Beer Machine

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Hey Fellars, Want to see the latest in home brewing , Google .www
i was expecting to see a machine that delivers cans of cold beer after you place $1.30 in the slot.

some of my mates have one like this, but dont let coca-cola know about their missing machine.
I have friend who wishes to start brewing for her husband (again). She has run out of time to brew and is looking for something like the beer machine. Does anyone have any ideas on where to get one in OZ or even a rough sketch on how to make one?

these are hardly the lastest, they have been around for years in USA.

Ive seen a few vids online which i think are commercials for it "Wow, that is the greatest beer i have ever tasted" and stuff like that, but reviews ive read say its a bit of a piece of ****.

would be very easy though
I bought a Beer Machine from the US second hand because I want a small keg to fit into our fridge. So I actually brew using the typical 30l fermenter, then transfer to the Beer Machine to use a a dispenser. However the stupid thing doesn't seal all that well - it's basically a plastic 'keg' cut in half horizontally, with a pressure relief valve to let out CO2 from the brewing process, and a tap to pour out beer.
It seems that some people love these devices, others think they're a waste of time. Pedro - I can take digital photos of it for you if you wish. I can also sell it to you if you want it......
kbekus said:
It seems that some people love these devices, others think they're a waste of time. Pedro - I can take digital photos of it for you if you wish. I can also sell it to you if you want it......
Hi kbekus

With such a review, I think I will see if I can find a better way for my friend.

does anyone remember the old k,tel adds of years ago,oh it changed my life! yeah right.
Good news...They're going to infect..import...release them direct to us from Jan 05!!!

Maybe more new brewers once the shine wears off them???

I have received a retail catalogue (not HBS) which features what's called a "Baby Brewery", but it is obviously a "Beer Machine". I am looking at it as a Xmas present for my son. Appreciate its liitations re beer style etc but it would suit his living arrangements.

The older posts are not encouraging and I was just wondering if anyone has had some more recent knowldege or experience of the Beer Machine.

Thanks for any advice.

I almost fell off my chair laughing after reading this little snippet from the website:"The Beer Machine works like it was sent from outer space as a gift from benevolent beer lovers on other planets." Priceless dribble.
Sorry to bring up this old thread. I dropped by a Bar shop in Highpoint West the other day and saw this Beer Machine. I didn't take notice of the price of the actual machine, but the ingredient kit cost $40. It was a "canadian red lager", and brewed 10 litres of beer (I nearly fell over when I saw the price). Oh, and yeast was not included. Fairly pricey for the volume of beer, though I have yet to taste some beer made from this contraption, so perhaps I should reserve my judgement on its worth. Has anyone here brewed with one of these? Personally I wouldn't bother with one, but am curious as to how well or poor these things perform. ($$$$ wise, they'd want to make a pretty tasty brew).

Cheers :)