Beer Evangelism

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Barley Bomber
Reaction score
Medowie , NSW
Are U a beer evangelist? :eek:
Don't answer yet. I'll give you the description, and ask again later. ;)

It's not a new religion, and it's not blasphemy (although it might get U stoned). :p
What does a beer evangelist do?

Well,...according to an article entiled "Praise the Brew" by Thomas J. Miller [Note: cannot find URL] in May-June 2003 BYO magazine, you must lead the meek into the valley of IPA, take the weak to stare down the shadow of stout, and lead the pilzner-weary into the paths of weizen-ness, but always you must spread the good word about good beer.

So BROTHERS, I'm here to testify.

How many people have you initiated into the righteousness of a truly flavourful cleansing ale?
How many times have you taken a mate to the pub and, for the first shout, brought back something that would challenge the tastebuds/sensibilities of the recipient. Then, have you guided them through the experience: pour it gently into your glass, take a sniff, swirl it a bit, sniff again, take a small taste and hold it in your mouth, let it warm a little, you may wish to swirl it, pass it slowly down the tongue, milk the flavour from the beer, tell them what to expect before they taste it, teach them that beer can be a symphony of flavours, I'm opening your mind to a new experience. Embrace it and move forward. In other words, hold their hand through the experience.

Sorry,... beer evangelism fervour.

I have instigated a culture of good beer at my work. We actually got Coopers beer at my Social Club Christmas bash. OK, I wanted Goat or LCPA or Urquell (which was on special for about $40 that week), but you take a small win when U can.

At my previous office (public effin' servant), we had a weekly meeting of FAZU (Friday Arvo Zymocenosilicaphobics United). Not an association devoted to the culture of the Friday p1ss-up, but a support network for people who cannot face the sight of an empty beer glass, That is, sufferers of zymocenosilicaphobia, which is an irrational or unnatural fear of an empty beer glass. Ah, I see you nod in recognition. Weekly, I would introduce a carton of quality beer (on ice) and charge cost price for the beer,as well as provide information and guidance for a quality beer experience. The boss at my current office is a wine winker, if U know what I mean, and would not be impressed with the concept. He would not like to see people having a single (quality) beer before going home on a Friday, so FAZU is down for a while.

So we have a SEBAGO meeting about 8 times a year, or sometimes less often.
We are SEBAGO - the Society for the Enhancement Of Beer Appreciation & Good Oratory (IOW, beer and ********). We are also known as the Socially Excluded Blokes Allegedly Going Off, and many other names. We spend a few hours at a pub after work on a Friday, sup a few beers and relax over a few tales and occasionally, a Cuban cigar (for some of us). You can drink the house beer or whatever you choose, although some do choose Cointreau and lemonade, or gin and tonic. OK, it's only one guy, but I've got him sussed.

[EDIT (forgot this bit last nite) :p ]: I visit Sydney a few times each year with friends, and we will visit the Belgian beer cafe or James Squire brewhouse or the Lowenbrau Keller, or a number of these. We have been known to do a pub crawl around The Rocks in Sydney. Other brewpubs are fair game, too.
Seems that Paddy's might get a run, in the new year, as well as Redoak. You can do it too; take some friends to a new place and let them challenge themselves with the beer menu. It's a good idea to get some food in too, to avoid unpleasant memories of sick bellies and inability to enjoy oneself due to excessive consumption. [end EDIT]

Get in touch with people and point them in the direction of a quality beer. Some may be fortunate enough to produce their own fine product (HB). Share your beer and be prepared to have one with them. Find out what they normally drink, and then tell them what to look for inthe beer you are offering.
Be prepared to brew enough, or more often, to have some to share.

Attend events, such as beer dinners and festivals, Oktoberfests held by local Germanic Clubs, and take a party along with promises of great beer and good company.

I see some people coming forward already.

Do you feeeeel the power! Then, share the luuurv...
Testify, brother,... testify!

Brother Seth :chug:

P.S. should I replicate the original article and post it?
Thats it!
The blokes at work can stop calling me the Beer Nazi and refer to me as an evangelist!

Let the Golden Promise shine upon you brothers!
Vlad the Pale Aler said:
Thats it!
The blokes at work can stop calling me the Beer Nazi and refer to me as an evangelist!

Let the Golden Promise shine upon you brothers!
I hear you Brother....

The Golden Promise sure beats the *************... :lol:

Time for a nother quality :chug:
Bump. :D

Just a brief reminder to take the opportunity, at NYE parties, to testify and spread the "good word" about quality home-made craft beer, which is commonly known as homebrew. :beer:

...and maybe spare/share a few.


:beerbang: or :party:

Have a great NYE, kids.
Uncle Seth
i work with some wine people and they always keen to pull out a few coopers pales at 4:45PM (any day of the week) :)

now i know why the monks and beer go together so well, brother Weizguy
As once was said, "I have a dream !!!!!". I think I'll follow the Golden Path.
YES! I am a beer evangelist. So much so, that I can get a little bit boring (there's only so much talk of malt & hops that my friends can take!)
The word is getting out about good HB - already a couple of mates are expressing interest in getting on board the AG train.
Hallelulia, happy NY!
I am called "Mr Beer" by one of the guys in the loading dock at work and the sales rep called me the "Guru" the other day....and now the word has gone around about my HB adventures, and is gaining more interest than the social golf club.
Ive got 2 other techs measuring up their garages to see where the fermentation fridge is going to go....

When I go back to work the next the sermon begins!!!!
I jsut have a sign that says leave the MAge swilla t the door, and collect it on the way guests know know they will get good beer when they visit me
How many heard this over XMAS NY. "No thanks mate not really into home brew". After an ear bashing and a tour of the brewery to see the AG gear they definitely don't like HB or the evangelical host whose food they have just scoffed. When the six pack they arrived with is gone - "Gee mate this stuff is pretty good, how do you make it again". Pricks!!!!
Screwtop said:
How many heard this over XMAS NY. "No thanks mate not really into home brew". After an ear bashing and a tour of the brewery to see the AG gear they definitely don't like HB or the evangelical host whose food they have just scoffed. When the six pack they arrived with is gone - "Gee mate this stuff is pretty good, how do you make it again". Pricks!!!!

OK, Skrewtop, let's not allow the discussion to go off-topic.

Positive vibe!! <whisper> Positive vibe!</whisper>

I see the positive side. At least they don't leave their so-called "beer". What would you do with it? 4 litres of shandy for someone's girl (who they also brought, on-the-scab for free beer)?

You can't win a p!ssing contest against a pr!ck.

Anyway, when U get 'em brewing well, U can start "tasting" their beer. Your investment of time will pay off.

Enough preaching for the moment. Time for a triple-decocted Czech pils (Note: Counting down from the last ten Eurostubbies,...and then there was nine...).

The Right Reverend Sethule Esbian (R.R., B.Sc, TNT-we're dynamite)
Usual signature emoticon - :p P.S. tongue fetishist (ha ha)
It may not've been about homebrew, but I managed to help a mate along the righteous path of palate exploration.

To give you a bit of background, this bloke is a "meat'n'3 veg" kinda guy. He believes Crown lager is the best beer in the world and anything made by Lion Nathan is only fit for snailbait. Every other beer in the world fits somewhere in between them. When we had a beer appreciation night he thought all the beers were rubbish, but this is going back 6 months.

It turns out that his neighbours on both sides gave him assorted beer packs - one had 10 beers and the other 8. So this guy's got 18 beers that he would normally shirk at drinking.

It turns out he's tried 5 of them and actually enjoyed the varying tastes 'beer' can have. He even turned up without VB last night, but had Boags Premium instead.

So we extended his tasting experience last night and he quite enjoyed it. The beers were:

Hofbrau Oktoberfest
Rooftop Red
Emersons Old 95

He obviously didn't enjoy the last two like he did the previous brews, but I think the conversion is well underway. With any luck the next Melbourne Cup BBQ he hosts will not have the ubiquitous VB.

Now all I have to do is work the HB into the equation and my job is complete for him.

Cheers and Happy New Year!
Well done NRB!

That's the spirit; Testify!
Big ups to U. I raise a chalice :beerbang:

Once his palate is educated and tantalised and begging for more, you can slip in one of your beers. "Hey, try this. I made it and it's the same style as (insert beer name here), just like you drank the other day".

See how easy it is. :D

The only downside I can see is the increased cost of buying the more flavoursome commercial offerings until one starts making one's own beer, of the style that is desired.
Oh,...and the potential inability to obtain a drinkable beer at a publik drinking house (pub), coz your tastebuds won't go for the nasty accursed megaswill.

I recently saw some some workmates at a pub (Queen's Wharf Brewery, Newcastle) on Christmas eve, as I was leaving. My departure was delayed as I regaled with a homebrew joke, waxed lyrical with tales of homebrew, and bought a bottle of LCPA and 2 glasses for the 2 blokes who were interested. They are now keen to fund a 50% share of a batch of LCPA clone (prob SFPA). :super:
After my good works were done, I left. I can only hope that the drinkers could go back to their megaswill after the flavolicious enlightenment that the LCPA performed upon their tastebuds. Either way, I care not if the megabrewers missed out on sales due to inferior product. I think the guys were moving on to premixed bottles of bourbon and black fizzy lollywater, so I got to them with the LCPA while their tongues were still able to appreciate the fine qualities of the American style pale ale.

Enough proselytising.
Rev. Seth out (currently working on D.Div - Doctor of Divinity) :p
I thought this hb thing was a secret society??, allowing only a select chosen few from the masses to brew the elixir of life. I thought there was a secret brewers handshake also?

Brother Markus :p
Not really mje1980, it's more of a "many are called, few are chosen" scenario.

That's why we keep trying, so those living in the darkness can see the light.

I thought this hb thing was a secret society??, allowing only a select chosen few from the masses to brew the elixir of life. I thought there was a secret brewers handshake also?

Brother Markus

I take it you have not been initiated yet then bro Marcus?

Bro Michael :lol:
I had to organise the grog for an 18TH recently. Too much trouble for kegs so supplied 4 slabs of Hahn prem. 4 slabs of H/B (partial mash) & 2 of VB.
14 cans of VB left at end of night!
Things are changing.