Aldi - Do You Shop There?

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ALDI are great, have been in Wyoming near Gosford on Central Coast for a few years. Shop there all the time. I like their tins of Red Salmon, very nice with a salad or as sandwich and very cheap compared to other brands. I heard someone who sounded they were in the know the other day say that all fish products are done by John West??

Cleaning products seem to have stronger active ingredients in them. It is good to have competition against WW and Coles.
I buy their cola 99c for 2L
I don't know what it tastes like however:


However I like ALDI for more than just the cheap prices for good quality lines:

  • You can park right near the front door. In and out with a weeks shop in twenty minutes.
  • You have to put $2 in the trolley but for 99c you can buy a similar sized aldi token on a keyring that you keep with your keys so never need to worry about having a coin. You get a clean trolley that actually runs well and hasn't been left out in the rain, pissed on by a dog or allowed to run around dinging your car.
  • It takes you the same time to get through the checkout with a full shop than to get through the so called express at Woolies where every second customer holds up the line while they wait for their cigarettes.
  • Nearly all the generic products are made in Australia wherever possible.
  • They treat their staff really well and they all seem happy, with a seat to sit on etc.
  • Their $4.99 flowers are the same as the woolies $10 ones so I buy a bunch for SWMBO every week.
My only gripe is that they don't sell grog yet in Queensland.
Yep...been shopping there for years. I just make sure that the product is Aussie made.

I get some fruit and veg there at times but otherwise use a fruit and veg shop. I also do not buy my meat from there as I have a good wholesale butcher.

The Aldi cheese especially the fetta and yoghurts are very nice in taste and price.

Cheers Brad

A lot of their "better cheeses" - the marinated fetta is one are actually made By Ashgrove Cheeses in Tassie.
Veerrrrry nice, only know as I asked when down there were I could buy them up here and they said Aldi under the different name or some selected other supermarkets.

If they had an ALDI near us (and near the other shops we go too) then we would go back, but it's not worth the drive now for us.
screw the groceries --- I like the boat winches, wheelchairs, beer you've never heard of and other whacky stuff they sell... who the hell thinks to stick some of that gear in a supermarket??

There was a Unicycle one time I went, I **** you not.
[*]They treat their staff really well and they all seem happy, with a seat to sit on etc.

As someone who has done checkout, I personally find that it's more confortable standing up to do checkout than sitting down. It also brings up scanning rates.
Aldi is good.
And I am not just saying that because I am German too.

Their strategy is to have basic products with high quality for good money. So you wont get everything there but the basics are covered and they normally are good.
They also try to keep their staff happy and try to get good staff especially in management.
There is Aldi south and north. They are owned by two german brothers named Albrecht. They are about the richest Germans.
But at least they dont need to keep shareholders happy and are more interested in having a solid running company that has good reputation. They support local produce and have fair pricing.

I am just waiting for the day they are allowed to sell alcohol there as it is the case in Germany. The beers there are ok but some of the spirits, liqueurs and wines are really good.

products I like:
  • Vintage reserve cheddar - really nice
  • Hausbrot - about the closest you can get dark german bread
  • German christmas stuff: Lebkuchen, Dominosteine, Zimtsterne
  • Canned hering
  • The canned yellowfin tuna is tasty
  • Toothpaste is good value
  • Pesto (green one)
  • Cereals
  • Nuts/dried fruit
  • the rogan josh frozen is nice
didnt like:
  • gravy
  • beer battered chips
  • the fatty fancy chips were crap
  • bbq sauce
  • gnocchi are shocking
Fresh meat was a no return trip for my family.

Apart from that (and well, the rip off of BBQ shapes suck too) everything has been spot on.

Wouldn't be surprised if the MVP "brewed in Victoria" is maybe made by the same mob that do Haagen :icon_vomit:

Also I was in the local store a few hours ago and one of the ladies, tiny little thing, had actually wheeled her seat out of the way and was standing up to scan, and shovelling the stock right into the shoppers' trolleys as fast as they could keep up with her. The girls must have had a race on today.

Most stuff I've had there is pretty good:

Weetbix & Cornflake clones
Their premium muesli is bloody nice too
Frozen yoghurt bars are excellent
Tin Tomatoes & pasta are fine
Hazelnut choc bar is very nice
Nappies are also very good and about 1/2 price of others
Their cheapy Weissbier is also very nice except you have to buy a slab of it.
Cheeses (vintage and their colby)
Cheese & dip bickies
Muesli Bars

Things I'd steer clear of are:
Kitchen towels (thin and don't absorb much)
Fruit juices (mainly because we're used to Daily Juice ones)

We normally go there and stock up for a while and then pick off the other bits from the big boys.


screw the groceries --- I like the boat winches, wheelchairs, beer you've never heard of and other whacky stuff they sell... who the hell thinks to stick some of that gear in a supermarket??

There was a Unicycle one time I went, I **** you not.

TB, you are so right, before Xmas at our local Aldi you could grab a kg of carrots, go into the next aisle and buy a huge industrial jackhammer!!! :lol:
It`s crazy but it`s great.
I noticed frontload washing machines in their stock last week.
It`s worth visiting just to see what latest fit of madness has possesed their buying manager. :)
Long live Aldi.


edit....what`s their beer like, anyway? Not allowed to stock it in Qld.
Did a big shop yeaterday

1.5 trolley full, meat veg all the stuff $290 love it!!!!!

Saw an Aldi catalogue today - next week they'll be selling cement mixers & jackhammers.
I don't shop at aldi much because they are too far away from my house. BUT I do have their catalogue emailed to me a week in advance to check out their 'boy's toys' and other specials coming up so I can plan my attack on the good stuff on something I want, which is always a Thursday morning. And you have to get in early too... 8am and the line is out into the car park like a bloody Myers opening.

Aldi's weekly special by email signup page.
I bought a pucka espresso machine there about 3 years ago for $50. It broke down about a year ago but who was I to complain... after about 3 coffees a day for 2 years I think I got my money's worth. They didn't stock them when I went to buy a new one so I got a Sunbeam 6910 for $600. The Aldi machine ***** all over it in terms of shot quality!

Also, bought a wine fridge a year or so ago to store my wine collection. It is great! I do use it as a fermentation fridge since getting into brewing.... with the wines baking away in the kitchen cupboard. :lol:

I have had some crap from there of course... but if it lasts till the warranty runs out you've got your money's worth!