So last night I ran my system through it's first official brew as a system.
Been using it in parts for months and just transferring.
So last night I decided it was time I ran it through a mash all together, had a couple of days with no kids so I got all of the remaining work done and away I went.
I also decided to use whole hops for the first time.. Bad move...
Everything was going great during mashing and sparging..
Ok well I don't think I sparged very well since I was a little low on my preboil gravity but hey such is life..
Thought I had everything down pat.
Then got to the boil. All was good until I put the hops in..
All up nearly 150gm's mostly late all without a hop bag... Smelled fantastic.
Then got to chilling.. I have an immersion/whirlpool chiller using a LBP to circulate the wort, plus several of those 3 way motorised ball valves.
Worked sensationally during testing with just water..
Having never used hop flowers in my all grain brewery before I didn't know to expect the sheer amount of crap that was in the kettle.
Well it then proceeded to plug up the pickup tube, and each and every fitting in the system..
All up took me about 3 hours to get it drained. Tried everything.
In the end I put a strainer in the top of my fermentor and tipped it in.
After all the stuffing around if I don't get an infection out of this one I don't know how..
Ended up a little under gravity but a lilttle over volume so I may have under boiled a titch as well.
i.e 26 L 1.030 aiming for 23L of 1.039.
Should I adjust it a little with some LDME?
Also what does everyone do for hop flowers?
Do you just put it in a hop sock or what do you use to keep the pickup tube clean?
When I finished and cleaned it there were little leaves in every little crevice in the system..
It was stuck up the pickup tube, it was stuck in the compression fittings, it was stuck in the camlocks it was stuck in the LBP, it was stuck up the silicone hose..
Been using it in parts for months and just transferring.
So last night I decided it was time I ran it through a mash all together, had a couple of days with no kids so I got all of the remaining work done and away I went.
I also decided to use whole hops for the first time.. Bad move...
Everything was going great during mashing and sparging..
Ok well I don't think I sparged very well since I was a little low on my preboil gravity but hey such is life..
Thought I had everything down pat.
Then got to the boil. All was good until I put the hops in..
All up nearly 150gm's mostly late all without a hop bag... Smelled fantastic.
Then got to chilling.. I have an immersion/whirlpool chiller using a LBP to circulate the wort, plus several of those 3 way motorised ball valves.
Worked sensationally during testing with just water..
Having never used hop flowers in my all grain brewery before I didn't know to expect the sheer amount of crap that was in the kettle.
Well it then proceeded to plug up the pickup tube, and each and every fitting in the system..
All up took me about 3 hours to get it drained. Tried everything.
In the end I put a strainer in the top of my fermentor and tipped it in.
After all the stuffing around if I don't get an infection out of this one I don't know how..
Ended up a little under gravity but a lilttle over volume so I may have under boiled a titch as well.
i.e 26 L 1.030 aiming for 23L of 1.039.
Should I adjust it a little with some LDME?
Also what does everyone do for hop flowers?
Do you just put it in a hop sock or what do you use to keep the pickup tube clean?
When I finished and cleaned it there were little leaves in every little crevice in the system..
It was stuck up the pickup tube, it was stuck in the compression fittings, it was stuck in the camlocks it was stuck in the LBP, it was stuck up the silicone hose..