I don't think it's premature at all. I'm not calling for the final recipe, just a way-point summation so we know what we're looking at so far. It might help the others make their selections. So I'll do itSnow said:whoa there, Pomo! This has only been going for a day! Lets wait to hear from a few more members (Doc, Pint of Lager, Jgriffin, etc?) and see if we can get a statistically relevant sample.
- Snow
It is an ale, so my suggestions is something similar to the original James Squire Australian Strong:PostModern said:I don't think it's premature at all. I'm not calling for the final recipe, just a way-point summation so we know what we're looking at so far. It might help the others make their selections. So I'll do it
Whitelabs London Ale Yeast - Snow
Dry English Ale Yeast - AndrewQLD
Coopers Bottle yeast - TDA,
JWM Traditional Ale Malt - Andrew, PoMo, jleske
MO Malt - Gough, Barry Cranston
Melanoidin Malt - jayse
Australian Amber Malt - johnno
Caramunich III - Crispy
Chocolate Malt - jgriffin
Hallertau - Jazman
Northdown - Sean
POR - big d
Willamette - deebee
If this was left much later, it'd be a bitch to post.
I suggest from this point forward, this list is copy 'n' pasted into the next summation, with new ingredients added and new votes appended to existing ingredients. Makes it easier for anyone coming into the thread to see what's shaping up.
So far, it does look like something I'd brew (well, maybe if it had a kilo of munich in it...)
GMK said:PoMo
you left my Oak Chips out.....
Not Happy JAN....
I'll go with CaraWheat then.PostModern said:GMK said:PoMo
Not Happy JAN....
Doc, we just need to vote for one ingredient, not post a recipe
I actually have know idea on that one linz. Will check into that.Linz said:Is the coopers yeast going to cope with a 1065-1070 OG?
GMK with that I'am neither yay or nay on the oak chips. When you said and I quote "I also use Dark Compound Cooking choc in my porters, dark ales stouts, bocks..." that didn't help. :lol:GMK said:Upto you guys to say yes or no...