Anything Excitng Happening In Sydney - Xmas/new Year?

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Just about to catch the plane to Sydney and I'll be there until the 9th Jan. If anyone knows of anything exciting happening or if you want to have a beer with AHB's most sober and responsible poster, please let me know ;)

For those of you who have given me their numbers, I washed my phone a few months ago and lost the lot :eek: I'll send you guys a PM as soon as I can unless I hear from you first.

Have always had the best of times meeting the Sydney troops. Although it's a busy time of year, I hope I'll get the pleasure again of catching up with some old and new faces.

And, if you have any lonely sisters, don't be selfish, bring them along too!

Back in the land of communications now. If anyone would like to join us, a few of us are having a beer on...

Monday Arvo at The Macquarie

5.00-5.30pm on the corner of Wentworth and Goulbourn Street.

Tuesday Lunchtime at The Equilibrium

Midday in World Square on the corner of George and Goulburn Sts - one flight up. (64 beers on tap!)

I'm off the net again tomorrow until Sunday so if beers are happening in the Hills on Sunday can someone call me. If anyone needs my number, I think matti, Thommo, Pumpy, eric8 and Phrak all have it.

Looking forward to then and Happy Brew Year to all you Sydney troops.

Spot ya,

Edit: Address corrected as per PoMo's note below
Back in the land of communications now. If anyone would like to join us, a few of us are having a beer on...

Monday Arvo at The Macquarie

5.00-5.30pm on the corner of Elizabeth and Goulbourn Street.

Tuesday Lunchtime at The Equilibrium

Midday in World Square on the corner of George and Goulburn Sts - one flight up. (64 beers on tap!)

I'm off the net again tomorrow until Sunday so if beers are happening in the Hills on Sunday can someone call me. If anyone needs my number, I think matti, Thommo, Pumpy, eric8 and Phrak all have it.

Looking forward to then and Happy Brew Year to all you Sydney troops.

Spot ya,
Tuesday lunchtime sounds great, Pat. Always good to meet other brewers. (sunday could be good too)
Look forward to meeting you Pete and thanks for the correction PoMo - now fixed. Just realised the Macquarie was where we went last time - top beer!
Wish I could make it to the City mate, but not going to be possible. If you're organising a "do" on Sunday, count me in :)
It appear that I have double booked the weekend with nightshift work and Bbq's at SHMBO friends place.
I really hope i will make to Tuesday lunch.
Trains the way to go....
I'll Sms you PP and confirm.
Who can say no to 64 beer on tap ;)
See you at lunch Pistol & anyone else.
Trying to go AFD today - yeah right, as if that's gonna happen. :beer:
I'm hanging for an AFD Pete but will have to wait for tomorrow - agh!

Thanks guys for finding your way into town last nght. Great to meet you - all the Sydney brewers have proven to be top blokes. Very good beers at the Macquarie. I think Pumpy might do a poll to see which one is best :D Thanks to kabooby and stuster as well for going out of your way. I reckon the Sydney pub crawl better go on my list of things that a brewer has to do.

Not sure how big the Equilibrium is but I'll be wearing riding boots, olive dacks and a pale blue and white shirt if you're trying to find me today. I'll also have a copy of Beer and Brewer and should get there at midday.

Look forward to seeing you then (hope you can make it too matti - pick Hoges up!) and also to a string of AFDs in Perth.

Spot ya,
I'm hanging for an AFD Pete but will have to wait for tomorrow - agh!

Thanks guys for finding your way into town last nght. Great to meet you - all the Sydney brewers have proven to be top blokes. Very good beers at the Macquarie. I think Pumpy might do a poll to see which one is best :D Thanks to kabooby and stuster as well for going out of your way. I reckon the Sydney pub crawl better go on my list of things that a brewer has to do.

Not sure how big the Equilibrium is but I'll be wearing riding boots, olive dacks and a pale blue and white shirt if you're trying to find me today. I'll also have a copy of Beer and Brewer and should get there at midday.

Look forward to seeing you then (hope you can make it too matti - pick Hoges up!) and also to a string of AFDs in Perth.

Spot ya,
I'll be there 12:30, mate. Will keep an eye out for the mag! The place is not too big, so I'll find u.
Just rolled home.
Only kidding.
departed the EQ withh PP around 5 pm-ish .A little bit later and quite a bit drunker then planned.
Great to put some face to a few great posters/brewers.
Will attempt to get on the next pubcrawl.

Of 64 beers on tap there were no APA available <_<
The beers were nice ish.
Not the best in town but very drinkable.


Will check your gallery later DOC ;)
Of 64 beers on tap there were no APA available <_<

Mate, there were two. Crackenback Pale Ale and LCPA.
Admittedly, both are a bit light on the late additions compared to HB. :)
I'm hanging for an AFD Pete but will have to wait for tomorrow - agh!

Thanks guys for finding your way into town last nght. Great to meet you - all the Sydney brewers have proven to be top blokes. Very good beers at the Macquarie. I think Pumpy might do a poll to see which one is best :D Thanks to kabooby and stuster as well for going out of your way. I reckon the Sydney pub crawl better go on my list of things that a brewer has to do.

Not sure how big the Equilibrium is but I'll be wearing riding boots, olive dacks and a pale blue and white shirt if you're trying to find me today. I'll also have a copy of Beer and Brewer and should get there at midday.

Look forward to seeing you then (hope you can make it too matti - pick Hoges up!) and also to a string of AFDs in Perth.

Spot ya,

Great to meet up with Pistol Patch at the Macquarie , Hell of a guy , look forward to having a few more beers when we meet up again .

Pumpy :)
Mate, there were two. Crackenback Pale Ale and LCPA.
Admittedly, both are a bit light on the late additions compared to HB.
I stand corrected. Though i thought The Crackenback pale ale was a wheaty hmm my mistake

Agree Pumpy A funny bloke I have a beer with any day.
Hope you arrive safe to Wa PP
It was great to meet up yesterday over a beer.
Looking forward to the AHB Pub Crawl now.
wish id saw this thread earlier, i was in the city yesterday, would,ve been good to meet the mighty PP. If he talks as long as his posts are, id say it wouldve been a rather long innings. :lol:

I could be out near freemantle way in april looking for some free beer :D