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Abbott is still setting the agenda from the back bench like a puppet master.
I don't know if you follow the Conversation but they actually put forward a case that despite Turnball, pure market forces will result in renewables taking over anyway as they become cheaper and the old coal plants die off, and the government can bleat all they like.
Woohoo i will save 115 bucks a year.

Shame it has raised about 300 bucks a quarter in the last 5 years.

**** i dont want tits shorten as a leader, he is ready to jump on any minority band wagon and do deals to get his way. Dont get me started on that Sarah **** for brains and her green fucktards.

I blame celebrity Peter Beatie for the qld power debarcle, lets sell it he said, it will be a competitive market he said, prices will drop he said. I laughed at the time, unfortunately Pete is the only one laughing now.
I am all for renewable's, and they will come down the track, but if a Prime minister is going to make a statement he should just at least make it credible, if I am going to save $150 to $200 per year does that mean in 10 years time electricity companies will be paying me to use their electricity. As far as I'm concerned Turnbull can get on the podium with Julia and Kevin and share the worst Prime ministers gold medal.******.
$115 ( or whatever's) is a guesstimate. They dont actually have any calculated figures yet. Im with bradsbrew. SFA in my book and combined with the lackluster emissions target ( un achievable ) its a no win situation.
Incompetent feckers the lot of them.

We need 500 members to start a political party. Lets go.
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And nothing till at least 2020 anyway. Pack of useless.....
Might be missing something as I'm a bit thick but $115 a year won't help me much. Last 2 years (admittedly with **** heating that new landlord has now fixed) our winter bill (2 person house, no meth lab) has topped a grand each time.

Renewable makes sense in many terms - business investment in a growing market, environment, etc. Not sure what it has to do with abbot though - was he ever pro renewable? I doubt TA is opposed to refusing to meet clean targets proposed externally and him and Abetz would presumably be in support. Could be wrong.
Woohoo i will save 115 bucks a year.
I blame celebrity Peter Beatie for the qld power debarcle, lets sell it he said, it will be a competitive market he said, prices will drop he said. I laughed at the time, unfortunately Pete is the only one laughing now.

so much truth here for QLD

Although i am a full on capitalist and feel it should be a free market *

* i feel The GOV should never be allowed to sell assets like the water and power system that we all owned

the capitalist in me knows that "deregulation" or selling public assets to private means the companies will want to increase profits and that's going to increase prices as soon as "they" can get away with it.

We have been F^%$ed over by the GOV in qld and i think most of the eastern side of OZ has been by assets sold (no idea about WA etc) off by the GOV, it's shameful whats gone on....

It's time the GOV made some real decisions about rebuilding public assets for the good of the people IMO
I worry about what my kids face in the future.....
so much truth here for QLD

Although i am a full on capitalist and feel it should be a free market *

* i feel The GOV should never be allowed to sell assets like the water and power system that we all owned

the capitalist in me knows that "deregulation" or selling public assets to private means the companies will want to increase profits and that's going to increase prices as soon as "they" can get away with it.

We have been F^%$ed over by the GOV in qld and i think most of the eastern side of OZ has been by assets sold (no idea about WA etc) off by the GOV, it's shameful whats gone on....

It's time the GOV made some real decisions about rebuilding public assets for the good of the people IMO
I worry about what my kids face in the future.....
Great point!
Somehow I don't remember being asked if the GOV could sell PUBLIC assets. Sometimes I think that they forget that they are nothing more than public servants and therefore should project the will of the public.
It is a very sad case indeed, personally I'm almost at "torches and pitchforks" stage.
They have absolutely run amuck, totally sold us out to private interests, & I would go so far as to say, treason against the Australian people.
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If the government were to ask for investment in fossil fuel power stations prospective investors would want a substantial time to run them and make money. Other governments have made the decisions and are going back to fossil fuel power stations, Germany and Japan are phasing out nuclear and going back to coal, Britain is fracking all over the north east.
We frown on fracking and the PM doesn't know what to do, could be he wants to loose the next election and leave the to hard decision making to Shorten, Turnbull can retire with a healthy pension and bragging rights to being a Prime minister.
Pity we don't pay Prime ministers on performance like they do CEO's.
It will all be a moot point soon.

New technologies will mean that 90% of people just go off the grid. This will be bad news for the government, because they won't get any money or royalties from their infrastructure (hence, ironically they may as well sell it all off).

Where I live, we have a series of massive rivers churning out to sea every day - generating huge amounts of power. Twice a day the tide brings powerful waves crashing with immense energy on endless shores. It beggars belief why this power hasn't been harnessed. Every house and business in all towns on the Northern rivers could be easily powered.

... We need vision. .. investment .. industry. Not the crap we are currently being served up, ministers walking around parliament with lumps of coal. Idiots.
It will all be a moot point soon.

New technologies will mean that 90% of people just go off the grid. This will be bad news for the government, because they won't get any money or royalties from their infrastructure (hence, ironically they may as well sell it all off).

In this event I can see access charges still applying whether the service is being utilised or not. In a similar way to local councils still charging water for access even when you don't use the service. So, a house not connected to electricity supply may still be levied an access charge merely because the poles and wires run past the house.

We all joke about First World problems but governments of all persuasions, both state and federal have taken actions that negatively impact on the standard of living for the majority of the population.
...actions that negatively impact on the standard of living for the majority of the population.

That's what happened in America and France prior to the revolutions.

Fortunately we have a democracy (well, sort of) and we can hold our elected representatives to account every 3 years provided there is a suitable alternative standing for election.
The thousands of people who have their power cut off, the thousands that this will happen to soon, the thousands that miss out on reductions because they can not pay on time and the thousands that can’t have solar power and/or batteries (cost, rent, flats etc) want action now.

I ask, we are so bent on renewables and against coal power (save the world) but we don’t mind selling tons of it so others can pollute. How hypocritical.
actually the laws are a changing, in Vic at least, i think there is 18 months grace then power suppliers cannot cut you off for less than 350$ i think and have to offer payment plans to payment distressed customers.
Agreed it's absolutely hypocritical. We have the technology and knowledge now. What is the government waiting for?

Elon Musk offered to build a system for us and if it didn't work, he would give us our money back. Why didn't we take him up on it? .. because the Government had too many fingers in too many pies and didn't want to get their fingers burn't. ,, they'd rather do a dirty dirty deal with Adani.

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