Always Clean Out Your Mash Tun

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I threw the grain into our compost bin once, then the mice showed up.


My first AG, I threw all the spent grain on all out potted plants, saw a liitle mouse outside the other day and since ive got 75kg Grain in the Garage, thought ill start throwing it straight in the bin, leave no BURLY for the mice.. ;)

I just clean mine at the end with the Kettle...
Never Left it past brew day, from what i hear from you guys its an experience to be had. My spent mash goes straight on top of the worm farm, the lil' blighters just love it, and the worm juice goes straight on the hops all's well that ends well. :D It's the cycle of life
I read something in the last couple of days about really long mashes (up to 24 hours), can't remember where that was now.... hmmmm
Left spent grain in a closed bucket for ~3-4 months. I can't believe I did not crack the big vom, but the general area the bucket was in (this was OUTSIDE) smelled of that acidic vomit aroma for weeks and weeks.

...I still use the bucket!
oh... and I only ever forgot to clean out my mash tun once, that was enough. The whole garage had the aroma of cat urine for a week
Haha, brings back memories. Im a lazy brewer, but now i always clean it and the kettle the same day. At worst i might leave it overnight, but no longer. I had a few times cleaning out the tun and kettle after a week or so, and it was foul stuff.
Have always cleaned as soon as boil is underway.
Use as mulch around trees, but don't put it on hot....little trees die :( as we found out.
Now put next to the tree and then put around when cool.

Some of you jokers are giving homebrewing a bad name :eek: !

Don't know why you wouldn't clean ALL your brewing gear straight after brewing.

My chooks have learnt to eat spent grain at 75C, the mash tun is then cleaned thoroughly.

At work grain outs happen every 4 1/2 hr ish and already the previous brew grain starts to smell sour, Thus home grain is always out before boil ends. Saves spewing in the brew sink..
You guys must have a sensitive tummy, or something.
You'll never be able to make a decent sour beer, as your belly is not gonna be up to drinking it.
...or do you clean the mash vessel while you have a bad hangover.

I know it's not the best practice, but I have left the mash in the tun for a few days before I remembered that it was still there. The flies were already starting to breed in it. Gee, they're quick. Oh well, bucket 'o maggots in the garden for the kookas to pick through.
Harden up, fellas and I'll meet you all down at the sewage treatment plant for some inner-fortitude training.

I'm also going to buy some of this!


hi all,

I bought some of this gear to clean out vessels that I had in storage for a long period and although I have no affiliation with the supplier or manufacturer I will say that it is absolutely marvelous.
It took all bad odours away and it is easy to use.
It definately gets my tick of approval.

My old esky shat itself mid-way through a brew (big crack inside) around september last year. I left it full of spent grain behind the shed and sort of forgot about it until a few weeks back when I went to salvage some bits. Well was I suprised when I cracked the lid, the grain bed had risen up a fair way and the smell.... I was that impressed I put the lid back on to save it as a 'party trick' for an unsuspecting guest one day ;) If I can muster up the courage I'll take some pics, absolute gold!!!
I tip all my spent grain into the green waste bin.

At the moment it has 2 batches in it and with a few days of hot weather its more than just a little on the nose.

In fact its so bad I could smell it 20 metres away last night; and that was with the lid on!

Thankfully it gets collected tomorrow.
I was that impressed I put the lid back on to save it as a 'party trick' for an unsuspecting guest one day ;) If I can muster up the courage I'll take some pics, absolute gold!!!

Video would be better...... :lol:
I threw the spent grain in the green waste bin once. It set down the bottom and fermented. When the truck picked up the bin, held it upside down, the grain did not fall out. Eventually had to get into it with a shovel to get it out. Grain is never going in the green waste again.
Kind of makes you wonder about the breweries that "donate" spent grain to farmers for cattle feed.
Do you think they dry the spent grain first, or do they just drop off a rancid, decomposing mess for the cows to eat?

Any body know the answer.
