Regarding how we have rated beer. (I thought about it for two years before we started filming). Robert and I tasted the beers ( and scored them) separately the day before we filmed. We have both occasionally altered our scores when filming. It has always been about the taste of that bottle on that day ( there is bottle variation) Sierra Nevada , or rather that 6 pack was a huge disappointment but it would be impossible to make allowances for an out of condition shipment. I purchased all beers.
Occasionally the range of scores do not seem to make sense but it is what we thought on that day (White Rabbit is a good example we seem at odds with others but our personal preference is what we think is balanced hops. I once attended an Italian wine tasting, in Italy, and the world famous wine maker said he preferred his wines not to be polluted by wood- exact words; I nearly fell over).
I do think the main reason I have been unable to cover my production costs is my decision to just say what I think the opposite of Getaway type television. Interest in advertising during breaks in the program is nearly almost nonexistent.
I planned not to review any beers from any of the 13 Micros I visited. Somehow we did end up reviewing A White Rabbit beer and a 3 Ravens beer. I also planned not to review two beers from any micro but Bridge Road got 2 in and so did Jamieson.
My original interest in making the program was consumer activism; backlash against production and distribution oligopolies. To my surprise and disappointment no seems to give a rats. Most of the emails I get are from women viewers wanting Enzo's recipes.
Final explanation. Re Buckley's Beers. My involvement was 12 x $1 units in a trust and I loaned some money to the company that managed the trust that operated the brewery. I was never a director or employee. I had no involvement in the brewing and I mentioned my prior involvement simply for reasons of honest disclosure. I can be blamed for the both the name ( Buckleys) and the label but not the beer.
Thanks for letting me put across my side