Anyone had the snip?

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Just sitting in reception waiting to get the snip.
there saying you have to do next nothing for 7 days just short amounts of standing gradually increasing each day.
Can only lift 10-15kgs on day 7 and 20-30kgs on day 14.
This is going to suck.
What's others experience.
It's all easy mate. After this you can root in piece, LOL.
I got done 27 yrs ago (had to think how old is the youngest).
Doc said you need to take it easy for a week or so. Decided to go for a ski the afternoon before (Thurs) with mates and got snipped Fri.
Sat morning felt great, done some work around the house and garden.
Sun woke and my ball were like rockmelons, could hardly walk.
Decided to put my wetsuit pants on to firm them up, (not quite dry inside from the river).
2 days later the stitches got infected.
Went back to the doc and asked, when can you use it next, (reply) when you're game!
Mate of mine had it done several years later his wife got pregnant he thought she was playing up but after a test it came back as his. His Dr said sometimes the little wigglers can get through somehow.
Best thing you'll ever do.

After a few days you'll be back to 90%.
My brother had it done , he reckoned it felt like he had been kicked in the nuts very, very hard for a few days
It's not pleasant but you just need to keep rotating the ice packs and use it as a well earned excuse to catch up on that game you haven't played since your first kid was born ;)
I got done years back on my birthday of all days the worst part was the needle in the koalas followed by the painkillers wearing off.
The Surgeon told me that they cauterise both tubes at both ends to ensure it doesn't rejoin and cause **** like Brownsworthy described.
A mate of mine had to done and had to give the 3 sauce samples over time for checking,he slipped home at lunch for a knuckle shuffle into the specimen jar put it into a bag to drop at the hospital.
A friend of his wife spotted him,told the other women she was with what was going on and in a loud voice said " oooh is it still warm"
They all pissed themselves laughing as he did the walk of shame.
Just hit up 'dr snip.'.. Zero pain, literally had it done then went for a walk on the beach and went out for lunch. Going shopping with he missus is more painful.
Ducatiboy stu said:
My brother had it done , he reckoned it felt like he had been kicked in the nuts very, very hard for a few days
**** getting kicked in the nuts even once, let alone for a few days. Glad I've never had it done.
It's the only time in my life I've ever been able to say I was hung like a black man.
The deep bruising of my vitals was there for at least a week.
Didn't suffer any pain.
Wasn't really off work, had it done on a Friday rostered day off.
i got mine done years ago..the surgeon told me no heavy lifting and No Sex for a few weeks went back and gave a sample and told i have the all clear to resume....
Dave70 said:

Is it to late to pull out?
Read my younger brother's Father's day card to the old man last Sunday. He'd written something along the lines of : "You're my #1 Dad. I know you came up against some stiff competition but I'm glad they pulled out." How we laughed!
done 10 years ago, in wednesday morning, home wednesday lunch back at work thursday, a little tender to sit done but no issues.
I'm due real soon. Fella at work got it done in the arvo and was back at work next day driving trucks. I figured it can't be that bad. So please don't tell me any different.
shaunous said:
I'm due real soon.

Leave him something to scratch Stu.