Another Gay Rant

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I realise no one here will see where i am coming from, and that is why i wasn't going to answer question bum.
I doubt very much that I am going to end up siding with you on this one but I am trying to see where you are coming from.

So back to my origanal question. Which by the looks of it marriage is purely for the piece of paper from the government. So the law states that it is for a man and a woman. So now the law doesn't allow it for gays, but because he can do it i should be able to do it. It's not fair they can and i can't. Debating with a question of you can do it so why can't they?
Well, as far as my own feelings on the issue go (which might be very different to someone who this law directly effects) that is essentially it - perhaps expressed in a slightly more recalcitrant tone than I would have put it but at the end of the day that is my problem with the current state of affairs. Simple equality.

Soon we will be able to marry our pets because i love my pet and it is not fair that you can get married and i can't.
I understand this is purely hyperbole on your part but it would be pretty offensive to GLBTs - you're equating them with animals.

So how is it that my partner is pregnant?

Miraculous conception?

We are not married because of people like you who in the 21st century continuing to spew your small minded bigotry. Marriage, in my opinion, is a religious artefact and has passed its use by date.

But unlike Brad who started this thread, we are legally allowed to marry. We have a choice and he doesn't. In the 21st century that is quite simply discrimination at its most basic level.

Religion is the root of all evil.

View attachment 42682

Have read this thread with interest...the legal v religious v human right v whatever debates...

From the religious perspective, I see that most people have assumed that marriage leads to primitive understanding of christianity suggests that procreation is not allowed outside of marriage, so in one sense, marriage (from a religious perspective) is about "permission" to procreate...

If my understanding is correct, I can understand completely where the religious folk come from...But that is steeped in history, and we are in the now, where the law now takes precedent...but unfortunately the law has taken parts of the religious components, but left out others...

Under the legal marriage, marriage allows a number of rights to the participants of the union, but even that is becoming redundant. Earlier this year I left a defacto relationship of 13 years that produced 2 children. Since the changes in law last year in Victoria, the only difference (according to my lawyer) in rights between a legal marriage (whether in church or civil) and defacto (which also applies to same sex couples) is that a defacto relationship does not need a 12 month separation prior to the legal separation...

What does that mean? According to my lawyer, my ex can't do anything to control my business from the day we separated, however if I were married, the ex could control my business up until the day of unullment after the 12 month separation...

So, if I could ask (from a legal perspective), why would ANYBODY want to get married???

(PS I support the right for same sex couples to marry if they choose)
marriage is christian institution

You have now managed to exclude not only homosexuals but every other religion, spirituality or belief system as well as atheists and agnostics with a statement that is blatantly untrue. Marriage wasn't invented by Christians.

You are more than welcome to your beliefs as they pertain to you and your life and to act out the philosophies you believe in within the legal confines of the society in which you live. That doesn't make you worthy of ridicule but I still have no idea why you care what Brad (or anyone else) does or how it affects you.

The argument about pets is pretty ridiculous. I'm not sure why you made it.
So, if I could ask (from a legal perspective), why would ANYBODY want to get married???

That's not a bad point. To me my marriage was more akin to something like a birthday or Christmas. Just a one off party you have to signify that you intend to be with that person forever. The reason I got married was to basically partake in the ceremony/party side of it.

In hindsight that could have been done without actually signing anything. Not sure what difference it would have made to be honest. Could still exchange rings, could still change the females last name if she wants etc.

But it's important to note the defacto laws don't apply to homosexuals so this doesn't apply to them.
The argument about pets is pretty ridiculous. I'm not sure why you made it.
It's a pretty common argument made by people who don't know why they think gay marriage is wrong but are still damn passionate about it... I'm surprised he didn't mention marrying trees as well. And kids.
But it's important to note the defacto laws don't apply to homosexuals so this doesn't apply to them.

I guess this depends on what State you are in. As I understand it, since Dec 2008 Victoria has given same sex defacto relationships the same legal status as hetero defacto relationships.

I thought that most women would preffer it if the men had the babies... :lol:
I guess this depends on what State you are in. As I understand it, since Dec 2008 Victoria has given same sex defacto relationships the same legal status as hetero defacto relationships.
I agree with much of Mark's post and would have given something similar as my own answer to your question (but for a couple of things relating to my next point) but I think you're right here and I'm reasonably certain that there are Federal laws that would override any State laws that were different. I know that when I sponsored my wife's immigration here in 2007 and her permanent residency in 2008 all sets of paperwork (and there were many) always accorded the same rights and responsibilities to prospective married couples, de facto couples and same-sex couples. I understand this doesn't necessarily translate to being equal to marriage rights and responsibilities but I'm sure I had some sort of point when I began this post all that time ago.
At the end of the day, the whole "Homosexuality is dirty/bad/wrong/unnatural {inert other petty reason here}" are ideals that have been indoctrinated in people by religion.

Just a question, why must you get married? Purely through out time it has been man and women, with vowels to suit. Man has male sex organs and women have female. These fit together and we can create more human beings. We both have different builds that together can work together.

It was interesting to see you edit this statement, Drew, from what you originally posted as "From the beginning of time.."; Your edit is an indication that even you believe that it came along with religion. If not, I'd like to know why you changed it? There is evidence of Bisexuality, Homosexuality and polygamy before the church came along and decreed that thout shalt not do!

It all comes down to choice (or not being able to choose): People don't choose to be white, they don't choose to be bald, blue eyed, blonde, tall or have freckles... the same as they don't choose to be gay or straight or transexual. It's programmed into them and someone dicatating to them that they can or can't or they are dirty or unnatural is just playing major headfuck with them.

It's a form of abuse that people have accepted for too long.
I agree with much of Mark's post and would have given something similar as my own answer to your question (but for a couple of things relating to my next point) but I think you're right here and I'm reasonably certain that there are Federal laws that would override any State laws that were different. I know that when I sponsored my wife's immigration here in 2007 and her permanent residency in 2008 all sets of paperwork (and there were many) always accorded the same rights and responsibilities to prospective married couples, de facto couples and same-sex couples. I understand this doesn't necessarily translate to being equal to marriage rights and responsibilities but I'm sure I had some sort of point when I began this post all that time ago.

I dont iron...

Men couldnt handle childbirth...

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