Ahb's Community Ale

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Bustin my arse to think of a favourite ingredient so I will back the Willamette hops. I like the beers I have used it in.

This is looking like an AG affair, beyond my primitive set up. Probably a good idea to come up with a partial mash version for folks like me. The comparison would be worthwhile.
:D :D aussie ale with oregon grown hops.willamette.least its a hybrid of fuggle which is pomgolian so early convict beers would have had fuggle. ;) i think <_<

big d
Snow said:
whoa there, Pomo! This has only been going for a day! Lets wait to hear from a few more members (Doc, Pint of Lager, Jgriffin, etc?) and see if we can get a statistically relevant sample.

- Snow
I don't think it's premature at all. I'm not calling for the final recipe, just a way-point summation so we know what we're looking at so far. It might help the others make their selections. So I'll do it :D

Whitelabs London Ale Yeast - Snow
Dry English Ale Yeast - AndrewQLD
Coopers Bottle yeast - TDA, barfridge

JWM Traditional Ale Malt - Andrew, PoMo, jleske
MO Malt - Gough, Barry Cranston
Melanoidin Malt - jayse
Australian Amber Malt - johnno
Caramunich III - Crispy
Chocolate Malt - jgriffin

Hallertau - Jazman
Northdown - Sean
POR - big d
Willamette - deebee

Oak Chips - GMK

If this was left much later, it'd be a bitch to post.

I suggest from this point forward, this list is copy 'n' pasted into the next summation, with new ingredients added and new votes appended to existing ingredients. Makes it easier for anyone coming into the thread to see what's shaping up.

So far, it does look like something I'd brew (well, maybe if it had a kilo of munich in it...) :)
PostModern said:
I don't think it's premature at all. I'm not calling for the final recipe, just a way-point summation so we know what we're looking at so far. It might help the others make their selections. So I'll do it :D

Whitelabs London Ale Yeast - Snow
Dry English Ale Yeast - AndrewQLD
Coopers Bottle yeast - TDA,

JWM Traditional Ale Malt - Andrew, PoMo, jleske
MO Malt - Gough, Barry Cranston
Melanoidin Malt - jayse
Australian Amber Malt - johnno
Caramunich III - Crispy
Chocolate Malt - jgriffin

Hallertau - Jazman
Northdown - Sean
POR - big d
Willamette - deebee

If this was left much later, it'd be a bitch to post.

I suggest from this point forward, this list is copy 'n' pasted into the next summation, with new ingredients added and new votes appended to existing ingredients. Makes it easier for anyone coming into the thread to see what's shaping up.

So far, it does look like something I'd brew (well, maybe if it had a kilo of munich in it...) :)
It is an ale, so my suggestions is something similar to the original James Squire Australian Strong:

WLP 002 English Ale

JWM Trad Ale
JWM CaraMalt



you left my Oak Chips out.....

Not Happy JAN....
GMK said:

you left my Oak Chips out.....

Not Happy JAN....

Sorry Ken. Edited my post. I left out barfridge's vote for Coopers bottle yeast, too.

Doc, we just need to vote for one ingredient, not post a recipe ;)
PostModern said:
GMK said:
Not Happy JAN....

Doc, we just need to vote for one ingredient, not post a recipe ;)
I'll go with CaraWheat then.

And don't let GMK call you JAN :D

My favoured ingredient would have to be ....................


Going over my records I have used this in every brew so far. ;)

Wyeast 1728 (Scottish) seems to get used pretty heavily in my brury too, can't think why.

Seriously though, with only 6 AGs under the belt, I'll bow to the consensus.
My contribution is a vote for Northern brewer hops for a mix with the POR. Both of these as bittering hops only. That will keep the POR down and make a complexity in the bittering(if its possible, seemed good in my oatmeal stout).
I second the coopers yeast too(Nth brewer is my addition not the yeast)
Nice idea linz, as is i see the specs being something like 1.065-1070 and ratio of about .7 at around 45-50. Aimng for a FG of around 1.016 and a colour of around 25-30ebc 'dark amber'

Ken are oak chips really your favourite thing to put in beer? that is the question, have you actually done it and can you say above every other ingredient it is your favourite. If so than i...actually i don't know what to say!

With a og up around 1.065 i don't think we need much of the crystal malts just around 2.5%.

The recipe isn't looking that orignal yet lets see if we can come up with something to give it the edge, i don't think oak chips are that edge. :ph34r:

Anyway keep the ideas rolling.

Is the coopers yeast going to cope with a 1065-1070 OG?

And what about base malt and say only 50-100gm of additions/adjuncts? and call it "50/100 GRAM" ale??

Should the base malt be the free agent; to give the difference along with brew technique to each brew??? Could also assign a base malt to each state(which is easiest to get locally??) as we are trying to brew unique beers, not go for "mines the best beer", and see the differences.
Linz said:
Is the coopers yeast going to cope with a 1065-1070 OG?
I actually have know idea on that one linz. Will check into that.

As for your base malt ideas, iam happy with what ever the majority desides, if everyone agrees the base malt can be which ever you like then iam happy with that. Don't want too many varribles or people like (no names) will have dilusions of granduer and i bet there beer won't be anything like ours.

maris otter

if its all aussie then it is obviously one of the domestic malts, por and coopers yeast, simple
You're right Vlad

I went the local route........ then suffered those dillusions of granduer

But then again, in the septic beer the yeast was a variable...

wonder if we end up with a fortified VB :huh: :eek: :( :wacko:
Ok Jayse

Currently - i use oak stave chips alot - so far in all my dark brews.
I also use Dark Compound Cooking choc in my porters, dark ales stouts, bocks...
I like that ingredient - but know the NaziMan does not like it- and neither do the other Home Brewing Eletists...

I use the oak chips in the boil and the secondary - gives nice complexity and depth - thought this would get better consensus and make the brew a "little" different/memorable as others probably have not thought about using Oak.
All my last dark beers have oak in them - even my JS Strong Ale had some oak in there...

Stone Brewing are using Oak Chips now.
Thamas Hardy Barley wine has been conditioned in small sherry oak barrels for a while - the aniversay and special additions.

So - i choose Oak....

Upto you guys to say yes or no...
watch out for the bloke with the big stick.could be an oak branch ;)
GMK said:
Upto you guys to say yes or no...
GMK with that I'am neither yay or nay on the oak chips. When you said and I quote "I also use Dark Compound Cooking choc in my porters, dark ales stouts, bocks..." that didn't help. :lol:

Anyway I'am not totally agaisnt it I think we need a specialty ingredient of some sort.


Coriander, cassia, cardamom. mace, star anise for starters for bigger beer that will be aged a bit.

Cloves, pepper and ginger if the Community Ale gonna be drunk fresh-ish.

****, I was depressed thinking all bottles of my Big Spiced Lager were gone. . .till I tidied up cellar today to put away 48 stubbies RIS for extended ageing.

BigD remembers the lager I hope, when he was at the 'Monk the aroma was all mace but the flavor was starting to feature the cassia. Gonna leave the 3 precious bottles till Dec 05 and report back then.

But, a plea for spices in beer: magic, mate! Pure magick. Try a small whole chili in a beer. . .and I have left out Grains of Paradise, nutmeg, pimento, juniper, spruce, heather yadda yadda. Fancy that mulled on a cold winters nite!

Anyway, spices are my contribution

Jovial Monk

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