Hi guys,
well I sampled my first AG over x mas and apart from being a little undercarbonated it tasted very nice considering it was my first try!
I want to give this same recipe another go either this or next week.
has anyone got a "how to no chill" link? and how can I adjust my hop schedule accordingly for it?
secondly is this a fair run down on how to maxi BIAB? found it here
The super non-scientific way is work out your grain bill (include a kg of DME in there unless you can mash in a bigger container).
- Fill your pot about 3/4 to 4/5 (for 4kg grain bill) and have a few litres of warm water on hand
- put in your bag and get to your strike temp (mine has been 71 degrees for a 66 degree mash).
- once strike temp reached take pot off heat.
- Dough in all your grains to your bag but not your DME. Mix it up and make sure there are no dough balls.
- top the pot up as full as you can get it (using either hot, warm or cold water to maintain your mash temp.
- tie up your bag while trying to keep it as loose around the grain as your fabric size allows (if you leave the bag over the outside of the pot your will lose wort to capilliary action. (obviously leave bag in the pot)
- put the lid on the pot with wrap with towels and blankets to insulate it and leave for 90 mins (I put mine on the carpet with a towel underneath it and throw a couple fo bean bags around it.. holds temp within 1 degree for 90mins)
- after 90 min mash, take out grain bag and drain over a bucket
- transfer pot of sweet wort to heat source and crank the temp.
- after the majority of flow has stopped from the bag, empty wort from bucket to the boiling pot
- put bag back in bucket and sparge with warm (70 degrees? someone?) water until the bucket can take no more.
- after a few minutes drain grain bag over bucket and add to boiling pot
- repeat this process until the pot is a couple of inches from the top.
- while achieving boil watch closely for boil-over. have on hand a spray bottle with water in it, adjust nozzle to heavy mist/shower. If the boil starts to errupt, squirt it with some water and bobs your uncle.
- once you hit boil temp, take the lid off, start your boil timer and do your thing
- 5 mins from flame out add your 1 kg of DME and stir in
- put the lid on and transfer pot to laundry tub full of cold water to chill.
- once in the tub, use a sterilized ladle to whirpool your pot to help settle out the trub
- once cooled close to desired temp carefuly (as not to disturb the trub) pour wort into fermenter.
- if your fermenter has Litre marking, just add water to desired mark (remembering the additional water will also change the wort temp).
- pitch yeast as desired temp and tada!
..that makes it sound difficult but it's a peice of piss. I've been mainly doing basic (3.7kgs of Pale with 300 grams of carapils for some maltiness, and 1kg LDME) single hop beers this way to get an understanding of hop characteristics.