Anyone Installed There Own Fridgemate

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Has any one installed there own fridgemate? if so was it easy or do you need a sparkie to do it !!

Hi Mark,
Do a search, fridgemates have been done to death,, heaps n heaps of info. If you are handy and can follow concise step by step instructions (pdf file available @ the sponsors) you will easily install a fridgemate yourself. Saying that, 240v is involved and one should know his handyman limitations. Good luck.
A simple search on "fridgemate" yielded this 22 page thread on fridgemates, as well as countless other threads with the same questions. Link to another thread

It is recommended you get a sparkie to do this, there's possible fatal consequences for bugger-ups.
^^ that said though it is pretty damn easy.

google fridgemate install guide or something like that and you'll find some great guides. i followed one and it was simple, right down to using the same jaycar UB1 box to mount it in.
I installed mine and im a chef by trade never touched electricity work b4 and found it really simple
If you are not sure you should not chance it. Try and find a friendly brewer in your area that does know how to wire one up.

I would rather pay a sparky than take a chance with the electricity.

Hey man - I reckon if you can read a wiring diagram then you should be able to follow the simple steps to the end. However if you don't want to do it yourself then go and get a electrician to do it for you. Pay him with a case of your home brew. What's it worth? about $15?
It's not terribly difficult, but here's a competency quiz for you:
1. What's the Earth wire for?
2. Things often appear to work if you get Live and Neutral around the wrong way. Why is this the case? Why should they never be swapped?
3. In a perfectly installed system and power on, what would be the effect of a person touching each of the three lines while sitting in a bath full of water?

If you can't answer all three of those confidently, then get a sparky to install it for you. Feel free to PM me the answers if you want confirmation (Disclaimer: I'm not a licensed electrician :)). Lots of people will be able to say, "I know nothing about electricity, installed it myself, and I'm still alive!" Consider this: there are people that will say, "I drink drive, and still haven't had an accident". Are you going to go out and drink drive based on that endorsement?

People really do die doing their own 240v work. Not everyone dies, but it's really not worth the risk.

Edit: slightly changed q2