Funny you should bring up 50lt kegs...
Saturday night after the rugby a few mates and I walked to a pub to get some more grog to drown our sorrows. We walked past the keg bay (empties) and I made a comment like "man, I'd love to get one of those to do some home brewing in.."
One of the guys picked one up and threw it on his shoulder!! Yoink.
Anyway, Monday arvo I got the guilts and called the pub; thinking maybe they have to pay for them or something (there are like serial numbers on them) and explained what happened. He then told me I could keep it, but be careful about the pressure.
I said yeah, I was aware of that and told him how much it would cost for a second one and he said "Pop around and see me tomorrow arvo and you can have another one for free"!!
w00t!! All I need to do now is pick up the coupling kit, a few adapters and male/female thread thigys and I'm away!! Oh, and a 60lt fermenter :blink: