Beer And Bowel Cancer

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Hi folks,,

Just chatting to a mate over a few bottles of beer and he informed me that the preservatives in commercial beer are linked to bowel cancer in men. Therefore another great reason drink homebrew...

Has anyone else heard of this link...Or any doctors on the forum??

hockadays said:
Hi folks,,

Just chatting to a mate over a few bottles of beer and he informed me that the preservatives in commercial beer are linked to bowel cancer in men. Therefore another great reason drink homebrew...

Has anyone else heard of this link...Or any doctors on the forum??


I have not heard heard this before. However, anything is possible, since the rate of various forms of cancers are on the increase so it seems and anything and everything is a suspect source.. On the other hand, if commercial beers have preservatives in them, don't they have to list them on the label by law? I do not remember seeing any on our labels but than again, I do not keep any on my premisses.

I can feel another "when I was a lad" comment coming up?
As far as I know no brewery uses preservatives. Could be wrong though.

Red meat and a diet high in saturated fats is strongly linked to bowel cancer, according to the FDA in the US.
We all know commercial beers have preservatives, food colouring etc etc in them, so it wouldn't surprise me if one or more of these chemicals are carcinogenic. However, I've also heard that the use of sodium metabisulphate (the common cleaning agent used by home brewers) is linked to prostate cancer. That's another excellent reason for making sure bottles are rinsed thoroughly after sterilisation ...
the guy that put me on to sodium met said not to rinse afterwards. Is this not the case. I used to rinse after using napisan and never had any problems..Whats the go??
[quote name='Ol'Wobbly' date='Aug 11 2005, 01:16 PM']I've also heard that the use of sodium metabisulphate (the common cleaning agent used by home brewers) is linked to prostate cancer. That's another excellent reason for making sure bottles are rinsed thoroughly after sterilisation ...

If you can back this up I'd be very interested. I've gotten into using it in small measure in my mash as an aid to prevent HSA, after reading about the OCB guys getting into it.

I don't use it as a sanitation aid tho, as it's reportedly crap at that job.
Stratis said:
Red meat and a diet high in saturated fats is strongly linked to bowel cancer, according to the FDA in the US.

Along with your genes - it helps to pick the right parents ;)
A quick Google search for "prostate" +"sodium metabisulphite" gives me five pages of hits. Here's one. I can't readily find evidence of a link between this stuff and prostate cancer - it's a story I heard from a mate some months ago. Sorry if I alarmed anybody.

I still use the stuff because it's good and it's cheap. The point of my earlier post was that bottles should be rinsed, not to stop using SMBS. As for hockaday's comment that he was advised not to rinse, isn't it wiser to avoid consuming a chemical? It's the old "better safe than sorry" view.
I would have thought that getting a good whiff of sod met may give you lung cancer before anything else.
I gave that stuff up.
I've been told/heard often that megaswill is full of preservatives (220 i think, same as most wines) and that is what can give you the killer of a hangover the next day (or it could be you drank a **** load and are severely dehydrated).

If preservatives are used, how come they are not listed on the bottles as they are with wine?

Just wondering if anyone knows for sure whether preservatives are used in the commercial brewing world (or commonly used anyways)?

We actually had a topic here recently that we discussed the preservatives that were used in the brewing industry.
Here is the link

Ol said:
Another study out of China is quoted in the book, and I have quoted it previously in this House so I will not go into it at great length. That Chinese study showed that there was a significant relationship between the number of eggs a person eats per week and prostate cancer in men;

My worry is that I add the metabisulphate to the strike and sparge water, so it is IN the wort. It is supposed to boil off, but I don't have the chemistry to know what it turns into in the boil.
more than likely an old wifes tale but like most things in moderation is ok.i could do an easy study and find that everyone who drinks beer will die.eventually.if it was so bad im sure alarm bells wouldve rang along time ago followed by relative warnings and labelling.

big d
Remember when googling for Sodium Metabisulfate to spell is "fate" not "phate" as most sites are yanks.
You mean "fite" not "phite", right?

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