Ag Demo / Lessons

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Hi all AG'ers
I have mostly been a kit & kilo kinda brewer and for the last few years an extract brewer. There seems to be a lot of talk about 'nothing beats AG' Now, as much as I love my extract brews, (as do my 'buddies' that 'were in the neighbourhood') :p brewed with specialty yeasts, I wonder if they could be even better? I am not trying to start the AG V extract war of words, merely finding out about whats involved with AG. A lot, no most of the info on here goes over my head as I have never seen it done. All I can gather is it takes a long time and there is so much info on rest times, evap losses, mash in etc etc that it really doesnt make any sense to me, coz I just havent seen it...
The main reason for this post is:
Are there any demonstrations / classes that I can find out what gear is required, what ingredients you need and the method? Hoping someone around the Southern Highlands, South West Sydney, Wollongong, Canberra etc knows of something.
p.s. I feel like another addiction is approaching... but if there are proponents of extract brewing that believe the effort of AG is not worth it, let me know and why.
If you have the kit to do extract-based brews, you can make up a bag and Brew In A Bag. That way, you can decide for yourself which works bestest for you with minimal exposure...

Editted to make it right...
Hi Mckenry

There is a pretty active group of brewers down your way - in the Canberra brewers and MALE which is around the SW suburbs of Sydney.

If you fill in your location profile i'm sure people can lend a hand. Finding someone doing AG these days isn't very hard :)
At the Canberra brewers we regularly have brew demos at members houses. If you arranged a time you would be welcome at any members house, we have a number of exceptional brewers here, it would be well worth the drive, and of cause we have the WIG & PEN for after.
there are a strong group of AG brewers in wollongong, and a bunch of good blokes as well. the website is
i just met them all on the big brew day and im sure if you are interested some one would be doing a brew that you could come along to! i do AG although it is pretty homemade system and not nearly as impressive and seeing a "tower of POWER" at work!! :brewersdroop: :D
mckenry...I was in the same boat a while ago. I just couldnt work AGs out in my head until I found this site:

Click through the photos at the bottom of the first page. This is now how I brew. Its bloody simple once you have the equipment.


P.S. Like stagger says you're welcome to come to Canberra anytime.
Im in the shoalhaven and am doing two AG brews on sunday if you are intrested.
Im doing some different ones than i usally do.
(1) a ginger flaverd beer
(2) a rasberry floverd beer
My setup is not the best but it would give you a idea on how it can be done.
I have just bought two dvd's from basic brewing. One is obout extract and the other is obout all grain brewing. I sugest you get the extract dvd as it has all the steps and advice you need (the all grain does not go into chilling your wort ect which is covered in the extract dvd). If you get lost in your fist brew day, just wack on the dvd and away you go! I have just bought an ipod and the info on the podcasts downloaded from this site is great. The address is

Drop Hogan a PM. Hes in the Southern Highlands, might be able to help you out if He hasnt already PM'd you