017
  • Analysis Method: Spectrophotometer
  • % Alpha Acids: 10.6
  • % Beta Acids: 5.1
  • HSI: 0.308
  • Grown at Puterbaugh Farms out of the Yakima Valley in Washington, USA
Pack & Price Options:
  • 100g $9.95 incl GST
  • 250g $21.95 incl GST (SAVE 10% on 100g RRP)
  • 500g $41.95 incl GST (SAVE 15% on 100g RRP)
  • 1 Kg $79.95 incl GST (SAVE 20% on 100g RRP)
  • 5 Kg $345 incl GST (SAVE 30% on 100g RRP)
Buy Now! BELMA™ Type 90 US Hop Pellets

Size 10g $14.95 Incl. GST

Lallemand Brewing WildBrew™ Sour Pitch High Performance Lactobacillus Plantarum is a ready-to-use, high-performance, and high-purity lactic acid bacteria specifically selected for its ability to produce a wide range of sour beer styles.

WildBrew™ Sour Pitch produces a clean and balanced citrus flavor profile typical of both traditional and modern sour beer styles. When inoculated at optimal temperature and the right conditions, it is a powerful, safe and easy way to handle bacteria for various beer souring techniques, such as a typical kettle souring process.

Styles which can be brewed with WildBrew™ Sour Pitch include, but are not limited to, Berliner Weisse, Gose, lambic-style, American Wild, and Sour IPA. WildBrew™ Sour Pitch will deliver unmatched consistency, effortless application, fully assured performance and unparalleled purity for brewing the sour beer style of your choice.

Focus on your creativity and style and let WildBrew™ Sour Pitch do the rest.

In Lallemand Standard Wort conditions, WildBrew™ Sour Pitch bacteria exhibits:

  • Fast pH drop that can be completed within 2 days (typically within 24 to 36 hours).
  • High lactic acid versus lower acetic production.
  • Aroma and flavor is citrus and tangy with a hint of fruit.
The optimal temperature range for WildBrew™ Sour Pitch when producing sour beer styles is between 30°C to 40°C (86°F to 104°F)

Fermentation rate, fermentation time and pH drop are dependent on inoculation density, bacteria handling, fermentation temperature and nutritional quality of the wort.

Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. diastaticus strains are capable of utilizing some types of dextrins. Extra care should be taken to ensure proper cleaning procedures are in place to avoid any cross-contamination with other brews. Fermentation rate, fermentation time and degree of attenuation are dependent on inoculation density, yeast handling, fermentation temperature and nutritional quality of the wort.


  • Inoculation 10g/hL
  • pH > 3.4
  • Temperature 30 - 40°C (86 - 104°F)
Packaging & Storage:
WildBrew™ Sour Pitch is currently available in 10g packs (for 1hL.). This product can be stored for 18 months at 4°C (40°F) or 36 months at -18°C (0°F) in its original sealed packaging. This product can be delivered and stored at ambient temperature (<25°C / 77°F) for 3 weeks without significant loss of viability.

Stay Sour! Buy Now! Lallemand Brewing WildBrew™ Sour Pitch

$79.95 incl. GST

One of the top 5 immutable laws of brewing is "temperature control". If you do not have temperature control of your fermentation your risking making less than great beer!

The New Mk2 Temp Controller!

  • NOW with programmable temperature profile
  • NOW with automated distillation control feature
These new advanced temperature controllers look very similar to the old model temperature controllers but the MKII Temperature Controller now includes even more features to help you brew like a pro! The MKII TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER - HEAT and COOL now includes settings so you can:
1. Setup a temperature profile so you can program the temp controller to step up and down the temperature over time. For optimum fermentation conditions you can program this smart temperature controller to start fermenting at one temperature, increase the temperature after a number of days then crash chill. This is done without any intervention at all. Just set and forget. You can also use this to step up the temperature of your mash tun so it will automatically step the temperature up and down as you please. The options are endless.
2. Use this to automate you distillation column. If you have ever used a reflux still you will know how painful it is to sit there waiting and watching the still drip, drip, drip. Now this controller will look after the process for you. The controller can be used to control your reflux column so you can go and relax.
  • High accuracy 0.1 degree C.
  • Dual plugs so you can control heating and cooling devices with the one controller
  • 2 x 10 amp sockets on rear; one for heating and one for cooling
  • Works from -45 °C up to 120 °C
  • Comes with fully waterproof probe so you can immerse the probe in water.
  • Uses “50 k ohm” Probe
  • Manufactured in compliance with Australian Standards

BeerCo Recipe Kit of the Month - Condition - Milk Stout - All Grain BeerCo Recipe Kit

Not for Babies! Condition | Milk Stout | BeerCo Recipe Kit will put you in the right frame of mind to sleep at night just like a baby!
  • $49.95 incl. GST Milled / Unmilled Dry Yeast
  • $54.95 incl GST Milled / Unmilled Liquid GigaYeast
Not for babies, this sweet stout or milk stout is rich malty and well balanced with the goodness of milk sugar to offset the deepest dark colour and minor roast coffee notes from Eclipse Wheat bitterless black malt. Looking for something to sip fireside with your slippers and smoking jacket on? Looking for something to tuck you into bed at night and make sure you sleep like a baby? Look no further - Condition | Milk Stout will put you in the right frame of mind on a cold winter's night or any night for that matter!

Cheers! #brewhappy #drinkhappier #enjoyresponsibly

Batch & Boil

  • Batch Size: 21 Litres
  • Boil Time: 60 mins
  • OG 1.067
  • FG 1.016
  • IBU 39
  • ABV 6.8%
  • Colour 83 EBC
Amt Name Colour % Grist
3.00 Kg Gladfield Ale Malt (6 EBC) 50%

0.80 Kg Gladfield Toffee Malt (190 EBC) 12%

0.60 Kg Gladfield Eclipse Wheat (16 EBC) 10%

0.60 Kg Harraways Rolled Oats (3 EBC) 10%

0.25 Kg Gladfield Biscuit Malt (60 EBC) 4%

0.25 Kg Gladfield Brown Malt (178 EBC) 4%

0.25 Kg Gladfield Light Chocolate Malt (115.0 EBC) 4%

6.00 Kg TOTAL 83 EBC 100%

  1. 80 gm Willamette US Hop Pellets Alpha: 4.3% – 60 minute boil addition
  2. 20 gm Willamette US Hop Pellets Alpha: 4.3% – Dry Hop - 3 days from terminal gravity
Liquid | GigaYeast
Dry | Lallemand Danstar
  1. Mill the grains and dough-in targeting a mash of around 3 Litres of water to 1 Kg of grain (a liquor-to-grist ratio of about 3:1 by weight or around 18 Litres) and a single infusion temperature of 65 °C (149°F).
  2. Hold the mash at 65 °C (149°F) until enzymatic conversion is complete (45-60 mins).
  3. Infuse the mash with near boiling water while stirring or with a recirculating mash system raise the temperature to mash out at 76 °C (168 °F). Mash out for 10 minutes.
  4. Fly Sparge slowly with 12 Litres of 77 °C (170 °F) water, collecting wort until the pre-boil kettle volume is around 25.0 L.
  5. Add 80gm Willamette US Hop Pellets at start of vigorous 60 minute boil.
  6. The total boil time will be 60 minutes.
  7. Optional: add Deltafloc tablet or Irish Moss tablet and Yeast Nutrient with 15 mins of boil remaining.
  8. Add 350g of Lactose at termination of boil.
  9. Cool wort and transfer to the primary fermenter oxygenating wort and pitching Liquid GigaYeast or Lallemand Brewing Nottingham Ale yeast at 18° C.
  10. Allow primary ferment to free ride up to 21-22° C and hold at that temperature.
  11. Secondary Fermentation - Dry Hop with remaining 20 gm Willamette US Hop Pellets for 72 hours (3 days) before kegging or bottling.
  12. Bottle or Keg and carbonate your beer to 2.3 levels of CO2.
  13. Mature for 2-4 weeks and will continue to mature and mallow over 2-4 months.
  14. Bring up to beer cellar temperature 8-10°C pour slowly into a goblet glass, put on your slippers and smoking jacket, light a fire, kick back and relax and enjoy responsibly, Prost!
  15. Food compliments - rich dark chocolate puddings, heavy meat dishes e.g. Steak, Hungarian Goulash, Pies and Beef and Lamb Roast.
BeerCo Recipe Kit Contents:
  • Malt - 6Kg
  • Hops - 100g
  • Adjuncts - Lactose 350g
  • Yeast - 1 x Liquid Gold Pitches or 2 x Dry Yeast Sachets
Credits & Sauces of Brewspiration:
Buy Now! Condition | Milk Stout - All Grain BeerCo Recipe Kit
Hey me watch the corners,
Watch me 'cause I know what you done
Hey me don't you know
Watch me 'cause I'm all alone

Watch the Corners! Dinosaur Jnr.

We hop this issue of the BeerCo Brewing News finds you in a good company, keeping good company and skating inside your realms of comfort. How's your "condition" post Dry July?

We closed out another busy July with more orders out to more of you awesome Aussie Brewers so thanks Sisters and Brothers in arms for all your efforts to put quality and flavour first in your brewing choices. We hop that you are bringing family and friends on the journey into a better beer tomorrow and most importantly learning and having fun!

This Aug 18 monthly is another bumper issue - Malt of the Month - Wheat Malt - Adjunct of the Month - Rice Hulls - Hop of the Month - Saaz - Yeast of the Month - GY027 Saison #2 GigaYeast - Equipment of the Month - The Brew Pad Heat Panel - BeerCo Recipe of the Month - Blue Sky Grisette and that will do for now...oh no it won't!

PS Pop more dates in your brewing calendar

  1. Father's Day at Fury & Son Brewing Co - Beer Brunch - Sun 2 Sep
  2. BeerCo Bottle Share meetup - Wed 24 Oct - 4-7 PM - Save the Date! More details coming soon...stay tuned in
  3. anhc 6 - 26-8 Oct 2018 in MELbrewin' - have you got your tickets?

Wheat Malt
Gladfield Wheat Malt is produced from an old English Wheat variety that modifies very well, resulting in a higher yield.

Wheat Malt gives clean light coloured wort. Wheat Malt can be used in many beer styles to add head retention, body and a wheat malty flavour to the finished beer. A popular addition in many IPAs to create the "haze" or "hold a head on it" Wheat Malt is also an excellent addition in your Spring and Summer beers for some texture colour and mouthfeel! What are you waiting for - Brew like a Monk and add some Wheat in your Grist!

  • 5 Kg Bags RRP $17.50 Incl. GST
  • 25 Kg Sacks RRP $69.95 Incl. GST - SAVE 20% ON 5KG RRP
  • Up to 70% of the Grist
  • If going over 50% Rice Hulls are recommended in addition to avoid stuck mash and for greater ease of conversion and lautering
Check out: Gladfield Redback Wheat Malt (Crystal Wheat) as well for a colour and flavour twist in your Wheat malt additions to your mash tun!
Buy Now! Wheat Malt!

Brewing up a "true to Jamil Style" Belgian Wit with Tom during dry July we found out just what a good friend in the Mash Tun Rice Hulls can be! With over 50% of the grist being unmalted flaked wheat and rolled oats our barley had its work well and truly cut out and we needed our good friend Ms Rice and her wonderful hulls to help insure we hit our numbers in the Mash enjoyed a smooth and clear sparge and clean lauter and didn't end up eating a lot of Porridge and miss out tasting paddle rewards at Two Birds Brewing Co after a Hoppy Flyday brewday! We call it PD! Professional Development or NPD Newcomer Prototyping and Development and Tom picked a cracker of a style to master on his first brew day!

Rice Hulls are the outer shell or husk of a grain of rice. Rice Hulls are normally removed from the grain of rice, and when used for brewing the hulls improve the filter bed of the mash to decrease the likelihood of a stuck mash. Rice hulls are non-fermentable, and provide bulk helping prevent the mash from settling and becoming stuck during the sparge. Rice hulls are particularly useful for recipes using high protein additives such as large amounts of wheat or flaked barley or rye in the grist. As we said early Ms Rice is very Nice when your brewing with a lot of Wheat, Rye, Oats or unmalted Barley.

Pack & Price:
  • 1.5Kg Bag for $6.95 inc GST
Be Nice to your Mash & Lauter Buy some Rice Hulls!

Saaz or Saazer is widely considered among the world’s great hop varieties, truly a “Noble” aroma hop from the Czech Republic. Saaz was selected from a landrace that has grown in Central Europe since the Middle Ages. Named after the town of Žatec (Saaz in German), some 60 km northwest of Prague, the spiritual home of Pilsner or was that Pilsen, CZ. Internationally, the Saaz hop acquired its German name in the 19th century, when what is now the Czech Republic was part of the German-speaking Austro-Hungarian Empire. Sometimes referred to as Saazer or Bohemian Red Hop, Saaz matures early and has a low yield potential, but it possesses a uniquely pleasant aroma, which is why it is the major hop produced in the Czech Republic and widely exported to brewers around the world.

Czech Saaz is noble in nature and delicate in spirit and it is worth paying attention to Harvest Years and study up on how to spot a good hop pellet from a bad hop pellet before you pay out on poor or rave about awesome quality Saaz. If you want to read up on Hops check out a talk we did at QHC2017 on Hops and jump to Slide 19 on the SlideShare for how to spot a good pellet from a bad pellet.

2016 Harvest Saaz was good! Saaz is good for oh so many reasons. Leave her a while and let her alpha's fade and she is great in a Sour Beer Style. Keep Saaz close and treat her kindly and she will delight in oh so many beer styles. Your noble for a reason Ms Saaz.

  • Type 90 Hop Pellets | 100g | 250g | 500g | 1Kg Foils
  • Specific aroma descriptors include mild with pleasant earthy, herbal and floral overtones.
Beer Styles
  • Grisette
  • Pilsner
  • Saison
  • Sours
  • Harvest: 2016
  • ALPHA ACID 2.5-4.5% (Low)
  • BETA ACID 4-6% (Low/Medium)
  • TOTAL OIL 0.4-0.8 mL/100g 0 4 (Low)
Czech Saazer is the classic "noble" aroma hop with long and strong traditions, associated with the renowned Czech Pilsner
Pack & Price Options:
  • 100g $9.95 incl GST RRP NOW $6.95 SAVE 30% OFF RRP
  • 250g $19.95 incl GST RRP NOW $14.95 SAVE 25% OFF RRP
  • 500g $39.95 incl GST
  • 1 Kg $69.95 incl GST RRP NOW $39.95 SAVE 43% OFF RRP
Buy Noble! Buy CZ Saaz Type 90 Hop Pellets and Brew Hoppy!

Gold Pitch - Normally $14.95 NOW $9.95 inc GST (SAVE 33% OFF RRP)

GigaYeast Saison #2 GY027 is from a traditional farmhouse Saison. GY027 creates the fruity and spicy aroma traditional to the style. Warmer fermentation temperatures result in a more intense flavour. GY027 Saison #2 GigaYeast produces a tartness not found in most of our yeast and a slightly sweeter beer than GY018 Saison #1 GigaYeast.

Attenuation Medium Gravity*
  • 79% – 83%
Attenuation High Gravity*
  • 44% – 47% (5.5% – 6.0% ABV)
Temperature Range†:
  • 18˚C – 27˚C (64˚F – 80˚F)
  • Low
Representative Beer Styles:
  • Grisette
  • Saison
  • Farmhouse Ale
  • Belgian Ale
  • Biere De Garde
Buy Your Saison NOW! Spring to it!

$49.95 incl. GST

One of the top 5 immutable laws of brewing is "temperature control". If you do not have temperature control of your fermentation your risking making less than great beer!

The Brew Pad Heat Panel is a multi-purpose heating panel that provides the ideal temperature for year round brewing.

  • Convenient and easy to use - just plug it in!
  • Avoid direct contact with liquids.
  • Use on a solid heat resistant surface.
  • Do not use if damaged.
  • Flame retarded injection moulded polycarbonate
  • Supplies constant steady heat (ideal for fermentation temperature control).
  • Inexpensive to run.
  • Full replacement 3 year warranty, on manufacturers parts only.
  • Electrical certificate of suitability No. 6691N.
  • Complies with AS 3100
Manufactured in New Zealand.

Recommended additional products to purchase to assist with Fermentation Temperature Control:
Keep your Brew Warm and Happy with the Brew Pad - Buy NOW!

BeerCo Recipe Kit of the Month - Blue Sky - Grisette - BeerCo Recipe Kit

Grisettes are light, refreshing European-born beers originally brewed for miners in Belgium’s Hainaut province. Low in alcohol they were designed to refresh workers after what must have been a cramped, taxing day below ground.
  • $49.95 incl. GST Milled / Unmilled Dry Yeast
  • $54.95 incl GST Milled / Unmilled Liquid GigaYeast
Grisettes are brewed with malted wheat, his detail is perhaps their defining characteristic, because many Belgian beers of that period would have been brewed with unmalted wheat. Grisettes also have noticeable hopping levels. Here we have designed a clean simple and sessionable and wylie Grisette for you to enjoy as Spring arrives and at an ABV that will not slow you down as you get about your busy day of digging through your chores.

But if I work all day at the blue sky mine
(There'll be food on the table tonight)
Midnight Oil - Blue Sky Mine
Cheers! #brewhappy #drinkhappier #enjoyresponsibly

Batch & Boil

  • Batch Size: 20 Litres / 5.25 US Gallons
  • Boil Time: 90 mins
  • OG 1.047
  • FG 1.007
  • IBU 49
  • ABV 5.3%
  • Colour 7 EBC
Amt Name Colour % Grist
3.60 Kg Pilsner Malt (4.2 EBC) 82%

0.80 Kg Wheat Malt (3.8 EBC) 18%

4.40 Kg TOTAL 7 EBC 100%

  1. 50 gm CZ Saaz Hop Pellets Alpha: 4.4% – 90 minute boil addition
  2. 50 gm CZ Saaz Hop Pellets Alpha: 4.4% – 15 minutes from end of boil
Liquid | GigaYeast
Dry | Lallemand
Mill the grains and dough-in targeting a mash of around 3 Litres of water to 1 Kg of grain (a liquor-to-grist ratio of about 3:1 by weight or around 17 Litres) and a single infusion temperature of 66-7 °C.
Alternatively, if you are game you can step mash with the following steps:

Step Mash:
  • 10 minute rest at 42° C (108° F), 1.5 L/kg (0.7 qt./lb.).
  • 15 minute rest at 52° C (126° F), 2.4 L/kg (1.15 qt./lb.).
  • 50 minute rest at 65° C (149° F), 3.5 L/kg (1.7 qt./lb.).
  • 30 minute rest at 72° C (162° F), 4.6 L/kg (2.2 qt./lb.)
  1. Sparge with approximately 75–80° C (167–176° F) water
  2. Sparge: Fly Sparge slowly with 16 Litres of 77 °C (170 °F) water, collecting wort until the pre-boil kettle volume is around 25.0 L.
  3. Boil: 90 minutes. 1st Saaz Hop with 50 g at 90 min and 2nd Hop Saaz Addition of another 50 g at 15 min. Add Yeast Nutrient with 15 mins of boil remaining.
  4. Cool wort and transfer to the primary fermenter oxygenating wort and pitching Liquid GigaYeast or Lallemand Brewing Belle Saison Yeast at 18° C
  5. Fermentation: If using a pure-culture, follow the guidelines for ordinary grisette and allow an extra day or two at warm temperatures if needed. The beer can be packaged at approximately 2 weeks old and consumed fairly fresh. This allows for grisette to modernize, changing from an aged mixed-culture historic beer into a modern pure-culture beer that is consumed fresh.
  6. If using a mixed culture, ferment with your chosen blend until primary fermentation is complete. At this point, age at cellar temperature for 2–5 months (or longer if the FG is not yet stable) before packaging.
  7. Packaging: Bottle or keg at 9–10 days from the start of fermentation (or longer if needed for clarity and complete fermentation). A slight haze is OK and likely would be fitting for the beer. Shoot for around 2.8–3.1 volumes (5.6–6.2 g/L) of CO2, depending on when I am packaging and the yeast I am using.
  8. Optional Extra: Dry hop with ≤1 g/L (≤0.13 oz./gal.) Goldings or Willamette for approximately 4–5 days, starting at the end of fermentation when the beer would be cooled down.
  9. Bring up to beer cellar temperature 6-8°C pour into a goblet glass, slip off your miners hat and work overalls and slip into your Hawaii Shirt and enjoy responsibly, Prost!
  10. Food pairing - Rustic beers call for rustic foods, and French provincial cuisine is a great choice. A simple roasted chicken with garlic and herbs calls out for an easygoing Grisette. Bouillabaisse and shellfish pair well with Grisette as does funky fromage - try a washed rind cheese or a delicate ripened goat cheese. The spicy side of Grisette makes it a great partner for aromatic Asian or Middle-Eastern dishes. Grilled red meat like a cracked-pepper crusted steak. You can't go wrong pairing saison with charcuterie. Grissette will complement a wide range of smoked, cured, and confited meats or some gourmet sausages!
BeerCo Recipe Kit Contents:
  • Malt - 4.4Kg
  • Hops - 100g
  • Yeast - 1 x Liquid Gold Pitches or 2 x Dry Yeast Sachets
Credits & Sauces of Brewspiration & Further Reading on the Style:
Blue Sky Miners | Grisette - All Grain BeerCo Recipe Kit is gonna save you!

Beer Brunch for Father's Day
by Fury and Son Brewing $66.97 per person on Sun 2nd Sep 2018
Strictly Limited Exclusive Event - 70 pp only allowed - get in quickly!
Fury and Son in association with are hosting a Father’s Day Beer Brunch to celebrate the launch of Crisp Malt in Australia.

Fury and Son will be producing the first commercial brew using newly re-introduced Chevalier Barley. Head brewer Brenton Aylward is concocting a special Smoked Maple Bacon Dark Ale using 100% Crisp Chevallier Malt, classic UK Fuggles Hops and British Ale #2 GigaYeast from a traditional British brewery from one of the oldest and best-known English cask ales. The team will be hand smoking and roasting the malt to get the desired colour and flavours for the beer. This special release Dark Ale will join an Imperial Coffee Stout and Scotch Ale in a three-course, beer paired brunch for the event with the remaining Fury and Son beers also available on tap.

Proceeds from the event will go towards raising awareness of men’s health issues by supporting the Australian Men’s Shed Association.

Tickets to the event can be purchased here:

Fury and Son Brewing Company:
From extract brewing in our garage to a large commercial setup, as a father and son we have been brewing beer in one way or another for the better part of 15 years. Our bond has been strengthened by our mutual passion and the love of good quality Australian beer and our fury beer is no exception.

BeerCo Pty Ltd | Unit 1 / 1-3 Disney Avenue, Keilor East, VIC 3033 mission is to rid the world of beer poverty one good brew at a time by giving brewers of all shapes and sizes the opportunity to brew with the best brewing materials, aids and equipment possible. Crisp are a perfect fit for us with over 148 years of malting experience and expertise and are the largest independent maltster in the United Kingdom. We are proud to introduce yet another high quality new raw material to brewers downunder.

Crisp Malt is available for immediate order and delivery to Australian Craft Brewers and Distillers – send all inquiries to [email protected] . From 1 October 2018, Crisp will be available to all BeerCo Pty Ltd homebrew retail partners and direct to homebrewer orders online at
Nice update BeerCo, plenty of interesting precipices and ingredients there for me to get into.

I placed my first purchase with you guys, the maltmaster mini mill c/w hopper and Gladfield grain selection arrived well packed and on time as promised. Thanks to Dermott for your time to help out and give great advice.

Busy week and weekend for me , will put these items to good use ASAP.
In the Garage - Sep 2018 - BeerCo Brewing News...
In the garage, I feel safe
No one cares about my ways
In the garage, where I belong
No one hears me sing this song
In the garage

In the Garage - Weezer
We hop this Suptembeer issue of the BeerCo Brewing News finds you brewing up great things "in the Garage" where great businesses and beers are born!

Where did August go? Be gone cold wind that has kept MELbrewin' cold and dry all winter. Is it Spring yet? Its footy finals time and already the ovals are making way for willow and leather as Summer approaches. Is Oktoberfest near? Oh Yeah! 22-9 to 7-10 for those lucky enough to be in Munich, and as we brewers all know you don't have to fly halfway around the world to enjoy a good German Marzenbier or Hefe when you can brew you own at home with fresh quality ingredients...argh beer...and the gift of alchemy...long live the brewers!

This Sep 18 monthly is another bumper issue - Malt of the Month - Pilsner Malt - Adjunct of the Month - Candi Syrup - Hop of the Month - Styrian Dragon - Yeast of the Month - GY017 Bavarian Hefe Gigayeast - Equipment of the Month - Clear Beer Draught System - BeerCo Recipe of the Month - Garage Hefeweizen and that will do for now...oh no it won't!

We share the first in what we hop will be many of our "Learn to Brew like a Pro! How to...BrewTubes" kindly put together by our good friend Andrew aka "Stass" at Stass Brewing. This month we show you "How to make a malt tea?" before you brew to check your colour and sip for some flavour indicators post boil and fermentation.

We also wrap up on a fantastic Father's Day celebration with our mates at Fury & Son (a Father & Son) Brewing Co last month and an amazing beer that Brenton their head brewer made ahead of the special occassion - Can you Brew it?

Last but not least, please do not forget to put more upcoming meetup dates into your brewing calendar

  1. Inner Sydney Brewers Club Meeting - Wed 3 Oct - at Atlassian, Bar in downtown Sydney (arguably the best brew "clubrooms" on the planet!)
  2. BeerCo Bottle Share meetup - Wed 24 Oct - 4-7 PM at BeerCo HQ - Save the Date! More details coming soon...stay tuned in
  3. anhc 6 - 26-8 Oct 2018 in MELbrewin' - early bird ticket specials close end of this week 16-Sep...don't delay! Buy your ticket NOW!

Pilsner Malt
Marshall 07/06/2018
Awesome Malt
This Pilsner malt is excellent, great clean flavour that has worked brilliantly in Kolsch, Saison, and Belgian Blonde. It is amazing when paired with Ale Malt and a touch of Gladiator in an IPA.

Gladfield Pilsner malt is made from 2 row English and European bred barley varieties. Only plump low protein barley is used which allows for higher extract potential and helps eliminate potential protein haze issues in the beer. The plumpness and even germination along with low protein gives highly friable malt and care must be taken not to over crush. Protein modification is kept relatively low with out compromising overall quality of the malt. These attributes’ make Gladfield Pilsner malt well suited for craft brewing, the lower protein modification improves mouth feel and head retention. Carefully controlled kilning gives a nice malty character with out too much colour. Gladfield Pilsner malt has sufficient diastatic power to convert the addition of 10-20% coloured malts but it is not designed for large amounts of unmalted adjuncts. It is important that mash pH is controlled properly to obtain the best efficiencies and desired outcomes. Gladfield Pilsner malt has sufficient diastatic power to convert the addition of 10-20% coloured malts, however it is not designed for large amounts of unmalted adjunct. It is important for the brewer to properly control mash pH to obtain the best efficiency and desired brewing outcomes.

  • 5 Kg Bags RRP $16.95 Incl. GST
  • 25 Kg Sacks RRP $64.95 Incl. GST - SAVE 20% ON 5KG RRP
  • Up to 100% of the Grist
  • Note: Gladfield Pilsner malt has sufficient diastatic power to convert the addition of 10-20% coloured malts, however it is not designed for large amounts of unmalted adjunct.
Check out: Gladfield German Pilsner Malt for a Pilsner Malt with less malt character to let the hops shine or Gladfield Lager Light Malt for a lighter colour Pilsner Malt to make your European style beers.
Buy Now! Pilsner Malt!

Tanks to Andrew at Stass Brewing for this little gemstone - "How to Brew Like a Pro"

Adjunct of the Month: Candi Syrup
Candy, candy, candy I can't let you go
All my life you're haunting me, I loved you so

Iggy Pop "Candy"
Looking to brew happy a true to style Belgian Trappist Ale or Dubbel or Tripel? Well, you better look closely at Candi Syrup.

When added to wort, candi syrup is fully fermented and results in a beer with lighter body and more alcohol because it is more fermentable than malt sugars. This is one of the reasons that many Belgian beer styles are notably drier than most types from other countries. Typical usage rates are from 10%–30% of the original gravity.

Brewers often use the lighter-colored candi syrup for lighter-colored beers such as tripels and special golden ales. The darker-colored sugars are used in dark beers such as dubbels. Here the dark candi sugar gives flavors of high-temperature caramel, raisins, and even burnt sugar. Even though the color of dark candi sugar is similar to that derived from many roasted malts, the flavors are entirely different; for example candi sugar generally does not give coffee-like notes. Often, beers that include candi sugar are high-alcohol beers with a deceivingly smooth drinkability.

Products - 454g (16oz or 1lb) Easy Pour and Store Pouch Pack:
  • Simplicity Premium Blonde Candi Syrup ™ - 1 SRM $16.95
    Simplicity is a unique blonde Belgian style Candi Syrup unlike anything available on the market today. Excellent for Saisons, Triples, and Golden Ale's.
  • Premium Golden Candi Syrup - 5 SRM $16.95
    Golden is a decadent Golden Belgian style Candi Syrup that contributes rich caramel flavors followed by a subtle fruit back-palate. Golden is ideal for award winning Belgian Golden Ales, Tripels, Bière de Garde, Saison, Belgian Blonde, and all lighter Belgian Ales.
  • D-45 Premium Amber Candi Syrup™ $16.95
    D-45 is a rich translucent amber syrup. The unmistakable toffee, vanilla, and toasted flavors that are magically created from raw beet sugar are what make D-45 Candi Syrup uniquely aromatic and delicious. Exceedingly good in Brown Ales or medium Golden Ale's that require an aromatic nose and subtle flavor.
  • D-90 Premium Dark Candi Syrup $16.95
    D-90 is by far the most universal of our Belgian style Candi Syrups and is made with pure Beet sugar. This syrup creates an unmistakable and subtle chocolate back-palate, toffee, and toasted bread flavors that make a dark Candi Syrup truly brew-worthy.
  • D-180 Premium Extra Dark Candi Syrup $16.95
    D-180 is our premium extra dark Belgian style Candi Syrup. D-180 has the unmistakable flavors of fresh ground coffee, dark stone fruit, and toasted bread. D-180 is the basis for the perfect cloning of Westvleteren 12, Rochefort 10, and many other dark Belgian Ales.
  • D-240 Premium XX Dark Candi Syrup $16.95
    D-240 Candi Syrup is the richest and darkest candi syrup available on the market. Created to have a rich smooth palate, D-240 is a triple-dark syrup with hints of dark raisin, extra dark stone fruit and a roasted dark caramel back-palate. For ales that require full body and indescribable flavor that will set your ales apart.
Well, what are you waiting for? Brew like a Monk and get your Belgian Brewing on with Candi Syrup!
Brew like a Monk! Buy some Candi Syrup NOW!

Hop of the Month! Styrian Dragon Type 90 SV Hop Pellets
Styrian Dragon Hops were developed by the Slovenian Institute for Hop Research and Brewing. Styrian Dragon is one of the latest Styrian hops on the market bred from the 105/220 Breeding Line. Little is known yet of what to expect in commercial and home brewed beers with Dragon but early signs are indicating intense floral character and moderate herbal and citrus tones.

  • Type 90 Hop Pellets | 100g | 250g | 500g | 1Kg Foils
  • Fruity: Apple, Pineapple
  • Citrus: Grapefruit, Lemon, Rose
  • Floral: Rose
  • Herbal: Marjoram
Beer Styles
  • IPA
  • Pale Ale
  • Pilsner
  • Saison
Brewing Values:
  • Harvest Year: 2017
  • Alpha Acid 6.0 - 11.0%
  • Beta Acid 7.5 - 8.5%
  • Co-humulone 23 - 24%
  • Total Oil 1.5 - 2.1 mL/100g
  • Myrcene 58 - 63% of total oil
  • Caryophyllene 5.5 - 6.7% of total oil
  • Farnesene 0.1 - 0.3% of total oil
  • Humulene 12.0 - 16.5% of total oil
Craft Beer Recipes Using Styrian Dragon Hops
Pack & Price Options:
  • 100g $8.95 incl GST RRP
  • 250g $19.95 incl GST RRP SAVE 10% OFF 100g RRP
  • 500g $39.95 incl GST RRP SAVE 15% OFF 100g RRP
  • 1 Kg $69.95 incl GST RRP SAVE 20% OFF 100g RRP
Enter the Dragon! Buy Styrian Dragon SV Type 90 Hop Pellets and Brew Hoppy!

Yeast of the Month: GY017 Bavarian Hefe GigaYeast

GigaYeast Bavarian Hefe GY017 is traditional Hefeweizen Yeast from one of Bavaria’s oldest breweries. GY017 is a robust attenuator that works over a broad range of temperatures and produces the classic banana and clove notes of the German wheat beer style. Moderate sulphide producer (will dissipate with conditioning).

Attenuation Medium Gravity*
  • 77% – 81%
Attenuation High Gravity*
  • 66% – 69% (8.9% – 9.6% ABV)
Temperature Range:
  • 18˚C – 27˚C (64˚F – 80˚F)
  • Very Low
Representative Beer Styles:
  • Dunkelweizen
  • Gose
  • Hefeweizen
  • Weizenbock
Don the Lederhosen - its Happy Hefe Season - Get your Giga on! Buy GY017

Equipment of the Month: The Clear Beer Draught System
$74.95 incl. GST

You have to ask yourself "Why am I drinking beer from the bottom of my Keg?" The clear beer draught system is a patented floating intake that replaces your kegs long dip tube. It’s designed to draw beer from the top surface of the beer in the keg. That is where the clearest, cleanest, best tasting beer is.

Still not convinced? Don't take our word for the quality of the Clear Beer Draught System - listen to the experts review the fantastic features with the founder on The Brewing Network - Brew Strong

Got some more questions - need some more tips on how to use? Read the Questions & Tips CBDS

Got one and need some help and guidance with installation read the Instructions for Use We suggest you consider adding the following upgrades to your Clear Beer Draught System for no additional costs to your shipping:
Julian R. 26/07/16 5* Customer review
I gave this a go as well. Must admit its pretty good. I had no issues with the corny outlet clogging or any infections to date (3x used so far). I (funnily enough) also brewed a Brew Dog clone (Jack Hammer) which requires about 10g/L dry hopping - but I do this in my fermenter prior to filling the keg ( have a SS conical that removes most of the
trub below the sample tube). Once transferred into the Keg, and the lid sealed, I had no problems with hops clogging the outlet post (as I have had before) and the beer poured super clear (WL001 does help that a bit).

It's a good product. Expensive yes. But and this is the real BUT. every time you have to degas the keg, remove the outlet post and clean hop debris, you are opening yourself up to infections and most importantly oxidation. Ever since using this, I have not had to open the keg once after filling and purging/carbing. So, if you calculate how much you spend on a rather strong and hoppy IPA, and then weigh that against losing a keg to oxidation or infection, its a very handy device.

I wouldn't say its required for lagers or similar beers if your leaving the kegs for a long time, But if your kegging, carbing and partying all in one week, then its a great device for getting the clear stuff from the top!

So, of you have the dosh, have a go is my recommendation.

"Why are You drinking beer from the bottom of Your Keg?" Buy the CBDS!

Recipe Kit of the Month: Garage - Hefe
$49.95 incl. GST (Milled or Unmilled - Dry Yeast)
$54.95 incl. GST (Milled or Unmilled - Liquid GigaYeast)

Sun's out and your looking to Don the Lederhosen, roll out the barrel, fire up the Oompah Band and celebrate the onset of warmer climes. When your doing your Spring cleaning and clearing out the Garage it is time to fire up the kettle and brew up some Hefe to keep the neighbours and friends and family happy and your whistle wet! Prost!

Cheers! #brewhappy #drinkhappier #enjoyresponsibly #isitOktoberfestyet?

Batch & Boil
  • Batch Size: 21 Litres / 5.25 US Gallons
  • Boil Time: 90 mins
  • OG 1.049
  • FG 1.008
  • IBU 15
  • ABV 5.4%
  • Colour 7 EBC
Amt Name Colour % Grist
2.5 Kg Pilsner Malt (3.8 EBC) 56%

2.0 Kg Wheat Malt (4.2 EBC) 44%

4.5 Kg TOTAL 7 EBC 100%

  1. 10 gm Wakatu NZ Hop Pellets - Alpha: 7.8 % – 60 minutes boil addition
  2. 10 gm Wakatu NZ Hop Pellets - Alpha: 7.8 % – 10 minutes from end of boil
Liquid | GigaYeast
Dry | Fermentis
  1. Mill the grains and dough-in targeting a mash of around 3 Litres of water to 1Kg of grain (a liquor-to-grist ratio of about 3:1 by weight). If you want to do a step mash (not required), start with a rest at 43 °C for 20 minutes and then raise to a temperature of 67 °C until conversion is complete. Otherwise, do a single infusion mash at 66 °C until enzymatic conversion is complete.
  2. Infuse the mash with near boiling water while stirring or with a recirculating mash system raise the temperature to mash out at 76 °C.
  3. Sparge slowly with 77 °C water (est. 16.5L), collecting wort until the pre-boil kettle volume is around 25 L.
  4. Boil: 90 minutes. 1st Wakatu NZ Hop of 10g at 60 min and 2nd Wakatu Hop addition of another 10 g at 10 min. Add your Yeast Nutrient at the same time. You can skip a Deltafloc or Irish Moss addition unless you are wanting to make a Kristallweizen (clear weissbier).
  5. Cool wort and transfer to the primary fermenter oxygenating wort and pitching Liquid GigaYeast GY017 or Fermentis WB-06 Dry Yeast at 18° C

  6. Ferment at 17 °C until the beer attenuates fully. With healthy yeast, fermentation should be complete in a week, but do not rush it. The cooler than average ale fermentation temperature can extend the time it takes for complete attenuation.

  7. Rack to a keg and force carbonate or rack to a bottling bucket, add priming sugar, and bottle. Target a carbonation level of 2.5 to 3 volumes.

  8. Optional Extra: Dry hop with ≤2 g/L Wakatu for approximately 3 days at end of primary fermentation, starting at the end of primary fermentation or terminal gravity and before cold conditioning.

  9. Drink Fresh in a tradition tall German Stem Weizenbier glass. Prost!

  10. Food pairing - A Multitude of foods pair nicely with Hefeweizen, a German-style wheat beer with lots of bubbles and a slightly sweet, fruity flavor. You might like to try any or all of the following food pairings - Watermelon and Tomato Salad, Lobster & Avocado Salad, Smashed Beets with Goats Cheese, Prawns, Smoked Salmon, Raspberry Shortcakes and Banana Pudding.
BeerCo Recipe Kit Contents:
  • Malt - 4.5Kg (Milled or Unmilled - You Choose)
  • Hops - 20g Wakatu NZ Type Hop Pellets
  • Yeast - 1 x Liquid Gold Pitch of GY017 Bavarian Hefe GigaYeast or 2 x 11.5g Dry Yeast Sachets of Fermentis Safale WB-06
Credits & Sauces of Brewspiration & Further Reading on the Style:
Garage | Hefe - All Grain BeerCo Recipe Kit is here! Buy NOW!

Beer Brunch for Father's Day
Smoked Maple Bacon Dark Ale
Fury & Son Brewing Company launched a great initiative for Father’s Day in 2018 to bring families together over beer and brunch creating meaningful connections and generously giving all proceeds of the event to their local Men’s Shed Association. Crisp Malting Group and were proud supporting partners to the event. Head Brewer – Brenton Aylward and the team at Fury & Son Brewing Company put together a 3-course beer matched brunch which featured their award-winning Scotch Ale and two unique rate “LIMITED EDITION” strictly one-off batches:
  1. A Coffee Imperial Stout and
  2. Smoked Maple Bacon Dark Ale.
Fury & Son Brewing Company - Smoked Maple Bacon Dark Ale was the first commercial beer brewed using the first batch of Crisp Chevallier® Malt to hit Australian shores and Brenton, took it upon himself to make the least boring single malt beer he could think of. Read on for Brenton's Brewers Log and we issue you the challenge - Can You Brew It?

The Smoked Maple Bacon Dark Ale recipe itself is quite simple as far as the brew day is concerned but it is the ingredient preparation that gives this brew its unique colour, aroma and flavour. Using Crisp Chevallier® as the single malt is ideal in a brew like this where the savoury pallet allows a full flavoured malt to come through, it adds a depth of flavour that a mass-produced modern malt simply cannot match.
To get a heavily smoked flavour into your malt you will need access to a Smoker. If you’re into BBQ get your hands on a decent second hand one and consider this a sound investment. If your good with hand tools you can easily bang one up in a morning out of a 44-gallon drum. There’s plenty of tutorials online on “how to” make these and some of them are even specific to smoking malt.
Get your malt spread out onto a perforated surface (a wire screen door covering works great but make sure it is not plastic coated) and use a spray bottle to evenly wet the malt with approximately 40mls of water per kilo. The water will help the smoke flavours be absorbed by the grain and prevent the husk of the malt from drying out and deteriorating. No one wants a stuck bed!
Get a fire running and a good coal base then load the malt into the smoker. The amount of time required to impart a smoke flavour will depend entirely on the smoker. I went for 4 hours which gave a pretty decent amount of smoke to balance the sweetness of the beer but it’s all up to you if you smoke for a shorter or longer time than this.
Getting maple flavour into any beer is hard. The aromatics in maple syrup are very volatile and will blow off very quickly during fermentation. The amount of simple, readily fermentable sugar in maple syrup pretty much guarantees you’ll start a fermentation if you put it in at any stage. Brenton, hedged his bets with this and put maple syrup in at three different stages: In the whirlpool on brew day, in the fermenter at the end of the initial fermentation and in the keg to bulk prime as a natural sugar carbonation in the keg. Tasting at various stages suggested that bulk priming was probably the most effective of these three methods to infuse maple flavour and character into the beer. However, each maple input into the brewing process, late in the kettle and into the secondary fermentation also added flavour at various levels and hell, this is a complex beer, it’s all about layering. Its worth noting that different maple syrups will taste and ferment differently as they all have different sugar profile. Brenton used BeerCo 100% Pure Canadian Maple Finishing Syrup. If you using something different and want to get really sciencey you can dilute out your maple syrup and take a gravity reading as this will tell you exactly how much sugar is in the brand you’re using.
This was Brenton’s favourite part of the brewing process hands down. He loves cooking meat “slow and low”. Get a good amount of pork shoulder or pork neck. Brenton used 5kgs because he wanted left overs, but if you’re not so much of a pork addict then you can go with less. Place the pork in the hottest section of the smoker and ensure that the smoke is directed past the pork onto the malt. Glaze the pork with maple syrup at thirty-minute intervals and cook for at least 3 hrs per kilo at 120°C smoker temp.
Brenton was making a single malt beer, so he did this himelf which was fun and smelt delicious. He took 10% of the grist and tipped it into the bottom of the kettle. He then cranked up the Mongolian jet burner and stirred the grain until it was toasted. Aim for a dark roast, something in the territory of chocolate malt. If you have a rotary drum then definitely use that, it will make life a lot easier and result in a far more consistent colour.
To give the beer sweetness reminiscent of maple syrup and juicy bacon Brenton wanted a low rate of attenuation. He achieved this by using GY031 British Ale #2 GigaYeast combined with a higher mash temperature. True to form the GY031 British Ale #2 GigaYeast also flocculated well making for a bright beer and an easy kegging day.
  • 80% Crisp Chevallier®
  • 10% Heavily Pork Smoked Crisp Chevallier® over fruit wood and Pork on the Smoker!
  • 10% Dark Toasted Crisp Chevallier® in the Kettle

Mash at 68°C for 45 minutes with a 3.3:1 liquor to grist ratio. Brenton always adds some calcium sulphate into his dark ales, as that really helps the flavour profile. Sparge until last runnings read around 4° Plato (no nasties, keep it sweet). Once you reach a boil throw in the Fuggles and let it roll for an hour. Aim for a post boil gravity of 14.9° Plato. Too low? Boil some more! Too high? Get some water in there! If you’re adding water, boil the kettle and measure out how much you need to bring it to the right gravity this will keep everything nice and sanitary. Start a whirlpool and pour in your first lot of maple syrup. Chill to 20°C at pitch with GY031. Ferment at 20°C.
Once the fermentation has stopped take a gravity reading then pour in your second lot of maple syrup. Take another reading once the maple syrup has mixed in to see how much sugar you have added, this will help with calculating the final alcohol. As mentioned earlier this will restart the fermentation as all those simple sugars in the maple syrup will get chewed through. After all this was said and done a final gravity should end up at 6° Plato but this will vary depending on the maple syrup you use.
Once your second fermentation has finished chill the fermenter then rack off into your conditioning/bottling vessel and leave cold for at least another week. To prime for bottling or kegging mix in 17ml/L of maple syrup the package as desired (if you have done your science homework on the syrup you’re using now is a great time to calculate exactly how much you will need to add for the correct carbonation).
Brenton had pork loads of fun messing around with the ingredients to make this brew, it took a day longer than a normal brew, but he learnt a new few things about Malt and he felt like he created something unique by the end of it.
Father’s Day at Fury & Son Brewing Company was a fun beer brunch with over 70 people in attendance and a heap of fathers, mothers, daughters, sons and grandchildren mixing and mingling over good food and libation all for a good cause. $1,000 was raised for the local Men’s Shed Association and all parties agree this will become an annual event in the Fury & Son – Father & Son event calendar!

The Georgiou, Aylward and Dowling Families enjoying the 2018 Father's Day Beer Brunch at Fury & Son Brewing Company

Nice update BeerCo, plenty of interesting precipices and ingredients there for me to get into.

I placed my first purchase with you guys, the maltmaster mini mill c/w hopper and Gladfield grain selection arrived well packed and on time as promised. Thanks to Dermott for your time to help out and give great advice.

Busy week and weekend for me , will put these items to good use ASAP.
No worries @TwoCrows let us know how you find the Mash Master Mini Mill and give it a "review after you brew" we are seeing so many 5* on the Mash Master Mini Mill a "no regrets" bling spend that one :bowdown:
Hey Aussie Homebrewers,

Crisp Malt is available for purchase from us now online from and no doubt from a host of good retail partners beery soon

Crisp Malting Group supply a diverse range of high quality malts that are flavoursome and versatile. The finest breweries and distilleries around the world are able to craft outstanding beers and whisky using our skilfully malted grains.

Crisp Malting Group uses barley, cereals and other grains are selectively sourced through dedicated grower groups that consist of the finest farms in East Anglia, Scotland and other parts of the United Kingdom. Crisp Malting Group strongly believes that to supply the best malt to our customers; we need to source the best raw materials.

BeerCo is proud to be the exclusive distribution partner of Crisp Malting Group products to the brewing and distilling industry in Australia.

BeerCo Pty Ltd is proud to bring Australian Craft Brewers and Distillers Crisp malts. Crisp are the largest independent malting company in the UK. They were founded in 1870 and offer a diverse range of traditional and heritage malts that deliver flavor, consistency and quality. The finest breweries and distilleries around the world are developing outstanding new beers and whisky using Crisp’s innovative malts making Crisp the maltster of choice for craft.

Crisp source; premium barley, cereals and other grain from dedicated local grower groups in the UK. Their HQ is in the heart of the finest Maris Otter growing area in the world – East Anglia. BeerCo has been supplying Australian brewers of all sizes quality malt and hops and yeast and adjuncts and equipment since 2013 through retail partners and direct to brewer sales online at

Crisp Malt is available on BeerCo from 1 Oct 2018.

Cheers, #brewhappy always #InsistonCrisp

Dermott Dowling

Managing Director | BeerCo Pty Ltd

Some of the many fine Customers of Crisp Malt Group – Globally

Japan - Distilleries

· Hombo Shuzo / Mars Tsunuki Distillery

· Suntory

· Nikka

· Sasanokawa / Asaka Distillery

· Venture Whisky / Chichibu Distillery / Ichiro’s Malt

· Chugoku Jozo

· Nishi Shuzo

· Eigashima Shuzo

· Gyokusendo Shuzo

· Miyashita Shuzo (Brewers & Distillers)

· Nagahama Roman (Brewers & Distillers – Nagahama brand)

International Breweries:

· Goose Island – (Chevallier Crisp Malt) – English Dark Mild Ale

· Shipyard Brewing – (Clear Choice Crisp Malt)

· Brasserie d’Orval – (Clear Choice Crisp Malt) (Belgium)

· Oskar Blues

· Stone Brewing

· Epic Brewing Co

· St Arnold Brewing Co

· Cerebral Brewing

· NODA Brewing

· Maui Brewing

· Cisco Brewers & Distillers

· Sea Dog Brewing Co

· Catskills Brewing

· Blackfoot River Brewing

· Black Tooth Brewing

· Brewlander & Co (Singapore)

· Little Island Brewing Co (Singapore)

· The Hand and Malt Brewing Co (South Korea)

UK breweries:

· Brewdog (Crisp Rye Malt)

· Black Sheep Brewery (Masham, Yorkshire)

· Bradfield Brewery (Bradfield, Peak District)

· Buxton Brewery (Buxton, UK)

· Woodfordes Brewery (Norfolk)

· Castle Rock Brewery (Nottingham)

· Fullers (Chiswick Lane South, London)

· Harviestoun Brewery, Alva, Clackmannanshire, FK12 5DQ, Scotland

· Hop Back Brewery Downton Wiltshire

· Joseph Holt Manchester Brewers since 1849

· Joule’s Brewery Market Drayton, Shropshire

· J W Lees family brewers since 1828 in Greengate Brewery, Middleton Junction, Manchester

· Ludlow Brewing Co Artisan Ales, Ludlow, UK

· Northern Monk Brew Co Leeds, UK

· Shepherd Neame Britain’s Oldest Brewer - Faversham, Kent United Kingdom

· Wimbledon Brewery

· Windsor Castle Lye, Stourbridge, West Midlands

· Wye Valley Brewery Stoke Lacy, Bromyard HR7 4HG
Hey Aussie Homebrewers,
Hoppy Big Wednesday brewers and craft beer lovers...the day of the month you have been waiting for has arrived...Californication - Oct 2018 - BeerCo Brewing News - oh Yeah! Pull up a chair, pour a cold beer, relax, read, drink, think, then #BrewHappy of course...well what are you waiting for?

Californication - Oct 2018 - BeerCo Brewing News...

Destruction leads to a very rough road but it also breeds creation
And earthquakes are to a girl's guitar, they're just another good vibration
And tidal waves couldn't save the world from Californication

Californication - Red Hot Chili Peppers

We made it and Hollywood could not have written a better script for October or should we call it Rocktober with all the fun events coming our way and the fantastic NEW! products that have landed

First and foremost Crisp Malt is here! This is exciting news for Brewers - Home and Pro as we bring the UK's largest independent malting company finest UK and Euro Malts to AU Brewers and Distillers. Read all about Crisp Malt and if your a Craft Brewer or Distiller or Brew Shop owner and would like to reach out for samples and wholesale pricing on full pallets and order forms please do not hesitate to drop us a line at [email protected]

Our Search is Your Satisfaction and our Mission is to rid the World of Beer Poverty one good brew at a time. To do that we need to Search the Globe and bring to Brewers the best possible brewing materials and equipment and we will continue to do this until Brewer (Home and Pro) has access to the best brewing materials delivered to your brewery door!

This Oct 18 monthly is another bumper issue - Malt of the Month - Crisp Europils Malt - Adjunct of the Month - Dextrose - Hop of the Month - Hallertau Blanc - Yeast of the Month - GY005 Golden Gate Lager Gigayeast - Equipment of the Month - Malt Mechanics 30L Conical Fermenter - BeerCo Recipe Kit of the Month - Californication | EuroCal Lager and that will do for now...oh no it won't!

Andrew @StassBrewing brings us his second installment of his excellent "How to Brew like a Pro!" BrewTube videos on Malt where he does a very interesting deep dive using the Briess Hot Steep method of comparison into Base Ale Malt using Gladfield Ale and Crisp Maris Otter Malt and Gladfield American Ale and Crisp Best Ale Malt.

We SlideShare a talk last week to Inner Sydney Brewers on Why? Crisp Malt - 3 different SMaSH Beers (recipes included in the SlideShare) and Fast Souring Techniques with Dr Jim at GigaYeast. Read on for the SlideShare from a fun engaging and entertaining night with Inner Sydney Brewers in Syncity!

Last but not least, please do not forget to put these upcoming meetup dates into your brewing calendar

  1. BeerCo Bottle Share meetup - Wed 24 Oct - 4-7 PM at BeerCo HQ find us here: a short 10 mins from MELbrewin' Airport. Drop in and say g'day on your way to anhc
  2. anhc 6 - 26-8 Oct 2018 in MELbrewin' - have you got your Tickets and accomodation sorted?

Crisp Europils Malt
Globally, pilsen or lager-style beers are the dominant beer category. These beer types demand a lower modified malt to complement the temperature programmed or decoction mashing regimes employed.

Crisp Malting Group Europils Malt perfectly fits this requirement, being typically made from 2-row spring barley which is malted to give the required level of modification whilst maintaining a high level of homogeneity. Careful control of kilning ensures the required low colour is achieved.

Europils malt has a higher protein content which ensures ample enzymatic capability which, combined with the high levels of free amino nitrogen present, assure excellent brewing performance even when unmalted adjuncts form part of the grist composition.

Batch Certificate of Analysis





3.5% max

3.5% min

3.5% max


308.0 L°/kg




5.0-7.0 EBC

5.5-7.5 EBC

2.5-3.5 °L





SNR/KI/ST ratio





45 min IoB

140 min WK

50 min °L

  • 5 Kg Bag $16.95 inc GST
  • 25 Kg Sack $64.95 inc GST
  • 1 MT $1,550 excl GST send your wholesale orders to [email protected] and pre-orders allow 6-8 weeks ship time for large container size shipments. All wholesale bulk Crisp Malt is warehouse in MELbrewin' and ships out 950Kg (36 x 40 Bags to the pallet) on Hunter Express or your preferred 3PL transport company.
Buy Now! Crisp Europils Malt!

Tanks to Andrew at Stass Brewing for this little gemstone - "How to Brew Like a Pro"

Adjunct of the Month: Dextrose
Dextrose brewing sugar, often referred to as "corn sugar" or "glucose" can be used in place of white sugar "sucrose" in either your fermentation or for priming your beer when bottling or kegging. Dextrose is faster to dissolve than white sugar and 100% fermentable. Dextrose often referred to as Corn Sugar: Probably the most common of the sugars discussed in brewing, Dextrose or corn sugar is made up almost entirely of glucose/dextrose. It will ferment completely, contributing more alcohol content than a similar amount of malt extract, and will lighten the body and flavor of the brew. Corn sugar will also ferment very rapidly, and will thus shorten the time your beer will need to spend fermenting. The most common use of corn sugar is as a priming sugar during the bottling process.

Common Uses in Brewing:
As dextrose is highly fermentable, it facilitates the brewing of very dry high gravity beers. Often used in lighter body US style IPAs. Dextrose is also commonly used as priming sugar for bottle-conditioning.

Pack Size and Prices:
  • 1 Kg bag $3/Kg incl. GST
  • 5 Kg bag $12.70 inc GST (SAVE 15% on 1Kg Bag Price)
  • 25 Kg Sack $49.95 inc GST (SAVE 33% on 1Kg Bag Price)
Buy some Dextrose Brewing Sugar NOW!

Hop of the Month! Hallertau Blanc GR Type 90 Hop Pellets
Hallertau Blanc is a daughter of the cultivar Cascade with a fruity-floral white wine bouquet. Hallertau Blanc flavor profile is said to be fruity, with wine-like qualities of gooseberry and grass, similar to that of Sauvignon Blanc. It also features a complex aroma profile with notes of cassis and elderflower in addition to grapes, grapefruit and lemongrass. Other notes detected in trials have been passionfruit, pineapple and gooseberry.

  • Type 90 Hop Pellets | 100g | 250g | 500g | 1Kg Foils
Bred at the Hop Research Institute in Huell and released in 2012.
  • Crop: 2017
  • Type: Aroma
  • Growing Area Germany
  • Lineage: Daughter of Cascade
  • α-acids* 8.9 %
  • β-acids 4.5 - 5.5 %
  • Total Polyphenols No data
  • Total oils app. 1.05 mL/100g
  • Myrcene app. 70.5 % of total
  • Linalool app. 0.4 % of total
Brewers Guidance:
Aroma, particularly whirlpool and dry hopping to take full advantage of the very high myrcene fraction. With its pronounced tropical profile, Hallertau Blanc has strong affinity for many of the same styles as southern hemisphere hops: IPA, Belgian ales, wheat beer, and Brett fermentations.

SMaSH Beer Recipe Using Hallertau Blanc Hops
Pack & Price Options:
  • 100g $8.95 incl GST RRP
  • 250g $19.95 incl GST RRP SAVE 10% OFF 100g RRP
  • 500g $39.95 incl GST RRP SAVE 15% OFF 100g RRP
  • 1 Kg $69.95 incl GST RRP SAVE 20% OFF 100g RRP
Brew a Euro-Californicator SMaSH Now! Buy Hallertau Blanc Hops!

Yeast of the Month: GY005 Golden Gate Lager GigaYeast
Pack and Prices:
  • Gold Pitch - 200 billion cells per pitch $14.95 BUY NOW!!!
  • Pro-Pitches - from 10hL to 100hL Batches drop-shipped DHL Global Express in 5-7 days to your brewery please email us at [email protected] for a full price list.
GY005 Golden Gate GigaYeast is a versatile Lager yeast used to create the California Common style. GY005 ferments warm and still retains a lager character. GY005 ferments unusually high for a lager strain and still retains a lager sensibility (up to 20˚C (68˚F)).
GY005 GigaYeast leaves a slightly sweeter beer than our other lager yeast— perfect for creating a subtle, malty undertone against a clean lager background. GY005 creates a moderate amount of sulfide under some conditions that will dissipate with a short rest.
Fermentations at traditional lager temperatures may be slow. Recommended fermentation temperature 13˚- 20˚C (55˚- 68˚F).

Attenuation Medium Gravity*
  • 79% – 83%
Attenuation High Gravity*
  • 57% – 60% (7.5% – 8.1% ABV)
Temperature Range:
  • 13˚C - 21˚C (55˚F – 70˚F)
  • Medium
Representative Styles:
  • California Common
  • Cream Ale
  • Stout
Time for some Cal Lager - Get your Giga on! Buy GY005

Equipment of the Month: Malt Mechanics - 30 L / 8 Gal Conical Fermenter - FREE SHIPPING AU WIDE!
$349.95 incl. GST

Malt Mechanics fermenters are the only plastic home-brewing conical which come fully featured with tri-clamp fittings and stainless steel valves in 1/2" for the take-off, and 1" for the yeast-dump. The fermenters are suitable for transferring beer under pressure and come with everything you need to get your beer fermenting right out of the box.

Feature summary:
  • 1" BSP dump valve for yeast harvesting
  • 1/2" BSP takeoff valve for sampling and transfer
  • Sanitary fittings - tri-clamp industry standard with seals
  • Stainless legs
  • HDPE body from rotational molded food-grade plastic
  • Stainless lid and adjustable latches, low pressure rated for keg transfers
  • Blow-off tube included
Excellent for Brewing like a Pro! at home or for Probrewers Prototyping your next core beer release with reliable consistency!
Brew like a Pro! Buy Malt Mechanics 30 L / 8 Gal Conical Fermenter

Recipe Kit of the Month: Californication EuroCal Lager
$49.95 incl. GST (Milled or Unmilled - Dry Yeast)
$54.95 incl. GST (Milled or Unmilled - Liquid GigaYeast)

We all enjoy some Eurotrash and Californication so we thought it would be cool to mash up the best Europils Crisp Malt with Hallertau Blanc GR Hops and GY005 Golden Gate Lager GigaYeast for a fast and furious yet soft and subtle EuroCal Lager. Just in time for Spring Break or Summer Pool or Porch Sessions. This mild mannered mid level ABV EuroCal Lager will have you reaching for the Kegerator Taps or Fridge all Spring and Summer long and leave you wishing you brewed a Bigger Batch!

Cheers! #brewhappy #drinkhappier #enjoyresponsibly #EuroCal #Lager

Vital Stats:
Batch & Boil
  • Batch Size: 21 Litres / 5.25 US Gallons
  • Boil Time: 90 mins
  • OG 1.054
  • FG 1.008
  • IBU 38
  • ABV 4.7%
  • Colour 7 EBC
Amt Name Colour % Grist
5.00 Kg Crisp Europils Malt 3.5 EBC 95%

0.25 Kg Crisp Dextrin Malt 3.0 EBC 5%

5.25 Kg TOTAL 7 EBC 100%

  1. 30 gm Hallertau Blanc GR Pellets - Alpha: 8.9% – 60 minutes boil addition
  2. 30 gm Hallertau Blanc GR Pellets - Alpha: 8.9 % – 5 minutes from end of boil
  3. 20 gm Hallertau Blanc GR Pellets - Alpha: 8.9% – dry hop end of primary fermentation
  4. 20 gm Hallertau Blanc GR Pellets - Alpha: 8.9% – dry hop end of secondary fermentation / during diacetyl rest for 3 days
Liquid | GigaYeast
Dry | Mangrove Jack's
Water Adjustments (Optional):
  1. Mill the grains and dough-in targeting a mash of around 3 Litres of water to 1 Kg of grain (a liquor-to-grist ratio of about 3:1 by weight).
  2. Step mash option A - Do a 5-minute rest at 56 °C, a 15-minute rest at 60 °C, a 30-minute rest at 68 °C and a 5-minute rest at 76 °C. Recirculate wort for about 20 minutes (or until clear), then collect wort until final runnings drop to SG 1.010.
  3. Single Infusion mash option B - Do a single infusion mash at 67°C until enzymatic conversion is complete.
  4. Infuse the mash with near boiling water while stirring or with a recirculating mash system raise the temperature to mash out at 76 °C.
  5. Sparge slowly with 77 °C water (est. 17L), collecting wort until the pre-boil kettle volume is around 25 L.
  6. Boil: 90 minutes. 1st Hop addition of 30g at 60 min and 2nd Hop addition of another 30g at 5 mins from end of boil or flameout. Add your Yeast Nutrient at the same time.
  7. Cool wort and transfer to the primary fermenter oxygenating wort and pitching Liquid GigaYeast GY005 or M54 Mangrove Jack's Dry Yeast at 11° C and let free rise to 13 °C.
  8. Maintain at 13 °C for 14 days. Raise temperature to 17 °C for 7 day maturation rest. GY005 does not throw much diacetyl, so this step is to knock the subtle acetaldehyde down and expedite sulfur scrubbing by CO2.
  9. If filtering, transfer to Corny keg and crash cool for 2–4 days and filter using your normal method. If not, crash cool and lager for 10–14 days until desired clarity is reached and sulfur aroma/flavor from yeast in suspension is not detectable.
  10. Target a carbonation level of 2.2 to 2.7 volumes.
  11. Drink Fresh or Lager (store cold) for a few weeks. Prost!
  12. Food pairing - Spring Rolls, Steamed Mussels, BBQ Pork, Fried Fish Tacos, Delicately Herbed Chicken, Calamari, Oysters and Crab, White Cheeses, Salmon and Hot Dogs.
BeerCo Recipe Kit Contents:
  • Malt - 5.25Kg (Milled or Unmilled - You Choose)
  • Hops - 100g Hallertau Blanc Type GR Hop Pellets
  • Yeast - 1 x Liquid Gold Pitch of GY005 Golden Gate GigaYeast or 2 x 10g Dry Yeast Sachets of M54 Mangrove Jack's California Lager Yeast.
Credits & Sauces of Brewspiration & Further Reading on the Style:
Californication | EuroCal Lager - All Grain BeerCo Recipe Kit is here! Buy NOW!

Inner Sydney Brewers
Club Talk and SMaSH Challenge
We recently got the Hopportunity to catch up with great friends at Inner Sydney Brewers and discuss
3 Key topics:
1) Crisp Malt - Why?
2) SMaSH Beers - 3 great beers from 3 great brewers each one evaluating a different Crisp malt, hop and GigaYeast
3) Fast Souring Techniques with Dr Jim @GigaYeast
Another entertaining and engaging evening with Inner Sydney Brewers club at Atlassian.
Special thanks to the committee for the invitation and Roman, Conan and Luke for brewing the SMaSH beers and our supply partners Crisp Malt and Hop Products Australia and GigaYeast for information and support with our sponsorship!
Love what we do, and want us to come and talk to your home brew club drop us a line at [email protected]
See below for the SlideShare from the night!

BeerCo Inner Sydney Brewers Talk - Oct 2018 from BeerCo Pty Ltd

We are hosting our inaugural BeerCo bottle share meetup for supply and retail partners and customers - home and probrewers of
Price of entry is two bottles of your finest brew to swap with new friends you meet on the day.
We will have a few kegs on and some eats to keep the meetup on track and help kick off an exciting anhc conference weekend with a fun friendly welcome event.
Beers we have brewed to share with you include:
- BeerCo Hazy Trucker NEIPA
- Rogers Coffee Porter
- Belma Pale Ale
- Session Amber Ale
- Fury and Son Brewing Company / BeerCo Collab - Idaho Muffins - Cal Lage

Please register/RSVP so we know how many to cater for here:

Wed. 24 October 2018

4:00 pm – 7:00 pm AEDT

Add to Calendar


Unit 1

1-3 Disney Avenue

Keilor East, Victoria 3033

View Map
I brewed up a version of the "Hazy Trucker" and it turned out great. Was very popular amongst a group of mates who's response was along the lines of "Holy ****, this is amazing".

The main substitution was Mosiac instead of Equanot and I used Safale K-97 yeast to maximise haze. I used the grains I had on hand. Being located on the other side of Australia makes grain shipment a bit expensive, but I highly recommend the range hops that Beerco stocks, they have contributed to some great brews of mine this year.

Hey Awesome Aussie Homebrewers,

Recipe of the Month:
Hazy Trucker – NEIPA – BeerCo Recipe Kit

$69.95 – $77.50 Incl. GST | Milled or Unmilled | Dry or Liquid Yeast – you take your pick!

Pull over! Stop the Truck! This Hazy Trucker NEIPA or Double IPA is a velvet sledgehammer. Soft bitterness and tropical Juicy Hops including El Dorado, Equanot and Galaxy fermented down low by GY054 Vermont IPA GigaYeast resting on soft pillow of Gladfield Ale Munich and Wheat Malt and Harraways Rolled Oats…hmmm? Sounds like a meal in a glass!

Feeling like it’s time to park up the semi-trailer for the night and grab a goblet of Hazy Trucker? Well, what are you waiting for? Get your brewing on! cheers #brewhappy #drinkhappier #enjoyresponsibly

Product Description
Driving a semi all night you can start to feel a little Hazy! Time to pull over, find a truck stop, or a place to rest your head and fill you belly with some grub and maybe wash it down with something that is going to not only taste great but help you sleep like a baby. Hazy Trucker – NEIPA or Double IPA is here to do just that and won’t let you down. It has so many tropical hops in it you will think its a fruit bomb and it hides its alcohol oh so well behind a full malty body and a well-balanced soft bitterness.

Feeling like it’s time to park up the semi-trailer and get hit by a Hazy Trucker? Well, what are you waiting for? Get your brewing on with this bad boy!

Vital Stats:
Batch & Boil

  • Batch Size: 19 Litres
  • Boil Time: 90 mins
  • OG 1.078
  • FG 1.012
  • IBU 80
  • ABV 8.7%
  • Colour 14.4 EBC
  • Balance – 1.032 IBU/SG Bitterness Ratio
Gladfield Malt:
Amt Name Colour % Grist
4.25 kg Gladfield Ale Malt (6.0 EBC) 65%
1.00 kg Gladfield Munich Malt (15.5 EBC) 15 %
0.65 kg Gladfield Wheat Malt (4.2 EBC) 10 %
0.65 kg Harraways Rolled Oats (2.8 EBC) 10%
6.55 Kg TOTAL 14.4 EBC 100%

Amt Name Alpha Acids When Time IBU
20 g Topaz [17.20 %] First Wort 20 mins 27 IBUs

20 g El Dorado [13.90 %] Steep/Whirlpool 20 mins 10 IBUs

20 g Equanot [14.70 %] Steep/Whirlpool 20 mins 10 IBUs

20 g Galaxy [16.10 %] Steep/Whirlpool 20 mins 11 IBUs

10 g El Dorado [13.90 %] Steep/Whirlpool 40 mins 7 IBUs

10 g Equanot [14.70 %] Steep/Whirlpool 40 mins 8 IBUs

10 g Galaxy [16.10 %] Steep/Whirlpool 40 mins 8 IBUs

35 g El Dorado [13.90 %] First Dry Hop 5 Days 0 IBUs

35 g Equanot [14.70 %] First Dry Hop 5 Days 0 IBUs

35 g Galaxy [16.10 %] First Dry Hop 5 Days 0 IBUs

35 g El Dorado [13.90 %] Second Dry Hop 5 Days 0 IBUs

35 g Equanot [14.70 %] Second Dry Hop 5 Days 0 IBUs

35 g Galaxy [16.10 %] Second Dry Hop 5 Days 0 IBUs

Liquid | GigaYeast

Dry | Mangrove Jack’s
  1. Mill the grains and dough-in targeting a mash of around 3 Litres of water to 1 Kg of grain (a liquor-to-grist ratio of about 3:1 by weight) and a temperature of 67 °C (152 °F).
  2. Hold the mash at 67 °C ( 152 °F ) until enzymatic conversion is complete.
  3. Add first wort hop addition.
  4. Infuse the mash with near boiling water while stirring or with a recirculating mash system raise the temperature to mash out at 76 °C (168 °F). Mash out for 10 minutes.
  5. Fly sparge slowly with 12 Litres of 77 °C (170 °F ) water, collecting wort until the pre-boil kettle volume is around 28.5 L (6.5 gallons).
  6. The total boil time will be 60-90 minutes. Do not add Deltafloc or Irish Moss.
  7. At flameout, wait until wort cools to 82°C (180 °F ) to avoid volatizing hop oils. Set time for 40 mins and add first hop stand addition.
  8. After 20 mins add the second hop stand additions.
  9. After the total hop stand of 40 minutes, chill wort to 19°C (67 °F ), decant starter or open Gold Pitch and pitch Yeast and aerate.
  10. Over the course of the two-week fermentation, ramp the temperature up to 23°C (73 °F ) to ensure full attenuation.
  11. On approximately Day 5 of fermentation when attenuation has reached about 80 percent, add the first dry hop addition.
  12. Wait 5 days, then remove the first dry hop addition and add the second addition of dry hops and dry hop for another 5 days.
  13. Chill the wort rapidly to 18 °C (65 °F ), let the break material settle, rack to the fermenter, pitch the yeast and aerate thoroughly.
  14. When finished, carbonate the beer to approximately 2.5 volumes (5 g/L) of CO2 (or add 125g of table sugar or 180g of Light Dried Malt Extract if bottling) and drink fresh. Prost!
Sauces of brewspiration:
Buy Now – Hazy Trucker – NEIPA – BeerCo Recipe Kit $69.95 – $77.50 Incl. GST
Hey Aussie Homebrewers,

We hop you had a great Rocktober like we did full of lots of fun and friendly events like anhc6 or our inaugural BeerCo Bottle Share meetup - tanks to everyone who came and we hop to have a lot more in the future - stay tuned in!

Mo-vem-Beer seems to be shaping up to an equally big month in terms of happenings at and if you are saying No to Beer or growing a Mo to raise funds and awareness for men's health we wish you all the best this month. Read on for the BeerCo Brewing News...and tips on how to unstick a stuck fermentation

Malt of the Month - Crisp Best Ale Malt - Hop of the Month - Sabro - Yeast of the Month - GY021 Kolsch Bier GigaYeast - Adjunct of the Month - Calcium Sulphate (Gypsum) - Equipment of the Month - Grainfather Connect - Recipe of the Month - Resistance | Kolsch - Event SlideShare last Month - anhc 6 - How to Make a Malt Tea and what's on in No-vem-Beer?

How to Unstick a Stuck Fermentation - Fast Tips for Brewers!

Crisp Best Ale Malt
AU$16.95 - AU$1,650.00
Top quality Norfolk-grown 2-row winter malting barley is widely recognised as the best raw material for traditional ale malt.

During malting, high cast moistures and a balance of germination time and temperature guarantee an even, well modified malt which is ideally suited to ale brewing. The characteristic higher colour and balanced sweet, malty flavour results in this malt being one of the most popular and distinctive malt styles.

Crisp Malting Group Best Ale Malt is suited to infusion mashing and top fermentation which typifies traditional ale brewing, but is also very well suited for ale brewing using more modern techniques.

Batch Analysis
Insist on Crisp!

Sabro™ HBC 438 US Hops - NEW!
AU$11.95 - AU$399.95
Sabro™ brand HBC 438 was developed by the Hop Breeding Company and released in 2018. Sabro’s pedigree is the result of a unique cross pollination of a female neomexicanus hop.

Sabro™ brand HBC 438 is a US aroma hop that is notable for its complexity of fruity and citrus flavors. It imparts distinct tangerine, coconut, tropical fruit, and stone fruit aromas, with hints of cedar, mint, and cream. With a robust brewing performance, Sabro proves to be a strongly expressive hop that translates its flavor incredibly well into beer.
Hop to it!

GY021 Kölsch Bier GigaYeast
GigaYeast Kölsch Bier GY021 is from one of the oldest Kölsch breweries in Köln. Fermenting under 18˚C ( 65˚F ) produces a very clean, crisp beer with a touch of ester. Perfect for Kölsch or any style where a dry, clean profile is desired. GY021 Kölsch Bier GigaYeast produces a moderate amount of sulphide that will dissipate completely. Ferments cold similar to GY019 Kölsch Bier GigaYeast to produce crisp tasting lager-like ales.
Get your Giga on!

Calcium Sulphate - Gypsum
AU$3.95 - AU$7.95
Calcium Sulphate (Gypsum) is an important mineral for its effect on mash and wort pH. Used to harden water when brewing ales and bitters. Use as required depending on water hardness. Gypsum (Calcium Sulphate) adds permanent hardness (calcium ions) to brewing water; 1 gram per US gallon adds 62 ppm calcium, 147 ppm sulfate.
Pack Sizes:
  • 100g Reseal Foil Pouch
  • 450g Plastic Jar (SAVE 55% OFF 100g Price)
Harden Up Brewers - Buy Some Gypsum!

Grainfather Connect - BeerCo - All Grain Single Vessel Electric Brewery - FREE SHIPPING AU WIDE
The Grainfather, is your all in one electric brewing system, to make beer from grain. FREE SHIPPING to all customers in Australia and you can take your pick of one of our popular BeerCo Recipe Kits and we will throw one in for FREE as well.

The sleek look, user friendly, intuitive design, and innovative features, make this your perfect brewing companion for both experienced and beginner all grain brewers. It is made from high quality 304 grade stainless steel with a 30 L capacity, designed to make up to 23 L of beer from one brew.
Move up to All-Grain Brewing with the Grainfather

Resistance - Kölsch - BeerCo Recipe Kit
AU$49.95 - AU$54.95
Vive La Resistance! What are we resisting? Everything except flavour and refreshment - time to brew a clean simple in balance refreshing Kölsch you and your brothers and sisters can enjoy all summer long. Light in colour but not light on malt character and with a modern Kiwi hop twist the only thing you will be resisting is the temptation to pour another glass. Prost!
Vive La Resistance! Brew some Kolsch Bier!

How to make a Malt Tea before you Brew Happy from BeerCo Pty Ltd
Hoppy Weekend Aussie Homebrewers!

This is the one you have all been waiting for!

Black Friday 23/11 to Cyber Monday 26/11 blowout! Hoppy Tanksgiving!
Grainfather Connect - Electric - All in One Brewery
Was $1,350 RRP NOW $1,080 (SAVE 20% OFF) FREE SHIPPING AU Wide and take your pick of one of our BeerCo All-Grain Recipe Kits on us*
*while stocks last, terms & conditions apply
Well Brewers...what are you waiting for? Get into All-Grain Brewing with the ultimate Single Vessel Electric Brewery!


  • BFCM.png
    573.3 KB
Christmas Cheers and New Year Beers Aussie Homebrewers
Your favourite time of the brewing years and ours is almost upon us! A mass stock depletion over the festive season and a few public holidays thrown in to brew like a pro!

Christmas Cheers & Hoppy New Beers!
Unhappiness, where's when I was young
And we didn't give a damn
'Cause we were raised
To see life as a fun and take it if we can

The Cranberries - Ode to My Family
Wow! Where did 2018 go? We hop you had a great brewing and/or distilling year and are looking forward to putting your feet up with family and friends over the festive season and enjoying some well earned Christmas Cheers and New Years Beer or Whisky made by YOU over the past 12 months.

Mo-vem-Beer came and went and we had a lot fun in Adelaide making new friends at the Australian Distillers Association Conference. Great to see so many prospering Australian Craft Distillers producing world award winning Whisky, Vodka, Gin and Liqueurs.

This month we take a slightly different tack on our "....of the Month" to award the BeerCules (or the Category Hercules) as voted by you our most wonderful customers based on number and average score as you "review after you brew" happy! So drum roll please...da da da di da da...

Malt of the Year - Gladfield American Ale Malt - Hop of the Year - Citra - Yeast of the Year - GY054 Vermont IPA GigaYeast - Equipment of the Year - Mill Master - Mini Mill - but wait! there's more...we couldn't see you into the Silly Season without some Bubbles so we have a NEW! Recipe of the Month - Delores | Brut IPA and let's not forget another great How to Brew like a Pro! How to Make a Yeast Starter from our great mate Andrew at Stass Brewing and last but not least if you are running out of stocking stuffers we give you some great gift ideas for that special brewing buddy in your life!

What about a BeerCo Sahm Glass or 6 or a 200gm Heavy Duty BeerCo Gildan Tee to show your a member of the Brewing Revolution or you can not decide what the special s/he in your brewing or distilling life needs...well give the BeerCo Gift Card and let them decide in nominations of $25 $50 $100 or go LARGE $200...

Oh and lest we forget last day for orders out is Mon 24th Dec and we reopen for dispatch and pickups again on 2nd Jan 2019! Scroll to the bottom of this email for Hunter Express and AusPost shipping over the festive season...

How to Brew like a Pro! Yeast Starters with Stass Brewing

Gladfield American Ale Malt
AU$16.95/5Kg - AU$64.95/25Kg (SAVE 23% OFF 5Kg Price)
Julian C. 5* Review 04/07/18
One of the best
I absolutely love this base malt. It is my Go To as I mainly brew hoppy APAs and IPAs. If I need a bit more character, I will add a bit of Munich to the malt bill. Gladfield is producing some amazing product and I am so glad BeerCo keep stock of their entire range

What more do we need to say here...21 x 5* reviews says it all really...Gladfield American Ale malt is the popular favourite for producing popular hop-forward American Ale style beers for which it beers its name.

Glad you like it! Malt of the Year - 2018! Buy some!

Citra® US Hops - Brand HBC 394
AU$9.95/100g - AU$79.95/Kg SAVE 20% OFF 100g Price
Todd 5* Verified Review 02/06/18
Favourite Hop
These arrived fast and fresh. Citra is my favourite hop for fruity pale ales and IPA's. Add it as a single whirlpool hop addition to 40 IBU in a 1.050 OG pale, then dry hop 2g/L for an epic drop!
Goes well with mosaic and galaxy for a tropical fruit punch style beer also!

Citra® (BRAND HBC 394) has unique and highly favoured flavour characteristics. As the name suggests, its flavour descriptors include citrus including lime and grapefruit as well as other tropical fruity characters.

Specific aroma descriptors include grapefruit, melon, lime, gooseberry, passion fruit and lychee.
Cheers Citra! Hop to it! Buy Your Hop of 2018!

GY054 Vermont IPA GigaYeast
AU$14.95/Gold Pitch - $2,895/80hL Pro-Pitch
David Verified Buyer 5* Customer Review 04/01/18
I used GY054 in my experimental IPA and have to say the results were outstanding! Very vigorous ferment and added a lovely haze to the beer and an outstanding clarity of flavour from the hops. As always, outstanding service from BeerCo, reinforcing as the best place to do your next brew

GigaYeast Vermont IPA GY054 is from one of the best examples of an East Coast IPA. This GigaYeast attenuates slightly less than NorCal Ale #1 and leaves a beer with more body and a slight fruity ester that is amazing with aromatic hops.

GY054 Vermont IPA GigaYeast is a great choice for high gravity beers and hoppy styles. Broad temperature range and moderate flocculation make this yeast a versatile house strain.
The Haze Craze Rolls On! Get Your Giga On!

Mill Master - Mash Master - Mini Grain Mill - FREE SHIPPING AU WIDE
AU$289.95 with FREE Shipping AU wide
Dale J. Verified Buyer 5* Review 21/09/18
First use of the Mashmaster mini mill
Really enjoyed this mill, I had been using the mill at the local home brew store and stuck purchasing what they were selling. Now I can buy bulk sacks, saving money and for whom I like.
I tried this mill out and noticed how easy it got thru the grain bill using my pistol drill. The second time I used it I tried out Grain Conditioning, moistening the grain pre-milling. This was added to my Robobrew and I recirculated the wort at 3/4 of the pump capacity. The grain had intact hulls and for the first time I did not add rice hulls. I am very happy with this mill in my backyard brewery. Cheers Beerco

Mill like a pro with the Mill Master Mini Grain Mill from Mash Master - the only geared roller mill on the market. Brew when you want to brew with fresh cracked grains using hardened 420 Stainless Steel Fluted Rollers. Mill Master Geared 2 Roller Grain Mill feature cutting edge design with good old fashioned reliability so you can mill your heart out and brew like a pro with consistent crush with a fully adjustable precision mill.
Mill Better! Mash Better! Brew Better! Brew Happy! BUY ONE NOW!

Delores - Brut IPA - BeerCo Recipe Kit
AU$59.95 to $64.95
Time to crack open a bottle of bubbly Brut IPA my brewing sisters and brothers and celebrate a nice and dry hop forward effervescent beer. Here we pair a light German Pilsner style malt with Flaked Rice and let delicate Pinot Gris like and Mandarin Hops dance their tunes on your tongue. Well, what are you waiting for Brewers? The Ladies and Gents are keen to taste some hoppy poppy bubbles!

Cheers! #Bubbly #BrutIPA #drybeer #enjoyresponsibly

Let's brew up some Bubbles Del

Sahm - BeerCo - Brewhouse - 300ml Glass
AU$8.95 - AU$39.95 for 6 SAVE 25% OFF!
You deserve the best when it comes to serving your beer to yourself or your friends and family.
Sahm - BeerCo - Brewhouse - 300ml Glass shape exhibits elements of traditional tumblers whilst also standing out for its high level of practicality.
Manufactured and Printed in Germany by multiple award winning world class glass design and production company Sahm:
Buy the BeerCo Glass that is all Class!

Brewing Revolution - BeerCo - T-Shirts
AU$29.95 in S / M / L / XL / XXL / XXXL
Join the Revolution! Buy a BeerCo Tee NOW!

Gift Card
AU$50.00 - AU$200.00
Give the Gift that keeps on Giving! A BeerCo Gift card in denominations from $25 $50 $100 or $200. Give the Gift of Alchemy to that special s/he in your brewing or distilling life!
Give the Gift of Alchemy - Gift Card

Festive Season Shipping
Any heavies over 22Kg must go on Hunter Express - their dates here:

Hunter Express Christmas Trading / Closure times.
We will be operating as normal the week leading up to Christmas.
Last day for Linehaul EX Melbourne For Deliveries Before Christmas:

  • W.A - Friday 14th
  • Brisbane /Tasmania - Wednesday 19th
  • Sydney/ Adelaide - Thursday 20th December
  • Last Despatch on Friday 21st Freight will not be guaranteed delivery prior to Christmas
  • Freight that is picked up 27th 28th & 31st December will sit in Melbourne Depot for the commencement of first Linehaul service
  • Normal services as of 2nd January 2019
Australia Post:
will trade through the gaps as will we only taking off the Statutory Holidays of 25th and 26th Dec and 1st of Jan. If your brewery or distillery is caught in a binder give us a call or drop us a line at [email protected] and we will see what we can do to keep you Brewing and Distilling Happy all Holidays long!
Christmas Cheers and New Year Beers Aussie Homebrewers
Your favourite time of the brewing years and ours is almost upon us! A mass stock depletion over the festive season and a few public holidays thrown in to brew like a pro!

Christmas Cheers & Hoppy New Beers!
Unhappiness, where's when I was young
And we didn't give a damn
'Cause we were raised
To see life as a fun and take it if we can

The Cranberries - Ode to My Family
Wow! Where did 2018 go? We hop you had a great brewing and/or distilling year and are looking forward to putting your feet up with family and friends over the festive season and enjoying some well earned Christmas Cheers and New Years Beer or Whisky made by YOU over the past 12 months.

Mo-vem-Beer came and went and we had a lot fun in Adelaide making new friends at the Australian Distillers Association Conference. Great to see so many prospering Australian Craft Distillers producing world award winning Whisky, Vodka, Gin and Liqueurs.

This month we take a slightly different tack on our "....of the Month" to award the BeerCules (or the Category Hercules) as voted by you our most wonderful customers based on number and average score as you "review after you brew" happy! So drum roll please...da da da di da da...

Malt of the Year - Gladfield American Ale Malt - Hop of the Year - Citra - Yeast of the Year - GY054 Vermont IPA GigaYeast - Equipment of the Year - Mill Master - Mini Mill - but wait! there's more...we couldn't see you into the Silly Season without some Bubbles so we have a NEW! Recipe of the Month - Delores | Brut IPA and let's not forget another great How to Brew like a Pro! How to Make a Yeast Starter from our great mate Andrew at Stass Brewing and last but not least if you are running out of stocking stuffers we give you some great gift ideas for that special brewing buddy in your life!

What about a BeerCo Sahm Glass or 6 or a 200gm Heavy Duty BeerCo Gildan Tee to show your a member of the Brewing Revolution or you can not decide what the special s/he in your brewing or distilling life needs...well give the BeerCo Gift Card and let them decide in nominations of $25 $50 $100 or go LARGE $200...

Oh and lest we forget last day for orders out is Mon 24th Dec and we reopen for dispatch and pickups again on 2nd Jan 2019! Scroll to the bottom of this email for Hunter Express and AusPost shipping over the festive season...

How to Brew like a Pro! Yeast Starters with Stass Brewing

Gladfield American Ale Malt
AU$16.95/5Kg - AU$64.95/25Kg (SAVE 23% OFF 5Kg Price)
Julian C. 5* Review 04/07/18
One of the best
I absolutely love this base malt. It is my Go To as I mainly brew hoppy APAs and IPAs. If I need a bit more character, I will add a bit of Munich to the malt bill. Gladfield is producing some amazing product and I am so glad BeerCo keep stock of their entire range

What more do we need to say here...21 x 5* reviews says it all really...Gladfield American Ale malt is the popular favourite for producing popular hop-forward American Ale style beers for which it beers its name.

Glad you like it! Malt of the Year - 2018! Buy some!

Citra® US Hops - Brand HBC 394
AU$9.95/100g - AU$79.95/Kg SAVE 20% OFF 100g Price
Todd 5* Verified Review 02/06/18
Favourite Hop
These arrived fast and fresh. Citra is my favourite hop for fruity pale ales and IPA's. Add it as a single whirlpool hop addition to 40 IBU in a 1.050 OG pale, then dry hop 2g/L for an epic drop!
Goes well with mosaic and galaxy for a tropical fruit punch style beer also!

Citra® (BRAND HBC 394) has unique and highly favoured flavour characteristics. As the name suggests, its flavour descriptors include citrus including lime and grapefruit as well as other tropical fruity characters.

Specific aroma descriptors include grapefruit, melon, lime, gooseberry, passion fruit and lychee.
Cheers Citra! Hop to it! Buy Your Hop of 2018!

GY054 Vermont IPA GigaYeast
AU$14.95/Gold Pitch - $2,895/80hL Pro-Pitch
David Verified Buyer 5* Customer Review 04/01/18
I used GY054 in my experimental IPA and have to say the results were outstanding! Very vigorous ferment and added a lovely haze to the beer and an outstanding clarity of flavour from the hops. As always, outstanding service from BeerCo, reinforcing as the best place to do your next brew

GigaYeast Vermont IPA GY054 is from one of the best examples of an East Coast IPA. This GigaYeast attenuates slightly less than NorCal Ale #1 and leaves a beer with more body and a slight fruity ester that is amazing with aromatic hops.

GY054 Vermont IPA GigaYeast is a great choice for high gravity beers and hoppy styles. Broad temperature range and moderate flocculation make this yeast a versatile house strain.
The Haze Craze Rolls On! Get Your Giga On!

Mill Master - Mash Master - Mini Grain Mill - FREE SHIPPING AU WIDE
AU$289.95 with FREE Shipping AU wide
Dale J. Verified Buyer 5* Review 21/09/18
First use of the Mashmaster mini mill
Really enjoyed this mill, I had been using the mill at the local home brew store and stuck purchasing what they were selling. Now I can buy bulk sacks, saving money and for whom I like.
I tried this mill out and noticed how easy it got thru the grain bill using my pistol drill. The second time I used it I tried out Grain Conditioning, moistening the grain pre-milling. This was added to my Robobrew and I recirculated the wort at 3/4 of the pump capacity. The grain had intact hulls and for the first time I did not add rice hulls. I am very happy with this mill in my backyard brewery. Cheers Beerco

Mill like a pro with the Mill Master Mini Grain Mill from Mash Master - the only geared roller mill on the market. Brew when you want to brew with fresh cracked grains using hardened 420 Stainless Steel Fluted Rollers. Mill Master Geared 2 Roller Grain Mill feature cutting edge design with good old fashioned reliability so you can mill your heart out and brew like a pro with consistent crush with a fully adjustable precision mill.
Mill Better! Mash Better! Brew Better! Brew Happy! BUY ONE NOW!

Delores - Brut IPA - BeerCo Recipe Kit
AU$59.95 to $64.95
Time to crack open a bottle of bubbly Brut IPA my brewing sisters and brothers and celebrate a nice and dry hop forward effervescent beer. Here we pair a light German Pilsner style malt with Flaked Rice and let delicate Pinot Gris like and Mandarin Hops dance their tunes on your tongue. Well, what are you waiting for Brewers? The Ladies and Gents are keen to taste some hoppy poppy bubbles!

Cheers! #Bubbly #BrutIPA #drybeer #enjoyresponsibly

Let's brew up some Bubbles Del

Sahm - BeerCo - Brewhouse - 300ml Glass
AU$8.95 - AU$39.95 for 6 SAVE 25% OFF!
You deserve the best when it comes to serving your beer to yourself or your friends and family.
Sahm - BeerCo - Brewhouse - 300ml Glass shape exhibits elements of traditional tumblers whilst also standing out for its high level of practicality.
Manufactured and Printed in Germany by multiple award winning world class glass design and production company Sahm:
Buy the BeerCo Glass that is all Class!

Brewing Revolution - BeerCo - T-Shirts
AU$29.95 in S / M / L / XL / XXL / XXXL
Join the Revolution! Buy a BeerCo Tee NOW!

Gift Card
AU$50.00 - AU$200.00
Give the Gift that keeps on Giving! A BeerCo Gift card in denominations from $25 $50 $100 or $200. Give the Gift of Alchemy to that special s/he in your brewing or distilling life!
Give the Gift of Alchemy - Gift Card

Festive Season Shipping
Any heavies over 22Kg must go on Hunter Express - their dates here:

Hunter Express Christmas Trading / Closure times.
We will be operating as normal the week leading up to Christmas.
Last day for Linehaul EX Melbourne For Deliveries Before Christmas:

  • W.A - Friday 14th
  • Brisbane /Tasmania - Wednesday 19th
  • Sydney/ Adelaide - Thursday 20th December
  • Last Despatch on Friday 21st Freight will not be guaranteed delivery prior to Christmas
  • Freight that is picked up 27th 28th & 31st December will sit in Melbourne Depot for the commencement of first Linehaul service
  • Normal services as of 2nd January 2019
Australia Post:
will trade through the gaps as will we only taking off the Statutory Holidays of 25th and 26th Dec and 1st of Jan. If your brewery or distillery is caught in a binder give us a call or drop us a line at [email protected] and we will see what we can do to keep you Brewing and Distilling Happy all Holidays long!
Hoppy New Beer Aussie Homebrewers

Billy didn't have a lot to say
He never ever spoke
I looked him in the eye just once
And then I looked away
And then I looked away

Billy Two | The Clean

Happy New Year Brewers & Distillers! Here is hop-ing 2019 is healthy happy and prosperous for you and your family. We trust you had a great festive season with your family and friends sharing some of your good beer and whisky and cheers and you are all set to brew and distill happy in 2019!

Decembeer we were busy picking n packing n dispatching your Christmas Cheers and Tanks again to all our wonderful supply partners, logistics partners, retail partners our much loved customers and of course the fab team at for making it happen for you all in the busiest brewing and distilling month of the year!

This month we look forward to introducing to you to the amazing NEW! 2019 Crisp Malt Technical Guide and of course our January 2019 Malt and Hop and Yeast of the Month and a NEW! Recipe Kit to get you back up and brewing happy in 2019! On with the news...

Malt of the Month - Crisp Torrefied Wheat - Hop of the Month - Comet - Yeast of the Month - Mangrove Jack's 100g Dry Yeast Range - Equipment of the Month - Hanna - HI96841 Digital Refractometer for Brewing - but wait! there's more...a NEW! Recipe of the Month - Billy | Lager and let's not forget another great How to Brew like a Pro! How to do a simple Iodine Mash Conversion Test from our great mate Andrew at Stass Brewing and phew...that will do it for now...go and brew and/or distill happy!

Oh, yeah! We nearly forgot - help a mate out in 2019 to get into brewing or distilling happy by forwarding them our new FRIEND get FRIEND Referral program. S/He gets 10% OFF all products in the Shop on their first order at and You get 10% OFF all products in your cart on your next order...well what are you waiting...tell a great mate to start brewing happy! Simply click here: Referral Candy

PS We are open for dispatch and pickups again on Wed 2nd Jan 2019 from 10am! Where to find us and hours for pickups and deliveries here: Contact Us

How to Brew Like a Pro - Iodine Mash Conversion Test

Crisp Torrefied Wheat
AU$4.95/1Kg - AU$1,650/MT (SAVE 60% OFF 1Kg Price)
We use Crisp Torrefied Wheat for head retention in our beers. We would recommend it to others because of its good quality.” - Jon Edger, Brewery Manager Castle Rock Brewery – Nottingham, United Kingdom

Crisp Torrefied Wheat consists of grains of soft wheat varieties that have been cooked at high temperature resulting in gelatinisation of the starchy endosperm.

Addition of Torrefied Wheat will promote head retention and add body to the finished beer.

Interested to learn more about the Technical Aspects of Malt read the Crisp Malt 2019 New Technical Guide

In addition to Crisp Torrefied Wheat you might also like to try...

Insist on Crisp Torrefied Wheat - Buy NOW!

Comet T90 US Hop Pellets
AU$8.95/100g - AU$313.25/5Kg SAVE 30% OFF 100g Price
Greg W. Verified Buyer - Customer review
Really enjoyed these hops in both a SMaSH ale and used as a bittering hop in an IPA. I agree with the general descriptors in the prior review. A nice change from floral hops, making a pleasant low key beer.
Michael M. Verified Buyer - Customer review
Used this as a single hop in an American Red Ale. Big, resiny, lots of grapefruit rind, cut grass & pine sap - more akin to old school West Coast American C hops; has a lasting bitterness that holds on without being astringent.

Comet has made a recent comeback, finding favor with some brewers in dual purpose applications for its subtle and unique, "wild American" aroma. Comet is a promising public hop variety that was pushed aside during the alpha acid craze of the 1990s and has recently taken on the industry nickname of “Citra’s little sister.”

Specific aroma descriptors include Specific aroma descriptors include subtle, "wild American," grassy and grapefruit. Dominated by citrus zest and fragrant grassy character, with undertones of wild forest fruit and old-school earthy bitterness.

You might also like to try some other US Classic Hops like:
Chasing Comet! Hop to it Brewers! BUY NOW!

M29 French Saison Mangrove Jack's Yeast
AU$6.95/10g - AU$37.95/100g (SAVE 45% OFF 10g Price)
French Saison Mangrove Jack's dry yeast is an exceptional, highly attenuative top-fermenting ale yeast, creating distinctive beers with spicy, fruity and peppery notes. Ideal for fermentation of farmhouse style beer.

M29 is suitable for producing Saisons and farmhouse style beers up to 14% ABV.

NOW available in both 10g ($6.95) and100g Sachets ($37.95 SAVE 45% OFF 10g Price)

You might like to try these other Mangrove Jack's Dry Yeast NOW available in 100g Sizes as well for $37.95 each for the Hard Core Homebrewer to the Semi-Pro to the Nano-Brewer looking to BULK UP and SAVE!

NEW! 100g Mangrove Jack's Craft Yeast - Buy NOW!

Hanna - HI96841 Digital Refractometer for Brewing
Measure like a Pro! BUY ONE NOW! A$259.95

Billy - Lager - BeerCo Recipe Kit
AU$49.50 to $55
Lager! Lager! Lager! Sometimes all you want in life is a well balanced well brewed Lager! Not just any lager but a quality craft lager brewed cold and lagered cold to provide that clean crisp hoppy taste we all love whether the sun is shining or its raining cats and dogs outside. So without further adue here is a Lager that you and your mates can enjoy until the cows come home.

Cheers! #lager #lager #lager #enjoyresponsibly

Lager Lager Lager Time! Billy! BUY NOW!

Refer your friends, get 10% off!
Give your friends 10% off. When your friends buy from your invite link, you get 10% off!
Hoppy Big Wednesday Aussie Homebrewers,
Hop this finds you well and your #FEBrewery is off to a flying start!
Febrewery is here!
Hop all you home and pro Brewers & Distillers are off to a flying start in 2019! It has certainly been a HOT start to 2019 in MELbrewin' with temperatures soaring skywards the minute the first fuzzy tennis ball was lobbed up in the air at the Australian Open. As you are aware from reading the papers, listening to the wireless, watching the nightly news or surfing the web. Our climate is changing rapidly and 2018/9 Global Malting Barley Harvests have been impacted dramatically. For the research happy I encourage you to click on a few articles below that highlight the challenges our growers and maltsters face globally to secure you the finest premium quality Malt to brew or distil happy:

  1. AU - Drought bites in the East as ABARES forecasts 12pc cut to grain production
  2. CA - Damaged Barley Crop to Hike Cost of Canada's Craft Beer
  3. EU - France slakes EU brewers' thirst after drought hits barley crop One of the hottest summers on record in west Europe coupled with drought cut malting barley crops in regions including Germany, Poland and Scandinavia.
So, as you can see, hear and read a combination of drought in Europe and Australia and rain at the wrong time of the barley harvest in Canada has negatively impacted global malting supply and that has impacted all of us from growers to maltsters to brewers and distillers.

Fortunately, the UK experienced a relatively good harvest in 2018 certainly in comparison to most of the EU. Here is a link to our supply partners at Crisp Malt 2019 New Season Technical Guide. Here is a link to

We have just received Doug at Gladfield Malt NZ 2018/9 Harvest Report and by all accounts it was another successful harvest "across the ditch" as well. However, both UK and NZ are large exporters of malt and are both spoilt for choice in terms of where they can send their premium quality malting barley. Which brings us to the bad news we must share with you. After 2 quick price rises in 6 months from one supply partner and a substantial price rise from another we must pass on a price rise to you our customers. Effective immediately you will see the following base prices implemented by us for both Gladfield and Crisp Malt

Base Malt Gladfield Crisp
5 Kg $ 17.95 $ 18.95
25 Kg $ 69.95 $ 74.95
SAVE OFF 5Kg Price 22% 21%
Speciality Gladfield Crisp
1 Kg $ 5.45 $ 5.95
5Kg $ 21.80 $ 23.80
SAVE OFF 1Kg Price 20% 20%
25 Kg $ 81.75 $ 89.25
SAVE OFF 1Kg Price 40% 40%
We do our beery best at to get you the best quality premium brewing supplies as efficiently and effectively as possible. Like you we do not like price rises but we need to be true to ourselves and our supply partners and one of our 5 core values of "transparency" and share exactly what we are doing and why so that all players in the supply chain from grower to brewer are being treated fairly and equitably and with the respect they deserve. Rest assured we will continue to work across all operational areas of our business to remove cost and give you value without compromise on quality as we search for your satisfaction. We encourage you to BULK up and SAVE when you buy your malt with SAVING there from each jump up in bag size.

If you are a member of a homebrew club we encourage your club to reach out to us at [email protected] so we can give you the opportunity to do a BULK BUY and SAVE as well. If you are a craft brewer or distiller we encourage you to BUY NOW! and beat the trade price rise for Crisp Malt and send your orders and inquiries to us at [email protected]

That is enough of the bad news! On with the good news...

Malt of the Month - Crisp Wheat Malt - Hop of the Month - Chinook - Yeast of the Month - GB122 Berliner Blend GigaYeast - Adjunct of the Month - Crisp Flaked Torrefied Barley - Equipment of the Month - Hanna - Halo Wireless Beer pH meter - but wait! there's more...a NEW! Recipe of the Month - Helmut | Berliner and let's not forget another great How to Brew like a Pro! The Perfect Malt Crush from our great mate Andrew at Stass Brewing and phew...that will do it for now...go and brew and/or distill happy!

Oh, yeah! Crop 2018 US and Hops are due to hit our shores any week now so we have some great SPECIALS on to clear out Crop 2017 Hops! Hop on over to the Shop Specials page and Shop Happy and SAVE!

How to Brew like a Pro! The Perfect Grain Crush

Crisp Wheat Malt
$18.95/5Kg - $74.95/25Kg (SAVE 21%) - $1,550/MT + GST (SAVE 55%)
“When looking at replacements for my previous supplier, I had done some test batches with Crisp, and feel in love with it! It is high quality grain. We hit our efficiency with it every time. Plus the easy tear open bags are a nice touch.” – Mike Pallen, Founder & Head Brewer, Mikerphone Brewing, Elk Grove Village, Illinois, USA

Crisp Wheat Malt can be used as the base malt at around 55% inclusion for wheat beers and, when mixed with barley malt, wheat malt can improve head retention, improve mouthfeel and introduce flavour changes in other beer types. Wheat malt is low in β-glucan.

Wheat malt is used to enhance body and head retention; it brings a subtle smoothness to beers when used up to 15%. Beyond this percentage, it will start to create hazy Weiss / Wit type beers.

In addition to you might also like to try...

Insist on Crisp Wheat Malt- Buy NOW!

Chinook T90 US Hop Pellets
AU$6.95/100g - AU$495 / 10 Kg SAVE 30% OFF 100g Price
Russell C. Verified Buyer 03/10/18 5* Review
Mixing hops: I mix three hops: Chinook ,Cascade and East Kent Golding with a pale ale brew. It gives a very fruity flavor which suits my pallet

Chinook takes its name from a Native American tribe indigenous to the region around Washington. Chinook pedigree is a cross between Petham Golding and a high alpha USDA male. In recent years, Chinook has found favour as a dual purpose hop in the craft brewing community as a result of its spice and pine aroma characteristics.

You might also like to try some other US Classic Hops like:

Take a stroll in the Pine Forest - BUY Chinook NOW!

GB122 Berliner Blend GigaYeast
$14.95 a Gold Pitch
Conan Verified Buyer 15/01/18 5* Customer review
I used other yeast / lacto for my first Berliner and it was nowhere near what I was after. Second time around I used Gigayeast Berliner Blend with a 66/33 Pilsner/Wheat blend and like others have mentioned the fermentation was extremely vigorous, and after 2 months in primary the Berliner was spot on to what I was after with a nice sharp and clean acidity with that bready maltiness that you want in a Berliner.

GB122 Berliner Blend GigaYeast is a blend of neutral ale yeast and lactic acid bacteria. Use GB122 Berliner Blend GigaYeast directly in a primary fermentation to make a crisp, sour beer!

Tasting Notes:
  • Sour with subtle ester character. Creates the classic Berliner Weisse style– sour with a hint of hops and malt.
General Notes & Brewing Guidance:
Lactic Acid Bacteria are inhibited by hops, high gravity and low temperatures. You can adjust sourness by increasing or decreasing these variables. More than 7 IBU, gravity above 1050 or temps below 65 F will increase the time to sour or lead to reduced overall souring. Warmer fermentation temps will typically increase the esters and spicy phenolics of the saison ale yeast in this blend.
Stay Sour! Fast Sour! with GB122 Berliner Blend GigaYeast - Buy NOW!

Hanna - HALO® Wireless Beer pH Meter - FREE SHIPPING AU Wide
Easily measure pH in mash, wort, and finished beer with the FC2142 Wireless Beer pH Meter. This HALO is designed for home and craft brewers.

The specialised electrode features a durable titanium body, high temperature glass sensor, and an extendable cloth type junction for renewable electrode life. All readings are transmitted directly to your Apple or Android device or the edge®blu.

  • Take laboratory grade pH and temperature measurements using your smartphone or tablet.
  • HALO's smart system tells you when your electrode needs cleaning or calibration.
  • Great for any brewery, kitchen, or food laboratory.

Measure like a Pro! BUY ONE NOW!

Crisp Flaked Torrefied Barley
$5.95/1Kg - $23.80/5Kg (SAVE 20%) - $89.25/25Kg (SAVE 40%) - $2,670/MT (SAVE 55%)
Crisp Flaked Torrefied Barley consists of barley grains that have been cooked at high temperature, resulting in gelatinisation of the starchy endosperm.

Addition of Flaked Torrefied Barley will promote head retention and add body to the finished beer. Flaked Torrefied Barley does not require milling before being added to the mash.

This product is fresh-smelling with no signs of scorching and free from any extraneous material.

Usage and Benefits
- 5 to 10% for head retention improvement
- enhances foam and adds body
- very little soluble nitrogen contribution to wort so good for use as a nitrogen diluent with high TN barley malts
- adds a stronger slightly harsher flavour than torrefied wheat

Insist on Crisp Flaked Torrefied Barley in your next Brew! BUY NOW!

Helmut - Berliner - BeerCo Recipe Kit
AU$49.50 - AU$55.00
A regional speciality of Berlin; Berliner Weisse was affectionately referred to by Napoleon's troops in 1809 as “the Champagne of the North” due to its lively and elegant character. This lightly soured low abv Berliner Weisse is designed to taste great straight or form the base for fruit additions and further sour beer fermentation. Helmut would approve and Deeter Sprockets says", Prost!

Stay Sour! Fast Sour! Get Your Berliner on Helmut - Buy NOW!

Refer your friends, get 10% off!
Give your friends 10% off. When your friends buy from your invite link, you get 10% off!
Malty March Aussie Homebrewers,
Hop this finds you well as we run up to the Easter long brewing weekend not far now so read on and get your brewing on...there are kegs to fill my friends in beer!

Mar 2019 - Märzenbier - BeerCo Brewing News...
by Dermott Dowling March 10, 2019
Hop this finds all your home and pro-brewers and distillers out there fit and well and Marchin' onwards and upwards in your Brewing and Distilling adventures. Why are we talking about Oktoberfest in March? Well as you read is the time to brew your Märzenbier (in the month of March) so you can "lager" it through the winter and let those soft and delicate malt flavours shine through with a brewers best friend - Time! Unlike Oxygen and Heat the enemies of every great brewer, Time can literally heal all ills. It will clear your beer, let your flavours mellow and settle out and if your chasing a Malt Driven Lager to perfection time truly is your best friend.

Time waits for no man or woman and it's time we kicked off our Mar 19 - Märzenbier - BeerCo Brewing without further adue...pull up a chair, pour yourself a beer or single malt whisky, read, think, drink and then brew and/or distil happy our brewing brothers and sisters...

Malt of the Month - Crisp Light Munich Malt - Hop of the Month - Hallertau Tradition - Yeast of the Month - GY045 German Lager GigaYeast - Adjunct of the Month - Crisp Rye Malt - Equipment of the Month - Hanna - pHep®4 pH/Temperature Tester - HI98127 - but wait! there's more...BeerCo All Grain Recipe of the Month - Oktoberfest | Märzenbier and let's not forget another great How to Brew like a Pro! video from our great mate Andrew at Stass Brewing on Introduction to Water pH and phew...that will do it for now...go and brew and/or distil happy!

Oh, yeah! Least we forget, More Fresh Crop 2018 US Hops have dropped into the Shop! including Mosaic®, Ekuanot™, El Dorado® and Cashmere along with fresh Crop 2018 GR Hops and CZ Saaz. We still have some great SPECIALS on to clear out Crop 2017 US and GR Hops which are selling out FAST! Hop on over to the Shop Specials page and Shop Happy and SAVE!

How to Brew like a Pro! Introduction to Water pH

Crisp Light Munich Malt
$18.95/5Kg - $74.95/25Kg (SAVE 21%) - $1,550/MT + GST (SAVE 55%)
Adrian I. Verified Buyer 4 star rating 25/02/19
Solid Munich Malt
I used about 7% in a Munich Helles and it provided very nice melanoidin/ toasted bread notes. Seems lighter on the colour scale than other light Munich I've used, perfect to add some complexity to lighter ales and lagers!

Crisp Light Munich Malt colour ranges from 15 to 25 EBC (IoB) and Crisp Dark Munich Malt colour ranges from 40 to 50 EBC (IoB).

Munich Malt has its origins in Germany where traditional beers gained their rich malty character from the addition of specialist malts with enhanced colour and flavour. These products are made on a conventional malt kiln using processes that promote higher levels of soluble protein and simple sugars which interact when heat is applied to produce a product rich in melanoidins and other colour and flavour compounds.

The malty flavours associated with Munich Malt contrast with the caramel-like flavours associated with crystal malts and the golden to reddish hues to the colour is popular in some beer styles.

Beer Styles:
  • Altbier
  • Amber Ales
  • Bavarian Dunkels
  • Bocks
  • Doppelbocks
  • Helles
  • IPA
  • Märzens
  • Pale Ale
  • Schwarzbier
In addition to Crisp Light Munich Malt you might also like to try...

Insist on Crisp Light Munich Malt- Buy NOW!

Hallertauer Tradition GR T90 Hop Pellets
AU$8.95/100g - AU$313.25 / 5 Kg SAVE 30% OFF 100g Price
Kelvin B. Verified Buyer 5 star rating 23/02/19
Nice flavour and what more could you want for a traditional German hop in a German beer.

Hallertauer Tradition GR Hops were bred as a successor to Hallertauer Mittelfrüh and was licensed in 1993. Comparable to Hallertauer Mittelfrüh, Hallertauer Tradition is distinguished by its good yields. The predominant aromas in the raw hops are those of citrus and lime, accompanied by vegetal notes. In a cold infusion, sweet fruits such as apricots contribute to its fine flavour profile.
BeerCo Recipes featuring Hallertauer Tradition:
You might also like to try some other GR Hops available in 100g, 250g, 500g, 1Kg and 5Kg sizes:
Try a NEW! GR Noble Hop! Buy Hallertau Tradition NOW!

GY045 German Lager GigaYeast

Jay C. Verified Reviewer 5 star rating 28/08/18
My new go to lager yeast
...This is, without a doubt, the best lager I have ever made. Perfect ABV to make it super drinkable, with a really pronounced sweet malt flavour, little bitterness and minimal hop flavour, so you won't be distracted from the delicious malts shining through...
This is EXACTLY what I remember beer tasting like while I was in Germany.

GY045 is a bottom fermenting German Lager GigaYeast used in commercial breweries around the world. GY045 German Lager GigaYeast produces a slightly sweeter but clean beer with a malty finish. Perfect for Pilsners, Märzen, Fest bier etc. GY045 GigaYeast may require a diacetyl rest after fermentation.

Attenuation Medium Gravity*
  • 74% – 78%
Attenuation High Gravity*
  • 58% – 61% (7.6% – 8.3% ABV)
Temperature Range†:
  • 10°C - 15°C (50˚F – 60˚F)
  • Medium/Low
Representative Styles:
  • Lagers
  • Keller Bier
  • Märzen
  • Schwarz Bier
  • Bock
  • Pilsners
Get Your Giga On with GY045 German Lager GigaYeast!

Hanna - pHep®4 pH/Temperature Tester - HI98127
Hanna's pHep®4 waterproof tester is an advanced meter has many features that can be found in portable and benchtop meters. This ergonomic meter measures from -2.0 to 16.0 pH with an accuracy of ±0.1 pH. pHep®4 features automatic one or two-point calibration and automatic temperature compensation. The large multi level LCD display shows both pH and temperature readings simultaneously, while a stability indicator is displayed to alert the user when a stable reading has been obtained. The pHep®4 tester also features a replaceable pH probe that has a unique extendable cloth junction to clear any clogging that occurs.

  • Waterproof
  • Replaceable pH Electrode
  • Automatic Two-Point pH Calibration
Other pH meters you may be interested in:
Measure pH like a Pro! BUY ONE NOW!

Crisp Rye Malt
$5.95/1Kg - $23.80/5Kg (SAVE 20%) - $89.25/25Kg (SAVE 40%) - $1,600/MT+GST
In brewing, when mixed with barley malt, rye malt can improve head retention, improve mouthfeel and introduce flavour changes of a toffee/caramel note at lower inclusion rates and a spicy after-palate at higher inclusion rates. Most notably, rye malt will also impart a reddish hue to beers.

Usage and Styles
  • 10% to 20% for grainy, slightly spicy flavour, mouthfeel and head retention
  • Roggenbier
  • Rye IPA
  • Rye Lager
  • Rye Whisky
Insist on Crisp Rye Malt in your next Brew! BUY NOW!

Oktoberfest - Märzenbier - BeerCo All Grain Recipe Kit
AU$49.95 - AU$55.00
Time to reach for the lederhosen, knee high socks, put your hair in piggy tails or try on some skin tight skivvies and amp up some strange German techno or trance music and drink a traditional Märzenbier or Oktoberfest bier! For this BeerCo Recipe Kit we use a layered malt bill for depth and flavour and a moderate hopping regime with traditional noble Hallertau hop. We trust this will help you celebrate the change of seasons in style with a brew to style - Prost!

Brew Your Märzenbier in March! BUY ONE NOW!!!

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