Amarillo Substitute

  • Thread starter bradsbrew
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Hi all, what can I substitute for amarillo for flavour aroma I have been using cascade which I like but have some fuggles are they closer to amarillo than cascades.

Opinions please.

Cheers Brad
Fuggles are quite a different hop to Amarillo and Cascade. Fuggles are an English hop, more earthy than the citrus, tropical fruits of the other two which are US hops. Cascade is actually one of the closest subs you'll get these days with the hop shortage. It sort of depends what kind of beer you are making, but lots of US hops like Centennial, Columbus or Simcoe might work along the same lines, as will some of the NZ hops. Where do you get hops from and how are you using them?
I don't think anything can really sub for amarillo, but out of figgles and cascade, go for the cascade.

Edit: I was going to edit figgles, but I like that name better I think.
From the BYO magazine (March-April 2008) they say that cascade or centennial could be possible substitutes for amarillo.

amarillo, cascade, centennial flavour described as citrusy & flowery

fuggle (U.S) mild, woody and fruity

fuggle (U.K) mild, pleasant and hoppy.

Have a read of

Lists hops, substitutions and flavour descriptions.
Fuggles are quite a different hop to Amarillo and Cascade. Fuggles are an English hop, more earthy than the citrus, tropical fruits of the other two which are US hops. Cascade is actually one of the closest subs you'll get these days with the hop shortage. It sort of depends what kind of beer you are making, but lots of US hops like Centennial, Columbus or Simcoe might work along the same lines, as will some of the NZ hops. Where do you get hops from and how are you using them?

Only using pellets from LHBS. I had a suspicion not to trust the guy that "does not stock amarillo but the fuggles would be close". I have been told that Ross is the guy to see about flowers in Brissy. Must get in contact when I am ready to get next lot of hops. But all this means is I will have to make a brew to suit the fuggles perhaps an english bitter. Could I use some POR as bittering and the fuggles for flavour and cascade for aroma?.

Cheers Brad
Saaz B & Nelson Sauvin IMO. Very similar.
I've never tried Fuggles and Cascade together but it doesn't sound great to me. Your idea of an English bitter for the Fuggles is spot on though. They're also good in dark beers - brown ales, porters, stouts. Ross is definitely a good place to get hops and better advice than your LHBS can give you by the sound of it. :rolleyes:
If using fuggles with cascade, I would use a fair bit more fuggles as the cascade will dominate. But I don't know how it would go together. If you try it let us know.
Sub Cascade - but there are some drawbacks - will need more Cascade as Amarillo is generally around 8%

You could sub some Chinook...would not need as much.
Is there such a think as a flavor/aroma wheel for hops so that you can easily visualise the 'closeness' of one hop variety to another?

I've tried googeling etc and come up with nothing useful.
There's a hop wheel in "Brewing classic styles" by Zainasheff and Palmer. It talks about hop character and also has a hop substitution table.

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