Would U believe that I have
an Erdinger World Cup glass for weizens (* edit - Dragon destroyed it while I was at BJCP last night - currently looking for new missus), a nonic for pommie ales and stouts, a Yank pint glass (or 4) for Arrogant clones and APAs, as well as Hoegaarden glasses for Wits, and a range of other tall and short glasses with and without handles, schooner, middie, shot, the odd 7 oz, 200ml stange, litre mug, pewter mugs, and Chimay and Unibroue glasses. I have a hollow core stainless Coopers mug and some plastic VB 425ml jobbies from the cricket. A freezable (and mostly useless) liquid-core plastic beer stein from a local Oktoberfest event. Some glasses are branded and some are generic. Some are ancient and some near-new. All get used, at times.
I try to use the right vessel for the occasion and the beer, to maximise my enjoyment and that of my guests.
Some say "beer geek"...I know.
Smilin' all the way to my next beer.
Seth out