Beer Review-cleanskin Premium

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Tropical_Brews said:
Is it just me but cannot say I have ever seen Cleanskin Premium in our local Dan's not that I have looked for it in particular.

I like cheap beers I buy Henninger as an easy drinker from Liqourland.
Offsider brought a carton at Liquorland for us to try

manticle said:
What methods are you interested in? I have an all grain recipe for belgian golden strong based closely on Duvel and there is a recipe on here closely based on Little Creatures pale and another little creatures bright (also both all grain). All grain can be converted to partial mash, extract brewing and kit brewing easily enough - depends how you are wanting to approach it.

For belgian styles like the duvel and the leffe your choice of yeast is the main chracter contributor as it is with something like the schofferhoffer.

Asahi will require something like a dry enzyme and little creatures a neutral yeast as its character relies mainly on the hops.
Thank Manticle for your indepth reply. Belgian Golden Ale sounds like the go. As I am a noob here and spent most of my time defending myself I will start researching home brew methods and familiarize myself with this site. Can I buy a kit to start brewing this Golden Ale?
Snatchy said:
Thank Manticle for your indepth reply. Belgian Golden Ale sounds like the go. As I am a noob here and spent most of my time defending myself I will start researching home brew methods and familiarize myself with this site. Can I buy a kit to start brewing this Golden Ale?
Have a read of John Palmers 'How to brew' - the first edition is free to read online.

A belgian golden is definitely doable with kits, but you'll need to get a good yeast (prefereably a liquid one) from your local homebrew store (or you can order online from one of the site sponsors). It will even work pretty well with no temperature control.

Do a bit more reading, and my advice is to start small, and do something a bit more sophisticated to improve each batch.
Snatchy said:
Offsider brought a carton at Liquorland for us to try

Thank Manticle for your indepth reply. Belgian Golden Ale sounds like the go. As I am a noob here and spent most of my time defending myself I will start researching home brew methods and familiarize myself with this site. Can I buy a kit to start brewing this Golden Ale?
I'll work out a kit recipe based on my AG version and PM you tonight. Won't be identical to Duvel by any means but neither you nor I are Moortgaat.
You'll be able to get a base kit to work from but then you will need to add extras. Getting to understand yeast and fermentation will be your best first step.
Ohhhh look eveyones holding hands now! lol

its a shame that this places gets hit with spammers and a new comer gets caught in the cross fire!

Welcome aboard snatchy buckle up its a bumpy ride!
manticle said:
I'll work out a kit recipe based on my AG version and PM you tonight. Won't be identical to Duvel by any means but neither you nor I are Moortgaat.
You'll be able to get a base kit to work from but then you will need to add extras. Getting to understand yeast and fermentation will be your best first step.
I look forward to PM. My old man used to brew under the house and nothing like the sound of bottle top's popping off now and then. He tried ginger beer and that stuff was volatile.

Robbo2234 said:
Ohhhh look eveyones holding hands now! lol

its a shame that this places gets hit with spammers and a new comer gets caught in the cross fire!

Welcome aboard snatchy buckle up its a bumpy ride!
I hate spammers as much as the next and after looking back thru this thread I can understand the suspicion frenzy. Bit amusing to say the least and over it. Had a chance to go thru all the recipes today (when I should have been quoting, invoicing) and found a few that I would like to give a go. Will have a read of Tiprya suggestion John Palmers 'How to brew' so thanks for that.
Snatchy said:
I look forward to PM. My old man used to brew under the house and nothing like the sound of bottle top's popping off now and then. He tried ginger beer and that stuff was volatile.

I hate spammers as much as the next and after looking back thru this thread I can understand the suspicion frenzy. Bit amusing to say the least and over it. Had a chance to go thru all the recipes today (when I should have been quoting, invoicing) and found a few that I would like to give a go. Will have a read of Tiprya suggestion John Palmers 'How to brew' so thanks for that.
A self employed brewer who's just discovered AHB.
If I had a dollar for every time I sat in front of the computer in the office to do some invoices and quotes and said to myself "I'll just have a quick look at AHB before I get started" , I'd be a huge corporation by now.
On the up side, I'm making some great beers now and probably doing a lot more paperwork because of it.

Enjoy it mate it's a slippery slope.
He's responding to my PMs about brewing a duvel. Spammer would have given up and moved on.

I'm happy to be wrong. I lose nothing by offering someone advice on brewing good beer.
I'd be unhappy if you were wrong but I don't think you are.

Brewing something like that is hard though, Snatchy. Brewing anything is pretty awesome, though.

I recall telling people that Jesus wasn't **** for turning water into wine when I started brewing because I turned water into beer. It is pretty good fun.
Do you want me to drop round to Premair or MR Services and check him out Kev? :D
I can do a background check and ask his mates, also look in the fridge and see if there are any of the suspect beers in there to prove his veracity.

If you want to try a golden ale home brewed on tap, Snatchy send me a pm. You can drop round and have a coldy anytime. Usually 4 beers on tap here.

If you are interested in trying some good craft beers, drop round to the little bottlo at calala (not the iga one) and ask to have a look out in the back room. He has a pretty good range there.
punkin said:
Do you want me to drop round to Premair or MR Services and check him out Kev? :D
I can do a background check and ask his mates, also look in the fridge and see if there are any of the suspect beers in there to prove his veracity.

If you want to try a golden ale home brewed on tap, Snatchy send me a pm. You can drop round and have a coldy anytime. Usually 4 beers on tap here.

If you are interested in trying some good craft beers, drop round to the little bottlo at calala (not the iga one) and ask to have a look out in the back room. He has a pretty good range there.
Yes go and ask Blu from Premiair and Mick from MR all of which I have worked with over the years and do a background check on me FFS. While your at it drop into shed 3/8 Hargrave and enjoy a cold beer with Pat and Me and all the other off loaders that seem to appear around 4:30. Actually brought another carton of that beer I shall not name yesterday at Southgate Liquorland and had a few more. We discussed my first brewing attempt (which the bar has been set high) and we all going to pitch in and see how it goes.

>If you are interested in trying some good craft beers, drop round to the little bottlo at calala (not the iga one) and ask to have a look out in the back room. He has a pretty good range there.<

Yes Pat and Drew brought a sample selection from there a few months back and they said he has a great selection. I will call in going past.

BTW who are you Punkin? Obviously you know me.
If you're looking for a good range of belgian kits, take a look here-

As long as you get them in good condition, (stored out of the heat) they are great. Some of the range call for only a starting volume of about 12 litres in order to achieve the alcohol content, though just use two cans and the recommended amount of candy sugar for a full batch.

I think the Diabolo is what you are after.

Sorry for thinking you are a spammer, snatchy. I'm telling you, if your nic had've been simmo, I would have believed ;) And if you are, then the cleanskins are getting a great plug!

Snatchy said:
Yes go and ask Blu from Premiair and Mick from MR all of which I have worked with over the years and do a background check on me FFS. While your at it drop into shed 3/8 Hargrave and enjoy a cold beer with Pat and Me and all the other off loaders that seem to appear around 4:30. Actually brought another carton of that beer I shall not name yesterday at Southgate Liquorland and had a few more. We discussed my first brewing attempt (which the bar has been set high) and we all going to pitch in and see how it goes.

>If you are interested in trying some good craft beers, drop round to the little bottlo at calala (not the iga one) and ask to have a look out in the back room. He has a pretty good range there.<

Yes Pat and Drew brought a sample selection from there a few months back and they said he has a great selection. I will call in going past.

BTW who are you Punkin? Obviously you know me.

Settle petal, i'm having a dig at Kev is all. Dunno if i know you or not, mate. Tamworth's a small town so i may well. The offer for you to drop round to mine for a coldy was genuine and friendly. Happy to help on your road to making a good brew and can source many ingredients that are not available from the brew shop in town.

I can see where you may be a little defensive after the razzing you've gotten, and i sympathize. :D

I could ask big Brad from NTC too :super:
Well it looks like Snatchy you are hanging around. I assumed you were the same as the other three 1st time posters within this thread, signing up just to give this beer a plug; you are not. So I'm incorrect for my dig at you assuming that you were. There are a lot of experienced homebrewers and also professional brewers on here that will offer their experience to guide you to being a great brewer. Welcome aboard.
>I could ask big Brad from NTC too<

Hah Hah Yes indeed, now theres a man who likes a beer....... or 40!!

We know him well. My shed mate did his apprenticeship with his business partner.

>If you want to try a golden ale home brewed on tap<

Offer accepted! We would loovvveee to try some home brew Belgian Golden Strong Ale.

Punkin we think we may have you pegged... If we are right you know my shed mates many footballing brothers and you knew his dad well?

>Well it looks like Snatchy you are hanging around. I assumed you were the same as the other three 1st time posters within this thread<

Appology accepted. Going back thru this thread I can see how it would be easy to assume the like. No hard feelings and moving on now. Look forward to sharing my home brew experiences.

One of the blokes in our shed complex is a stainless steel fabricator and has offerred, as part of his portion of the home brew experience, to make some stainless steel kegs. Is this a good idea or should we just get a prefab?

Understandably we have the temperature control and storage side of things covered!
If you were to get into all grain brewing at any point your SS fabricator mate will be a good guy to have around.
Nup, keep guessing. Also the golden ale is a smurtos english best not a belgian.

not even the best beer i have on tap at the moment. i have Jamils Evil Twin and a Red Ale that will both crap on it.
jyo said:
If you're looking for a good range of belgian kits, take a look here-

As long as you get them in good condition, (stored out of the heat) they are great. Some of the range call for only a starting volume of about 12 litres in order to achieve the alcohol content, though just use two cans and the recommended amount of candy sugar for a full batch.

I think the Diabolo is what you are after.
Looking at the Brewferm Superior Electric Kit at right price to get started. New or Second hand. Anyone with one then PM me to discuss.

Couple cans of Diabolo as well.

Might as well start with kit and work up from there as I learn more.

@Punkin.... I'll PM you and set up a date.
Sorry, mate I wasn't meaning the equipment from Brewferm, just the actual tins of hopped extract.

While the equipment looks good, unless you can find a distributor in Australia, postage would be bloody expensive.

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