All Grain Recipe Of Smugglers Ale

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I am keen to switch to all grain brewing.
One of my favorite kit beers is Muntons Premium Smugglers Ale.
Has anyone been able to replicate this with an all grain recipe?
I would love to try and make it.

Any advice - greatly appreciated :beer:


Not sure much help you'll get with that muntons premium range kit and cloning it here, anyway I'll rant for a little.

I was gunna question why you'd want to replicate a kit beer and also say if the kits that good why bother, For the latter part i just checked and see the kit is worth 40 odd bucks :eek: gee wiz.

Never brewed or tasted one of the muntons premium range but they do look and sound very good. But my addvice would be rather than trying to clone it exactly just brew a bitter of the same specs etc.
Say 1.050 with traditional ale malt, off course floor malted english malt would be best if you could get it which we don't seem to be able to ATM.
5% medium crystal malt and a little choc say only around 1% for the extra colour.
Hop it to 40IBU, hard to say how much finishings hop but hop it to your favourite level for bitter as far as finishing hops go.
Not sure what hops the kits uses but you can't go wrong with EKG which is pretty much THE hop.

Sorry can't help too much with exact copy of the kit in question but it should steer you close to the right direction.
If you check the recipe data base you'll find plenty of bitter recipes also.

If you really have your heart set on replicating this kit exactly some one else who's familar with it might come along, either that or do some internet searching, maybe even email muntons. Though I'd be doubtfull of muntons replying.
I used to like that Smugglers a long time ago. It was somewhere between an English bitter and an Irish ish ale I think? Brew shops tend to push it as a Kilkenny clone? In which case, what Jayse said, but more like 7 or 8% medium crystal (ie crystal with a colour of 140 ebc or thereabouts). Also I have a vague recollection of it tasting of fuggles as well as EKG hops, but maybe that was because I was adding them.
Thanks Jayse & Guest Lurker for pointing me in the right direction,
The smugglers ale kit is expensive, it costs me $50 from the local HBS. The taste however is fantastic. I have taken some down to a Canberra Brewers meeting, and those who tried it, were stunned that it was produced from a kit.
I had a feeling when posting this it would be slim chance that someone had tried to clone it.
I'll give it a go with what you have suggested.


Jayse & Guest Lurker
I ended up contacting Muntons themsleves. ;)

To my surprise, they told me that the smugglers ale kits are:

72% Base Pearl Malt
27% Crystal Malt

The hops are:
Progress, Golding & Styrian hop pellets.

Looking forward to buying the ingredients and having a go! :icon_cheers:

Jayse & Guest Lurker
I ended up contacting Muntons themsleves. ;)

To my surprise, they told me that the smugglers ale kits are:

72% Base Pearl Malt
27% Crystal Malt

The hops are:
Progress, Golding & Styrian hop pellets.

Looking forward to buying the ingredients and having a go! :icon_cheers:


Ooh thats a lot of crystal :eek: make sure you only use pale or medium.
You could halve that amount of crystal and probably still be around the style of beer you're after.
Wow that was nice of them, but as noted, 27% of 140 EBC crystal would be undrinkable, I am guessing they are using some king of light crystal at around 40 EBC.
Jayse & Guest Lurker
I ended up contacting Muntons themsleves. ;)

To my surprise, they told me that the smugglers ale kits are:

72% Base Pearl Malt
27% Crystal Malt

The hops are:
Progress, Golding & Styrian hop pellets.

Looking forward to buying the ingredients and having a go! :icon_cheers:


Hmm, can't find the scratches head emoticon.
It was cool of them to reply but still it only raises more questions really as others have said.

As is I wouldn't be going and brewing it like that unless you could possibly try and get even more info out of them on what the actuall crystal malt portion is. Is it all one type of crystal malt and what crystal malt is it? colour in EBC would be cool. But the exact name of it and maltings its from etc would be handy. Basically what the hell is that crystal malt your using in such a huge amount?

From what Guest lurker said about it being irish red like I'd still be looking at only 10% max of a standard 140 odd ebc crystal malt.

That much 40 ebc crystal malt does put it in the right colour range but still to me is a hell of a lot. That gives a beer of around 22EBC.

Theres was a aussie malt I used once JWM cara maybe it was but it was around 50EBC and if you used that rubbish at 27% i can tell you the snails would be the only ones who would go near it.

One malt in the colour range that i might think would almost work would be carared from weyerman but still 27% is just not adding up.

It must be some really good crystal malt, remembering colour isn't everything ie the JWM in the same colour range as the carared is cloying and horrible but carared is totally different and lovely. What I'am getting at is your gunna need the exact crystal malt there to beable to use it at that huge amount. You can't just say well its a 40 ebc crystal I'll just chuck this stuff that is also 40 EBC in it.

So a bit more research needed before I'd go and put that recipe down with just what ever crystal malt the local home brew store has.

Ooh thats a lot of crystal :eek: make sure you only use pale or medium.

Yeap though I don't think its just a case of the colour. It has to be a lighter colour one of course but it also has to be a really really good one aswell. The JWM one in that colour range is the worst tasting stuff imaginable so its not really a simple case of just finding whatever the brewshop has in that colour range to beable to use in such a crazy amount.

You could halve that amount of crystal and probably still be around the style of beer you're after.

Yeap worth looking at finding a more traditional way of doing it with the malts available rather than just following the recipe to the letter when there too many questions unanswered.

Wow that was nice of them, but as noted, 27% of 140 EBC crystal would be undrinkable, I am guessing they are using some king of light crystal at around 40 EBC.

I think everyones in agreeance(<you can check the spelling of that word if you like :lol: ) here. Pretty well just be far warned we don't think you should go straight out and brew that puppy just yet as the recipe is written there bulmershe.

Sorry for the ranting just don't want to see anyone blindy going out and brewing that recipe with some crystal malts that just arn't meant to be used like that.

If muntons do follow up more than that would be awesome. I was suprised you got that much so see how much more you can eek out of them, maybe even point them to this discussion if they are really interested.

Jayse and others,
Thanks everyone for the advice about the crystal malt.
I am guessing that it would be the crystal malt that they sell.
They have typical analysis for their malts at the following link: Muntons mini brewing Typical analysis webpage Other analysis for smugglers ale is on: Smugglers ale analysis

I will contact Muntons again next week and see if I can get some more info.

Well guys,
Your warnings were spot on.
I tried it wth the percentages I was told from Muntons, and it was UNDRINKABLE.
Too bloody sweet, and nothing like the beer I was trying to reproduce.

Although it was undrinkable, because of the comments, I did not get my hopes up when I was making it.



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