AHB Articles: Newbie Brewers - Tips & Hints

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That looks really good.

I think something most brewers will screw up the first time(s) is the temperature.
The only info I had was the DVD that came with the Coopers kit plus the instructions on the can, so of course I pitched my first beer at 28 degrees :D .
Then left it alone for a week in Summer temps.
No wonder it tasted the way it did, hehe.

It doesn't seem "right" as long as the can say to pitch at a certain temp to go that much lower but hopefully it doesn't take more than a brew or so before most of us realise that the colder we can keep the fermenter (within the temp range of the yeast) the cleaner it will taste.

+1 still reading it

That looks really good.

The only info I had was the DVD that came with the Coopers kit plus the instructions on the can.

that is all I have had so far.

this site has given me a lot more. still have heaps to learn though.