Adventurous Randall Stuffings.

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Jayse had it right when he said to use airlock grommets in the design of the ones i made for ANHC. The first few i made used fancier fittings, but then i found that 10mm OD beer line and a stopck standard airlock grommet does the job just as well.

So. And this fits my taps - maybe not yours.

10mm beer line stuffs up inside the actual tap nice and tight, no fitting required.
Two holes in jar lid, one in the center, one off to the side, a grommet in both
Filter plate is just made out of a lid off another sample jar. 10mm Hole in the middle and lots of little holes for beer
One line, into the tap and through the center grommet, through the filter to the bottom
Other line just through the lid
Liquid down center line, into randall, up through the "stuffing" through the filter and out the other line, which you bend over s it acts as a faucet.

You can muck about with some silicon hose and JG fittings tomtry and fudge up a way to attach it to other taps if yours wont fit a 10mm beer line shoved up them.

The little randals are only much good for stuff that is realy flavoursome or aromatic. Because the unit only holds a glass or so of beer, there is no "residence time" for flavours to infuse into the beer - so it only picks up whatit can on the way through the randall. So they suit volatile things - and they tend to run out of flavour quite fast. So the object of the little randalls is to fill it up, pour half a dozen beers through it, then chuck the contents and put in fresh/different stuff. They only take 20-30 secs to change over.

Lemon grass
Star anise
Rose petals and black pepper (the first 3-4 glasses were amazing, then the flacour was gone)
Crunchy bar
Vanilla pod
cinnamon stick
Corriander seeds

Worked well and gave up flavour/aroma fast enough to be worth while, things like crushed dried cranberries and various hops - they kind of worked but really needed a more traditional randall to get the best out of them IMO.

Mind you - a jug of beer with one of those big arsed tea balls in it... Same effect. Or you can go with the inline solution and the big teaball can save dicking about trying to make filter cylinders or plates.

I'm not a huge fan of the randals you generally find in beer bars - they work spectacularly well, but because they have such a large charge of ingredient they often aren't changed over frequently enough and i have had many a beer thats been pumped through hops that have been sitting in a randal for three days and just taste like slightly decomposed lawn clippings. Whats fantastic an hour after the randal is first charged and fired up - is often just plain nasty the next day. Ergo the idea of a small, fast and very easy to change randal than can always be "fresh", plus the tap can still pour the beer "plain" at any time you want just by popping the randal off.
+1 Thirsty Boy.
I think the small Randalls are good for novelty value and to try 'something different' but I don't take mine seriously.
Cheers for the reply Thirsty

You can muck about with some silicon hose and JG fittings tomtry and fudge up a way to attach it to other taps if yours wont fit a 10mm beer line shoved up them.

You could possibly hose clamp the larger silicon hose over the outside of the smaller beer line, only problem I could see would be breaking out in foam when it runs over the ridge that will be inside at the join.
I seem to remember yours poured fine and there is plenty of places inside to cause it to foam up but didn't so it may be ok.
Aldi $19.
just picked one up at north strathfield aldi, there was about another 20 or so left there.
just a question for the others that have them already, did you modify it in anyway and what size reducing bushes did you use?
The black fitting is a bulkhead fitting , so the in line gos to the bottom.

The other is a John Guest , beer out ...

Maybe a screen of some sort ...


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