AABC 2009 Program
The Canberra Brewers has put together a great two days of judging, tours and good fellowship for the 2009 AABC. Here's what we have planned so far - more details to follow as the competition grows nearer.
Please find web page http://www.canberrabrewers.org/nationals/index.php
Friday 23 October
Welcome to judges
AABC Judging
Bus tours of The Wig & Pen brewpub www.wigandpen.com.au and Zierholz Brewery www.zierholz.com.au/ZierholzPremiumBrewery/Home.html
Saturday 24 October
AABC Judging
Guest presentation
Club night and presentations including informal dinner (finger food)
We see club night as a great time for fellow brewers to get together and sample beer from all over Australia. After the success of the club night in Melbourne last year it is one not to let pass. We have negotiated excellent accommodation packages at Olims Hotel (more on that later).
Guided tours on Friday afternoon of Canberra two breweries, Master brewers Richard Watkins from the Wig and Pen and Christoph Zierholz from Brewery Zierholz will take us through a range of there beers.
Craig Webber
The Canberra Brewers has put together a great two days of judging, tours and good fellowship for the 2009 AABC. Here's what we have planned so far - more details to follow as the competition grows nearer.
Please find web page http://www.canberrabrewers.org/nationals/index.php
Friday 23 October
Welcome to judges
AABC Judging
Bus tours of The Wig & Pen brewpub www.wigandpen.com.au and Zierholz Brewery www.zierholz.com.au/ZierholzPremiumBrewery/Home.html
Saturday 24 October
AABC Judging
Guest presentation
Club night and presentations including informal dinner (finger food)
We see club night as a great time for fellow brewers to get together and sample beer from all over Australia. After the success of the club night in Melbourne last year it is one not to let pass. We have negotiated excellent accommodation packages at Olims Hotel (more on that later).
Guided tours on Friday afternoon of Canberra two breweries, Master brewers Richard Watkins from the Wig and Pen and Christoph Zierholz from Brewery Zierholz will take us through a range of there beers.
Craig Webber