An Interesting Claim About Brewing...

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I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I cannot mash that
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South Australia
Browsing through a home brew wiki, and found in this article:

"Even though water is usually considered one of the basic ingredients of beer, some adventurous home brewers have tried replacing brewing water with other liquids. Almost any water-based liquid can theoretically be used in brewing, and can contribute flavor, fermentables, or both. Examples that have been tried, and reported as successful by their brewers, include everything from unconcentrated maple sap to Mountain Dew."

Mountain Dew beer?? Surely someone's taking the piss... right?
I have heard of people using unconcentrated maple sap, so that is a possibility. Mountain Dew? Wouldnt put anything past the seppoes! They make some great beer pushing the envelope, so I guess ya have to go too far every now and then to know what is possible. FWIW, I thikn it is a hoax.
All the best
I remember hearing Chris Colby from BYO magazine talking about this, I think it was on a Basic Brewing Podcast.
Honestly a brewer who can make beer out of coca-cola will be a millionaire.
why would you bother with moutain dew as its base ingredient is water. f*ckn idiots.

but yeah any liquid thats viscosity isnt too thick to prevent flavour transfer and kill yeast could theoreticly be used for brewing. honey = mead, grapes = wine, fruit = ciders, so why not maple sap or something else.

theres a south american 'spirit' made from fermented spit :icon_vomit:

actually you could probably just about pitch yeast straight into moutain dew and it would ferment because of all the sugar. but it would taste like **** and fusily as its crap sugars.

Ugh, I'd take the crab juice :p

hmmm Khal-Khalash . no pizza.
Aussies are now ordering a Low Carb Blonde beer with a dash of coke in the top.
Aussies are now ordering a Low Carb Blonde beer with a dash of coke in the top.

I think this is what it should have said...

Aussies ******* are now ordering a Low Carb Blonde beer with a dash of coke in the top.
I think the Germans started that trend, one of many bad things they have unleashed on the world.
"Even though water is usually considered one of the basic ingredients of beer, some adventurous home brewers have tried replacing brewing water with other liquids. Almost any water-based liquid can theoretically be used in brewing, and can contribute flavor, fermentables, or both. Examples that have been tried, and reported as successful by their brewers, include everything from unconcentrated maple sap to Mountain Dew."

:unsure: I suppose boiled dog piss could be used too, but just because it could be used doesn't mean I'm game to try it.

Mountain Dew. :icon_vomit: Why not try blood? Would be a big hit with all the goth vampire wannabees.
:unsure: I suppose boiled dog piss could be used too, but just because it could be used doesn't mean I'm game to try it.

Why not try blood? Would be a big hit with all the goth vampire wannabees.
irish red ale has a new meaning
irish red ale has a new meaning

:lol: True story. Soon after I started brewing a friend recommended that I name one of my beers "Strained Through My Girlfriend's Panties Red Ale". ;)
I would otherwise say "this sounds like a stupid idea" but in light of the article in question, perhaps not...

What about beer? Either a plainish megaswill or a not-so-great (not spoiled as such) homebrew? Sure, it's not the cheapest option, but Mountain Dew ain't exactly pouring out the garden hose neither. Would this have a chance at improving/concentrating flavour? Hmmm... Could you make a low alc (attempting to not kill the yeast) stout, then put it back through and make... A DOUBLE STOUT???

[Otto's voice] You know those stouts that are like... double stouts? [/Otto's voice]
:unsure: I suppose boiled dog piss could be used too, but just because it could be used doesn't mean I'm game to try it.

Mountain Dew. :icon_vomit: Why not try blood? Would be a big hit with all the goth vampire wannabees.

I've seen an everclear (all grain alcohol) & human blood cocktail recipe but can't find it now...Something they do in American frat houses...