Any Other Nocturnal Brewers?

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Strike water gets heated at dinner time, mash in after kids in bed about 8pm. The no chill cube is usually in the fridge by 11pm...
So assuming a 60 minute mash, 60 minute boil, your wort is only in the cube for 1 hour? Less perhaps? I don't want to start a big off-topic thing here, but that sounds more like chilling than no-chilling. My point being - why not just leave it out all night and do a proper no-chill? Surely you do more heating of the fridge than cooling of the wort after just 1 hour off the boil.
Brewed yesterday afternoon, but it wasn't a simple case of brew then have a few beers then go to bed. It was an entire meticulously planned campaign:

  • Dough in the Kiwi Blonde at 3 for a 2 hour mash (cool mash with adjuncts)
  • Hoist Bag at 5 and hang for half an hour while I prepare ingredients for din dins (I am chef of house)
  • Bring to boil, 90 min hop addition
  • Wash and sterilize 35 ex Bavaria 660ml tallies and cart them round to the garage on hand trolley
  • Lug cold conditioned Bribie Bitter out of the cold fridge and bottle while the boil is on.
  • Drink a couple of pints of it out of cold conditioning, very noice.. a good batch this time
  • Wash and sanitise the conditioning vessel (I have a 25L fermenter that is dedicated for secondary and fits snugly in garage fridge)
  • Feed the troops at 6.30
  • Check the dishwasher ... yup Glenda's doing a good job :lol:
  • Shiiittt.... add the whirlfoc, the most often forgotten item in brewing.
  • Rest the wort, we're up around 7.30 by now.
  • Drink yet more beer
  • sanitize starter bottle for next stage which is:
  • lug the Solly Cerveza out of the dead fridge and rack into the newly free secondary vessel vacated by the Bribie Bitter
  • collect some yeast cake and start in bottle - US 05, going to pitch into Kiwi Blonde tomorrow
  • Wash and sanitize the 30L fermenter from the Solly Cerveza because that's what the Kiwi Blonde is going into tomorrow
  • Drink more beers
  • Wash out the cube which has been on chlorine since the last brew
  • Cube the Kiwi Blonde
  • Check in with the troops who haven't seen me for a while (they worry)
  • Empty the bag and the hopsock onto the garden bed
  • Manually Wash the bags
  • Put in washing machine
  • Check AHB forum
  • Sweep up
  • Do numerous washing up like the mash paddle, bowls etc
  • Drink more beers
Somehow it was suddenly 11 so I sat down with a nice jug of County Bitter and a pint glass and a DVD and the cashew jar.
Troops had all gone to bed.


Maybe I should have stuck to stamp collecting :blink:

I don't believe you could have been off the forum for that long Bribie :p
I do extracts and the occasional partial. All brewing activities are started between 6 and 8 pm. The latest finish so far has been 2 am.
Gives me something to do while my new Aldi veg steamer is doing its thing. Also I can't brew till next Tuesday because all my fermenters and fridge space are full full full (insert emoticon for hand wringing despair here)

I have an incredible typing speed because I work in an inbound customer service centre and can type faster than I can thingq on MSt occasssions time for a beer.
My brew last night started its boil at 5.15 last night, had a **** time as I had to shut down the boil to walk to the shops... :angry: Still finished by about 830pm, I usually clean the mash tun fully and then just fill the kettle in the back yard and give it a scrub the next day..

I thought night time brewing would be the go but not so sure ATM as Im to knackered by then, the key to brewing at night is to be prepared before you start(grain crushed, hlt on timer).. I think ill go back to brewing on my day off on mondays(early start) and do 2 batches.. Maybe try time it with cleaning kegs and kegging beer at the same time.....

:icon_cheers: CB
Did sort of a reverse nocturnal mash the other day.
Woke up at 5am and got my mash rolling.
Then went off to work for the day.
Got back at 4:30 to run off my brew, do a sparge and fire up the kettle.
In the fermenter and all cleaned up by dinner time, 8pm.

I was skeptical about an 11 hour mash, but I started it at 70 degrees and was 50 degrees when it finished up. Decent enough efficiency too (~70-75%)
I used to be a night time brewer... Usually finishing between 12 and 2 and leave the cleaning up for the next morning. Now I find it a lot easier to do it on a saturday or sunday morning. All cleaned up and ready to hit the fridge/lounge by 10!!!
I can't stay sober enough to brew at night. and brewing AG pissed is a no go for me. Mornings or nothing (btw 6am is a sleep in for me) can brew in my sleep.
strictly morning brewing here. start by 7ish, cubed and cleaned up by noon.
Bah, at least there's a few of you. I usually finish 2-2.30. Sometimes I leave the cleaning till the next day too...or the day after :ph34r:
Tried the night brewing. No good. If things go wrong, I'm stressing that I need to get to bed to get enough sleep before tomorrows (insert ANY activity here). Kids will be up at 7, so must be finished by midnight for just enough sleep etc etc.
I moved to early starts on a saturday - turn kettle on at 7 (which is already a sleep in as I am usually at work by 7) - do a double batch, so max brewing is fortnightly, when I'm trying to catch up, usually once a month - washed up by 1pm - ready for a BBQ and a few samplers.
Stress free when you know if it runs a bit over-time it doesnt matter.
Bah, at least there's a few of you. I usually finish 2-2.30. Sometimes I leave the cleaning till the next day too...or the day after :ph34r:

What kind of work hours do you keep? I find it so much better to keep the body clock in sync. Something about bio-rhythms and not ploughing your boiler into a tree during a micro-sleep. Dr. Karl told me :p
I like to get the strike water up to temp by 6pm,then go from there,and most times on a friday so I can hook in and have a few :p
...the key to brewing at night is to be prepared before you start(grain crushed, hlt on timer)... :icon_cheers: CB


My first 1st,3rd and 4th AG was done at night. Generally 6pm start and all cleaned up by 10-10.30pm at the lastest. Easy Peasy... ;)

My first 1st,3rd and 4th AG was done at night. Generally 6pm start and all cleaned up by 10-10.30pm at the lastest. Easy Peasy... ;)

4-4.5hrs??? Serious? :unsure: Can you forward me your timing schedule, I must be a slow arse!!!! :blink: Oh, hang on, I do a 90min mash and 90min boil, thats already 3hrs... ;)
Anywhere between 5pm and 1am are my normal brewing and bottling times. If I have a free Saturday I'll sometimes do it during the day but most times it's on a Monday or Tuesday after work/uni.
Wash and sanitise brew gear in the morning. Grain milled by CB's, Hops and additions weighed, labled and zipped bagged the night before.

5.00 - Timer fires up HLT with 30lts set at 90C
6.00 - Run 10lt through system and top HLT back up 77C strike
6.30 - Mash-in
7.30 - Mash-out/start boil
8.00 - Batch sparge complete/ wind up rambo to boil
8.15 - Start boil/Clean up mash tun/Sanitise fermenter/set up plate chiller and chilled water/additions
9.15 - Flame out
9.45 - Whirlpool
10.00 - Drop thru plate chiller to fermenter generally hit 18C and pitch yeast crack a beer and tidy up
10.30 - Nigh Nighs

As ya CB it's in the preparation, No? ;)
Gee Chappo, sounds like a Job mate, just want it done and out of the way hey??? Sounds like there is no relaxing on your brewday!! Were you in the Army by any chance?? :p

What you need is some other brewers around to slow you down a bit... :lol: Bit of brewing pressure...