American Ris Partigyle

  • Thread starter bradsbrew
  • Start date
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OK so I am looking at brewing an American RIS on sunday and follow up with a partigyle. The RIS recipe is as follows:

Not de Farking Kinswood Sump Oil Farking
Imperial Stout

Recipe Specs
Batch Size (L): 22.0
Total Grain (kg): 9.200
Total Hops (g): 90.00
Original Gravity (OG): 1.109 (P): 25.7
Colour (SRM): 46.8 (EBC): 92.2
Bitterness (IBU): 59.2 (Average)
Brewhouse Efficiency (%): 85
Boil Time (Minutes): 60

Grain Bill
0.600 kg Roasted Barley (6.52%)
6.000 kg Maris Otter Malt (65.22%)
1.000 kg Flaked Oats (10.87%)
1.000 kg Wheat Malt (10.87%)
0.200 kg Crystal 120 (2.17%)
0.400 kg Chocolate, Pale (4.35%)

Hop Bill
50.0 g Simcoe Pellet (12.2% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil) (2.3 g/l) Will actually be a no chill cube addition?
20.0 g Chinook Pellet (11.4% Alpha) @ 0 Minutes (Dry Hop) (0.9 g/l)
20.0 g Cascade Pellet (7.8% Alpha) @ 0 Minutes (Dry Hop) (0.9 g/l)

Single step Infusion at 66C for 90 Minutes.
Fermented at 20c with

Recipe Generated with BrewMate

I will do full volume mash for this one then add some more grain and fill the Tun whilst the first batch boils. The partigyles I have looked at dont generally add more grain, just sparge the mash. But I want to get at least a double batch (might even go for 60L) of stout out of the partigyle.

Any issues with adding extra grain and remashing?

If you do a mashout on the first, make sure that whatever grains you add for the gyle have enough 'new' enzymatic power to convert themselves or use malts that don't require a mash (steeping grains). The mashout on the first will stop alot of the original enzymes from working their magic on the 2nd addition.

And I don't see any rye in there, could have a negative impact on your brewing chi.
If you do a mashout on the first, make sure that whatever grains you add for the gyle have enough 'new' enzymatic power to convert themselves or use malts that don't require a mash (steeping grains). The mashout on the first will stop alot of the original enzymes from working their magic on the 2nd addition.

And I don't see any rye in there, could have a negative impact on your brewing chi.
I wont be bringing it up to mash out, just run straight to kettle and turn the rambo to low once I have a couple of litres in the kettle.
That way I can just add a few more kg of grain add more water to the tun, which will be guess work to get it to mash temp, give it a stir and mash out an hour or so later when the kettle is drained from the first batch.

MMM rye now theres an idea.

Cheers Brad
I am not sure about your mashtun space, but what liquor to grist ratio are you able to use? I unsuccessfully tried to go too thick (1:1.8) on my last brew, which was basically the same gravity as yours, and a partigyle, it got very sticky and I had to add ~600g (all available) rice hulls to get it to run at all. I am unsure what my actual L:G ratio ended up. I was greatful for a beer at the end of that day.

If I were to do it again, I would dough in under gelatinisation temps and then raise and have a much looser mash than I was able to in my 50L esky. But I assume you know your system better than I know mine, because I keep changing mine.

I used a bunch of carared to 'refresh' my mash to get a second double batch of 1.040 wort
I am not sure about your mashtun space, but what liquor to grist ratio are you able to use? I unsuccessfully tried to go too thick (1:1.8) on my last brew, which was basically the same gravity as yours, and a partigyle, it got very sticky and I had to add ~600g (all available) rice hulls to get it to run at all. I am unsure what my actual L:G ratio ended up. I was greatful for a beer at the end of that day.

If I were to do it again, I would dough in under gelatinisation temps and then raise and have a much looser mash than I was able to in my 50L esky. But I assume you know your system better than I know mine, because I keep changing mine.

I used a bunch of carared to 'refresh' my mash to get a second double batch of 1.040 wort

Yeah mashtun space will be the biggest issue for the partigyle but I figure doing close to full volume mash with a few more kg of malt and a double sparge should get me a 60L partigyle of 4%ish dry stout.
The RIS is the main focus and I am quite happy with that recipe and really the dry stout will be an experimental bonus.
First time partigyle so I dont know how the system will cope but hey if I dont give it a shot I will be left wondering.

After my first draught of the second runnings saison today, I would pay attention to the tannin extraction (pH etc) side of your sparge seeing as you are doing a double batch of lower OG for second runnings like I did. Mine has noticeable tannins - and for the first time in my brewing experience. ED: your second mash contributions might negate the tannins.

Good luck, and add lots of hulls. I am keen to hear how you go, and may your day be better than mine was.

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