Just watched an old movie called 'age of consent'. It stars Helen mirren as a teenager and they down quite a few bulimba draught beers and xxxx but they never used either brand name. It was set in 1969 and also shows Brisbane and TAA amongst other things.
I have this movie and will need to look that up. Although these sorts of beers are way before my time (although i do vaguely recolect the colour and design of some of the cans...must have seen some of them as a kid around the house) its pretty cool to see the history of beer and what has happened to their recipes etc.
Just out of interest to those that have seen the movie 'age of consent' its worth noting that much of this film was shot in FNQld (tully/mission beach area) and the reason i have it is because it was recommend to me many years ago by my late grandfather who was a grip/extra on the set. If you watch the film there is a scene when the main character is taking a phone call in a general purpose store....the owner of the store is hand cutting bacon (brings back memories for some of you guys i'm sure). During this scene a very tall and very tanned gentleman walks across the scene carrying a side of bacon over his shoulder. That man is my grandfather.
Funnilly enough my grandfather was a pretty legendary drinker and while he was mostly a XXXX man im sure he put away some bulimba bitter in his time....and if it was in that movie and on set...i bet he put some of it away during filming at that!