Age Article On Tourism "beer & Wildlife To Lure Usa"

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very boring article about US tourist having homemovie about their trip to australia aired in the US on primetime TV until the last few lines where they ask a US tourist how their trip is going

"I'm having my third Australian beer," Danny, beer in hand, says when asked by one of his travel mates how his trip is going.
"You can really taste the kangaroo."

Oh christ no. please tell me this is just BAD writting of an article and they havent shown this guy on USA TV saying our beer tastes like kangaroo! maybe we'll be lucky and he's drinking Fosters :lol:

thats all we need to hamper any sort of brewing in australia. Aussie can only make roo tasting beer.
He was probably down at Darling Harbour drinking a New. The journo maybe just sexed up his quote ... :eek:
He probably said it tasted Roo -Ted. B)