Beer Show On C31

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Caught 5 minutes last week. Will try and catch the next show. Has anyone seen a full episode, is it worth it?
I've watched a couple of shows online (if you go to the channel 31 website). The shows are pretty reasonable considering the community tv environment. I have noticed they are quite critical of local microbreweries in their beer review segments mainly because of beers being "not true to style" but also from unpleasant flavours etc.. What do other people that have seen the show think??
I stumbled upon this show today. I reckon its not too bad. I watched latest ep (#4 I think), will go back and catch up on the rest soon. I quite liked the all grain part of the show as it's what I'm planning to do next.

I went to their site, and tried to post some positive feed back but their website doesn't seem up to it.
I've watched a couple of shows online (if you go to the channel 31 website). The shows are pretty reasonable considering the community tv environment. I have noticed they are quite critical of local microbreweries in their beer review segments mainly because of beers being "not true to style" but also from unpleasant flavours etc.. What do other people that have seen the show think??

I've not seen the show but I'd be interested...incidentally I'm very critical of microbreweries because of off flavours and poorly designed beers as well. Had a few infected beers, more than I can count that haven't treated their yeast right. Then of course calling a beer a partiuclar style and its nothing like it <_< ...then there are the good micros that make great beer.
...I have noticed they are quite critical of local microbreweries in their beer review segments mainly because of beers being "not true to style" but also from unpleasant flavours etc...
I think they've been pretty fair and unbiased in their appraisals.

They certainly sung the praises of the Alpha Queen IPA a couple of weeks ago, marking it on-par with, if not better than, the Sierra Nevada PA.

I've been recording the last couple of episodes, but missed the first 2 weeks.
I've watched two episode so far (both while smashed after long brew days) and didn't mind it. The show seems very presenter centric (e.g. in the first episode I saw, the micro brewery they visited was one that the presenter used to own), but thats not necessarily a bad thing and to be expected.

I think there is great potential in the show if they take and use feedback... if they could provide even half the benefits we get from brew clubs (e.g. tech talks and seeing how other people brew) then the benefit to the wider brewing community would be huge.
Watched a coupe of episodes yesterday (can watch them online at the C31 website) and while I don't mind the format and style of the show


One of the presenters is part of the group that founded Buckleys Brewery, and I find myself struggling to value the beer opinions of someone who was part of the group of people responsible for some of the beers that have come out of that particular brewery over the years.

Aside from that, it's a niceenpugh little show, and being critical of the local brews isn't a bad thing... Just being local isn't a good excuse for making bad beer, and some of the local beer is indeed bad. Independwnt reviewers who are willing to say so can only help the situation.

Homebrew Ben is a mate of mine and now works at 2Brothers, he knows what he is on about and is doing a good job with the designed audience.

Hope the shows keep coming its creating a good micro awareness for those who can pick up C31.

They also have a you tube channel that is updated weekly.

Tried the cooking segment recipe from episode 5. A great way to cook sausages.

Having watched all shows up to know, it seems to be getting better as they go. Remember it still only community low budget TV..

Remember it still only community low budget TV..

and it shows, i think they try to fit to much into an half-hour program.
how could they rate snpa at 3.5 stars and then rate cascade stout at 4? just putting it out there is all.
how could they rate snpa at 3.5 stars and then rate cascade stout at 4? just putting it out there is all.

They tried White Rabbit Dark Ale tonight and pulled funny faces while drinking it.

They gave it two stars.
I'm up to episode 4 so far and i like the show , i think they do a pretty good job of presenting home brew and micro's to probably a reasonably uneducated (beerwise) audience, their comments are fair but disagree with some of the beer tasting scores especially the Whale Ale from Warnambool (i almost finished in my pants) when i tasted this beer and have drank more than my fair share of said beer, but tasting beer is a personal thing. Personally i don't like Timothy Taylors Landlord (ducks for cover). Enjoy the shows for what they are and be gratefull we have a show to watch about our lifeblood. And Gage is a really cool name maybe he should a been a ufc fighter.

4 stars :icon_chickcheers:
Regarding how we have rated beer. (I thought about it for two years before we started filming). Robert and I tasted the beers ( and scored them) separately the day before we filmed. We have both occasionally altered our scores when filming. It has always been about the taste of that bottle on that day ( there is bottle variation) Sierra Nevada , or rather that 6 pack was a huge disappointment but it would be impossible to make allowances for an out of condition shipment. I purchased all beers.

Occasionally the range of scores do not seem to make sense but it is what we thought on that day (White Rabbit is a good example we seem at odds with others but our personal preference is what we think is balanced hops. I once attended an Italian wine tasting, in Italy, and the world famous wine maker said he preferred his wines not to be polluted by wood- exact words; I nearly fell over).

I do think the main reason I have been unable to cover my production costs is my decision to just say what I think the opposite of Getaway type television. Interest in advertising during breaks in the program is nearly almost nonexistent.

I planned not to review any beers from any of the 13 Micros I visited. Somehow we did end up reviewing A White Rabbit beer and a 3 Ravens beer. I also planned not to review two beers from any micro but Bridge Road got 2 in and so did Jamieson.

My original interest in making the program was consumer activism; backlash against production and distribution oligopolies. To my surprise and disappointment no seems to give a rats. Most of the emails I get are from women viewers wanting Enzo's recipes.

Final explanation. Re Buckley's Beers. My involvement was 12 x $1 units in a trust and I loaned some money to the company that managed the trust that operated the brewery. I was never a director or employee. I had no involvement in the brewing and I mentioned my prior involvement simply for reasons of honest disclosure. I can be blamed for the both the name ( Buckleys) and the label but not the beer.

Thanks for letting me put across my side

Thanks for dropping your head in here, Gage.
I have to admit that I really enjoy watching the show. Haven't missed a show yet.
(Thanks in-part to the YouTube channel as I missed it one night.)
Some of the things that happen make me laugh, but each episode seems to be getting better.

You are right about the honesty factor.
I have also been watching Top Gear Australia on Tuesday nights.
Last week they drove the new Corvette.
They could not get it to meet the advertised speed times. Then they seemed embarrassed and started making excuses for it. Anyone one else would have bagged it out for being crap, but they had to keep the sponsors happy and try to put a positive spin on it.
You see it in Beer & Brewer magazine. They review a lot of beers but I don't remember seeing a bad review of any beer in recent times. No matter how bad it is. The just talk about the positives.
This is because they have to keep the sponsors happy.

However, I think that despite that, if the show develops a good following you should be able to get more advertising.
Regarding how we have rated beer. (I thought about it for two years before we started filming). Robert and I tasted the beers ( and scored them) separately the day before we filmed. We have both occasionally altered our scores when filming. It has always been about the taste of that bottle on that day ( there is bottle variation) Sierra Nevada , or rather that 6 pack was a huge disappointment but it would be impossible to make allowances for an out of condition shipment. I purchased all beers.

Occasionally the range of scores do not seem to make sense but it is what we thought on that day (White Rabbit is a good example we seem at odds with others but our personal preference is what we think is balanced hops. I once attended an Italian wine tasting, in Italy, and the world famous wine maker said he preferred his wines not to be polluted by wood- exact words; I nearly fell over).

I do think the main reason I have been unable to cover my production costs is my decision to just say what I think the opposite of Getaway type television. Interest in advertising during breaks in the program is nearly almost nonexistent.

I planned not to review any beers from any of the 13 Micros I visited. Somehow we did end up reviewing A White Rabbit beer and a 3 Ravens beer. I also planned not to review two beers from any micro but Bridge Road got 2 in and so did Jamieson.

My original interest in making the program was consumer activism; backlash against production and distribution oligopolies. To my surprise and disappointment no seems to give a rats. Most of the emails I get are from women viewers wanting Enzo's recipes.

Final explanation. Re Buckley's Beers. My involvement was 12 x $1 units in a trust and I loaned some money to the company that managed the trust that operated the brewery. I was never a director or employee. I had no involvement in the brewing and I mentioned my prior involvement simply for reasons of honest disclosure. I can be blamed for the both the name ( Buckleys) and the label but not the beer.

Thanks for letting me put across my side


Hi, I love the show and it fits into my passion for listening too and watching pod-casts/shows on brewing. I have no issue with how a beer is judged and agree that a beer can only be rated on its performance on the day.

The cooking segment is a winner. My first impression of Enzo was that he was very skillful in the kitchen.

The home-brew section needs a little bit of work and could be expanded upon, bits of info are missing.

i use to watch Cage on another C31 program..Channel 31 has some big stars come out there shows Vasli is one ..people have to remember that the crews are unpaid and do it for the love of it.i use to work on a program a few years ago..Cage keep up the good work

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