All Grain Brewing beginner.

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Robbo Dragon

New Member
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I've been homebrewing from extract kits for a few years now. Mainly did Coopers lagers etc. Started in bottles then eventually kegs. Recently I did a brew course and learnt a fair bit about the brewing process and now I want to take my home brewing to the next level i.e All Grain.
I've also read a fair bit of matertial about all grain brewing here in this forum as well as books and magazines.
I'm only new to this forum so I will be looking for information mainly about equipment and set ups such as HERMS or RIMS and the pros and cons of those types. I will also be looking for the suppliers of this type of equipment. I live in the Southern Highlands of New South Wales and there are a couple of brew shops within driving distance and both suggest ordering kettles, mash tuns, fermenters etc on line. Keg King is one the names I heard and Cheeky Peak the other.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Welcome to the fold, you've come to the right place.
Check out the sponsors at the top of the page for many ranges of good gear and ingredients. Many of them post on here as well and will help you along the way. My advice is to deal with the local suppliers rather than eBay, as they'll give you top service and aftermarket support.

The world really is your oyster when it comes to all grain. I had no idea what I was in for and before I knew it I have 2 fridges, 2 temp controller boxes, stainless galore, a mill, stir plate, bags of grains in teh shed etc. etc.

Have a look around at the all grain forum and troll the pics for some inspiration.

BIAB is a safe and easy way to start but if you think you'll end up going over the top then I'd suggest looking at a HERM-IT coil.
If you go 3 tier with an esky, a recirculating temp controlled all-in-one custom build or pot and bag on the stove, provided you master the process you will make top beer.
My 2c

Start with BIAB in a pot on the stove It's simple, cheap and you'll learn heaps. Then you can brew AG whilst working out what system you want to end up with and how to get there
BIAB is pretty simple and you can make you some great beers this way as well as use this equipment in a 3v later on if you want

I still like fecking around and make a different beer everytime be it style or just hops or diff. yeast, they generally come out pretty good or you could use some of the recipes on this site or others

as far as shops near you I can't help you out there but the sponsors here will, I use craftbrewer as they offer great variety and costs and shipping are reasonable
Can't go wrong with a BIAB setup. I'm still brewing this way, and you can certainly make very good beers.

The other good thing about BIAB, as long as you buy a reasonable pot, you can integrate your BIAB pot into a 2V or 3V system further down the track - if that's what you're heading towards.
Welcome, pretty much all has been summed up, plants of different system options and really depends on how you want to brew.

Have fun with all grain, it's really not that hard. Guarantee you'll be wishing you have it a crack earlier.