Another All Grain First

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Well just finished my first batch about 30 min drsmurto's golden ale and it all went smooth. the smell while brewing was great :wub:
Just gonna throw on a couple pics that i took on my phone.


Edit i can not get pics up :angry: :angry:
Well just finished my first batch about 30 min drsmurto's golden ale and it all went smooth. the smell while brewing was great :wub:
Just gonna throw on a couple pics that i took on my phone.


Edit i can not get pics up :angry: :angry:

nice one.. Im doing the same one next week for my first AG to.. I'd like to know how it went..
Nicely done.....

Is it just the fact that I did my first this weekend that is making me notice it, or did there seem to be alot of people doing virgin AGs???
It certainly seems so Pollux... either that or just more people are "coming out of the closet" - so to speak - and posting about it. It's a great time of the year to brew as well, to prepare for the winter.
Yep I just did my fourth on Saturday a raspberry wheat beer went great guns.

It certainly seems so Pollux... either that or just more people are "coming out of the closet" - so to speak - and posting about it. It's a great time of the year to brew as well, to prepare for the winter.

MMM oatmeal stout :icon_drool2:
I think everyone should post their experiences, allows others to learn from our mistakes therefore increasing the quality of brewer down the line.....

I got stuck in a conversation with the kid at the bottle-o this arvo (I haven't brewed this year until this weekend, NO stocks here right now) about what I did all weekend....

Me: "I've done 2 all grain brews in the last 24hours, I need a beer"
Him: "All grain, I've never heard of that brand"
Me: "No, as in from actual grains and hops"
Him: "Oh, do you buy that as a kit like the ones at Coles"

I gave up and walked out.
As you should have walked out...

Some people you just can't help !
Is it just the fact that I did my first this weekend that is making me notice it, or did there seem to be alot of people doing virgin AGs???

Yeah, i've noticed over the past few weeks there have a lot of people doing their first AG (me included B) )
another noob :) after nearly 20 years kits.. . showing my age :(

I did my first AG last weekend and i have noticed a lot more people getting into it, this is good for me because i am getting the info i need and don't have to ask as many questions \o/

thanks everyone :icon_drunk:
I did my first AG last weekend and i have noticed a lot more people getting into it, this is good for me because i am getting the info i need and don't have to ask as many questions \o/

thanks everyone :icon_drunk:

+1 for that. If it wasn't for AHB I'd probably be asking my LHBS if I could buy a tin of that all grain stuff thats supposed to be so good :unsure: . The scary thing is he'd probably check his catalog for a price.
Congrats DJ!

Should have twigged you were close to the AG slippery slide by the mush tun BB ball valve thread.

Glad hear all went well.

:icon_offtopic: I reckon DrS needs to change the name of his golden ale to "Cherry Popper Golden Ale" :lol:

Got to admit it's a great recipe thou.
Congrats DJ!

Should have twigged you were close to the AG slippery slide by the mush tun BB ball valve thread.

Glad hear all went well.

:icon_offtopic: I reckon DrS needs to change the name of his golden ale to "Cherry Popper Golden Ale" :lol:

Got to admit it's a great recipe thou.

It's going to be my second AG and i cant wait to get everything out again.
Good stuff DJ, glad to hear it was all going well when I called, and it obviously finished well also!

I can't imagine it, but is it possible that we will get sick of drinking Dr Smurto's Golden Ale in a month or so given the amount of it we are making right now?

It just sounds good - Golden Ale..... It seems that heaps of people have made it for their first AG, quite easy to discuss with others I guess because so many have made it. Could be time for a poll, what was your first AG brew?

Could be time for a poll, what was your first AG brew?

Bit late Crundle there was a thread about a week ago, as for lasting a month football season is here so it will last about 4-5 hours once the family gets hold of it!!

Edit: I seen your thing down the bottom :rolleyes: you will not get me to drink it maby a sip but not a glass :icon_vomit: :icon_vomit:
Well done on your first.

Still trying to find some free time to get my 2nd AG underway.
Well done on your first.

Still trying to find some free time to get my 2nd AG underway.

Cheers mate, my second AG wont be too far away on thursday i will start another one :icon_cheers: .