These beers fall under the Lite American Lager category of the bjcp so that should help with your search. has one recipe but Im sure there would be a few more out there. Maybe the American forums will have more info, brewboard, northernbrewer and morebeer.
I just went to the american cousin site "" and they don't readily have american lager recipes for things like Budweiser or Millers. says something good about the yanks after all they they don't want to brew them themselves..
I usually buy a case of American beer to wash down the hot dogs while watching the Superbowl. Last year it was Millers (Premiun Draught ?). First taste, something like a Tooheys Dry, but after a couple I thought, what a dull beer this is.
I have drunk Budweiser and Coors in the past but they only tasted good because they were free and the company were good old boys.
Suggest if you want an american style kit beer, Coopers Canadian Blonde, Coopers Brew 2 and a Cascade teabag of hops will give you a poor Budweiser clone.
Otherwise read a little bit about American pale ales and you'll ignore the crap american swill.