Australian Pale.thoughts Using Galaxy Flowers....

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About to do my first mash in 5 years and am playing with the idea of using the following.

Joe White ale malt 85%
Powells Cara 4%
Powells Munich 10%
Global melanoidan maybe 1%(yes i know its for German beers,but like the bready/grain flavour.)

Havent used Galaxy in a full boil, only as a bit of hop tea in the past.
looking for about 30IBU in a 23lt brew length but will be using flowers not pellets.
I like a bit of aroma and flavour from my hops.

Have a 2lt flask of Coopers Pale Ale yeast cultured up as i think of this as a bready yeast and like the flavour,hence the melanoidan.

Salts additions for Melbourne water?used to always put some epsom salts,salt and gypsum but can always rethink this.
Good luck with the new gerry rig proudscum. I've no idea about aussie pale ales, never made one. For water additions I use salt and gypsum, haven't needed epsom salts in a pale ale but then again I usually make APA. Don't forget to chuck in a few pics here or in the Braumeister thread.
If you like the flavour of Galaxy then why not get the bulk of your 30 IBUs from a 10 minute addition. At around 13% alpha, 55-60g at 10 minutes will get the 30 IBUs. Mind you, this may not be to everyone's taste.
If you want the beer to remain uniquely australian as in coopers pale ale, then I'd suggest you keep the galaxy to an absolute minimum, maybe 7g@5mins. If you want to chuck 30g in then you are probably better of fermenting it with us-05 and keeping the taste clean.


Aussie Pale / Sparkling is accented by pear or banana depending on what it fermented at. Galaxy as well would IMHO really confuse the poor beer. Unless you like fruit salad ...
To be perfectly honest, I think you're wasting your time with melanoidin.
At 1% you'll barely notice it, and you should just let the rest of the malt bill speak for itself...simpler recipes are the way to go!
I have done a few Galaxy Pale Ales and really enjoy my suggestons are as follows
Drop the melanodin
If you us the coopers yeast ferment at between 17 and 20 degrees but would perfer using a US yeast at those temps
Don't be affraid to use another hop for bittering I use POR no use wasting Galaxy on bittering and it gives you more IBU's to play with for flavour and Aroma additions.
Off the top of my head I think Galaxy additions are at either 15, 10, & 0 or 10 & 0 minutes
Also cascade marries extremely well with galaxy in pales too

Galaxy has got to be one of the most under rated Australian hop along with Victoria
shameless recipe plug here -> Aussie Amber Ale it is an american amber in style using all aussie ingredients.. just like an american pale really just slightly maltier and darker. probably my best beer or at least top 2 i have brewed.

cheers :icon_cheers:
An Aussie PA shouldn't have really any hop aroma. And an American PA shouldn't really have too much fruity esters.

Sounds like a great beer - I'd be reluctant to pigeonhole it though.
you are right there nick it is a lot fruitier then an american pale, sort of like an american/english hybrid really

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