Anyone Teaching A Mate To Homebrew On The 6th!

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Black Label Society
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So anyone planning on taking part?
Iam posting this here because a few people well mainly only a couple ask how come i didn't know that was on everytime a event as been and gone, for example a certain homebrewwer takes pride in saying the only forum he reads is AHB, my reply is of course no wonder you never know whats going on.

Anyway this saturday the 6th of november is international teach a friend to homebrew day.
I won't be doing anything as ussally when i brew with friends something gets broken or burnt or worse and i wake up wih a cool room of empty kegs!
Oh theres that plus i have no friends. :eek:

Is any one here gunna have a bash at teaching a friend to homebrew on saturday.

funny you should mention this jayse.ive a work mate coming around saturday arvo to do an ag with me.its his second time with me but he missed half of the last brewday so hopefully he will arrive on time.
now if i can just work out what to brew on the still stumped.

big d
Good work bigd that makes one.
Everytime i see friends i teach them about brewing as i never shut up about beer! ;)

jayse said:
plus i have no friends. :eek:

I'll be your friend Jayse :p , but not this Saturday!
none of my friends want to learn how to brew because they've seen what it's done to me! :p

They're just happy to put up with me jibbering on about it as long as they get to drink free beer <_<

- Snow
None of my friends wanna learn either, but they are pretty happy to drink my results. I would love to teach someone though, give me someone to talk beer with, save the missus nodding and saying "uh-huh" all the time!
my mates rather drink VB, or CUB beers, this means their are F'ed in the head, or my beer is really really bad :)

no matter i win :) more beer for me!!!
(could be i only give them the bad brews and save the good ones for me hehe)
hey trent i reckon i am married to your wife,s sister the uhuh sounds very familiar.
i was teaching the missus the other nite,

she had a hissy fit when I grabbed her 10ltr soup pot....... :D the smell drove her out of the house.....(whats wrong with her) and she then found the ironing more exciting.......... :angry:

bad luck I thought I was after a bottle washer.... :ph34r:
well bugger me it looks like im the only one up for the day.well after a long think and a bag of munich malt at my feet ive decided to brew another :( american clone beer.
rogues dead guy ale. :ph34r:
this one is called son of dead fish ale but is by denny conn and is sure to be a ripper.
og 1.071
fg 1.014
7.5% abv

mmmm think i will have to start going to lighter beers soon :( :unsure:

big d
Does Sunday the 7th count Jayse - I have the old man coming down for a brew and to bottle his dump and stir coops pale.....

Maybe if you send the brewing water though the mash tun full of cascade on saturday i'll say it counts. :eek:

The Mrs recently brought home a Coopers Australian Pale ale (on sale at the supermarket), so I thought I might teach her :) Might do a partial mash with the kit for extract/bitterness.
Big double mash day tomorrow a Saison and Alt (decoction) and I have a guy called Chris coming down from Helenburgh who wants to start mashing and see how it all goes.
He will be around at 11am so at that time one will be ready to boil and the other will be in the mash tun so he will be here at the right time.
Will have to register tonite
Hi Big D,
Can I come to your brew day. :lol: :lol:

Only joking. :D

What hops are you going to use to replace the Spalt in the Son of a Dead Fish Ale recipe?

I have been thinking of trying this one for a while now that I have a bigger mash tun.

Oh! and by the way I did a demo for one of my son in laws' a couple of Saturdays ago and now he recons he wants to set up an AG brewery in the new year.

Got 'im! ;)
hi dicko
would be good to catch up with you for a brewday but somehow i think distance will stop that this time around.
as for the hop swap instead of spalter im going with tettnang as it apparently is a similar aroma hop.saaz is also a hop that can swap for spalter.

big d
Your hop swap choice is right on the money bigd. :D

Have fun on teach a friend to brewday. :chug: :chug:


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